Author Topic: Team Obama Directly Working to Recall Wisconsin Republicans  (Read 443 times)

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Team Obama Directly Working to Recall Wisconsin Republicans
« on: March 27, 2011, 01:59:27 PM »

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How's this for states' rights?

This morning, Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said in a radio interview that President Obama's political team is directly involved in burgeoning efforts to recall Republican elected officials (emphasis on the word "elected," as in chosen by the people of Wisconsin in a democratic vote four months ago):

    "There's many people that are beginning to believe this is a delay tactic by the Democrats in the Senate so that these recall elections can be organized by the Obama team out of Chicago, which they are, as we start to do the research on the people that have filed the petition," Fitzgerald told Newsradio 620 WTMJ's "Wisconsin's Morning News."

    When asked whether Fitzgerald knew that for a fact, he responded, "The organizer against (River Hills Republican Senator) Alberta Darling definitely has direct links to the Obama camp.  There's no doubt about it.  These guys might be out until June.  Unfortunately, what they're trying to do is flip the majority, and I think that's becoming very evident."

This is yet another coup for the state of Illinois. The Senate Democrat caucus has been vacationing in the state for 18 days, providing some much-needed stimulus to the Quinn Economy. Now it has surfaced that they will pay Obama's Chicago team to organize a recall effort.

The President's message to the American people is simple: I don't care about balancing the federal budget. I don't care what the voters had to say in November. I will spend money to depose of elected officials I don't like. Because Big Labor told me to.