Author Topic: Former British soldier faces 2 years in prison for burning koran  (Read 451 times)

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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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English Defence League member Andrew Ryan of Summerhill, UK could be facing two years in Her Majesty's Prison for burning a copy of the koran.
Ryan plead guilty to 'religiously aggravated harassment and theft' - of a copy of the koran he had checked out of the from the Carlisle Public Library the day prior.
He took the book to the Carlisle city center, and when he set it aflame, also started "shouting abuse about the Muslim faith", according to the Cumberland News.

Ryan's defense lawyer, Lauren Heesley said he was protesting against Muslim extremists not Islam as a faith. Obviously, there is no Freeedom of Speech in Great Britain.
While in court, Heesley said Ryan has a military background which he is proud of, so images of extremist Muslim protesters burning poppies had made him want to take revenge.

In Great Britain and the British Commonwealth, poppies are a symbol of Remembrance Day, in which all servicemen who have died in combat are remembered and commemorated.

As he left the courtroom, Ryan raised his fist into the air and said "no surrender" to cheers from his supporters.