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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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The New Persian Empire
« on: March 27, 2011, 04:51:42 PM »

Many of you have heard my warning of the comming Islamization of many parts of the world, this is now becomming an undeniable fact. This trend has begun in the more moderate nations of the middle east begining with the exile of the Malaysian President, followed by the toppleing of the Tunisian government, and the dissolusion of the Jordanian and Lebonese Parlaments by thier leaders and now even the King of Saudi Arabia has sacked his own ministers in order to stem the growing unrest in the region. And then there is Egypt, just as in the other nations involved the Egyptian protests began as a pro-democracy revolt by a people tired of the regime in power who have kept thier positions by force of will. This situation has been applauded as it should be by any freedom loving people, but make no mistake that the radical Islamists elements will sieze this oppertunity to gain control in these nations.
   This domino effect has already begun with the the Muslim Brotherhood asserting thier position in Tunisia and Egypt and they will make thier presence known in all of the Muslim nations enduring unrest. The linchpin of this comming Islamists takeover of the more moderate countries will be Turkey, it has always been our strongest ally in the Muslim world along with Egypt, if Turkey falls to the radicals and the Jihadists all of the middle east will follow along with most of North Africa, Maylasia, and many of the Balkan states of the former Soviet Union.
  All you have to do is look at what is happening all over Europe to see how the Islamists are attempting to exert thier influence over the governments a peoples of the world, the average Muslim is not considered a threat and many are not, but the radicals will do whatever they can to topple these governments and many of the moderates will follow them because the Quran dictates they must do as the Imam's tell them.
  As all of this is happening the future of Israel hangs in the ballance, they will be caught in a vice and surrounded on all sides by the radicals who call for nothing less than the total destruction of thier nation and the death of all Jews everywhere. I would hope that the Israeli government will see this scenario before it is too late and do as they did in 1967 and destroy the Air forces of these nations on the groung in a decisive- preimptive strike in order to save the Israeli people from the destruction that could fall upon them. As you well know this will become a horrific regional war that will involve the U.S., England, and several other Eropean nations that will not sit back and watch Israel to be destroyed and it's people massacred by the Jihadists that live for that end.
  This scenario has been prophecied many times by the Christian bible, the Torrah, and the Quran and even if you have no belief in these religious warnings you can look to the prophacies of Nostradamus that foretold these events almost exactly as they are happening now. and as for America, you can sit in your relitive safety and comfort and think that this has no bearing on your peaceful life here, but my friend you could not be more wrong, this comming confligration will set the entire world ablaze and every human being will be affected no matter what corner of the world you reside in. LOOK TO THE EAST, FOR THE BEAST IS RISING, AND IT'S NAME IS THE NEW PERSIAN EMPIRE!
In closing I will offer one more piece of advice to you all, keep your eye on Abdul down at your local Stop & Shop, it has been my experience that many of them are very well armed and they keep thier TV's on Aljazeera 24-7 and his loyalty will not be to the nation who welcomed him in to have a better life than the one he had under the control of the theocratic/autocratic rule of his native country, it will be to the prophet Mohammad and his perversion of the Quran.
 David K. Paul
This is my own published material, please feel free to share, this warning must be spread!