So before I made Aliyah the Jewish Agency requmended that I go to Kibbutz Ulpan based on my age the fact that I am single and don't much money saved up or a job in Israel. Here is the reality of the situation........
......First of all you work and you don't get paid in money you work and you get a roof over your head and food. They guy to cleans up the Cow [censored] and the guy who Is the boss get the same in compinsation. Familes all eat in a Mess Hall a family can't even sit down at there own kitchen table with there kids and have breakfast before the kids go to school. Laundry is done by one or 2 people you have a choice you either have to write a number in permanit marker or sew tha number into you clothes so it doesn't get lost. If you need somthing at the local store you have to get there funny money the same way they do it in Cuba and that is all the store takes. In Shul they were hurding the Ulpanists like cattle telling them where to sit; I've been to hundreds of orthodox Shuls in Israel not once has sometold me I have to sit where they tell me. (HOW DARE THEY) I got into an arguement in Hebrew with someone in Shul I wrote the Hebrew names of those still in the Hospital from the Bobm attack in Jeusalem and he flat out refused to say them in shul. Why?

They are not family it will take too long. Let me make this clear We started at 8am we got out at 9:40 it was by far the fastest Shabbat morning minyan I've ever taken part in. As if an extra 2 minues would have killed their Shabbat Afternoon nap. Shabbat Night and Shabbat day everyone eats in the same mess hall they can't have a family Shabbat dinner. In a nut shell It's pure communism
I came here because the Jewish Agency told me it would be good. I assumed that because they help those making Aliyah for a living they would know what they were talking about. Well I was dead wrong.