Author Topic: Saudi Royal Family is Jewish - is there anyone of note who ISN'T Jewish?!  (Read 2029 times)

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Offline wonga66

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Claims have been made that Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Arafat, Osama bin Laden, Obama, Ahmadinejad and Gaddhafi are all Jews or part-Jews.

Now some 'Muslims' claim that the Saudis are also Jews!

Oy vey iz mir!


The Saudi Dynasty:
Where Do They Come From and Who Is their Real Ancestor?

1. Are the Saudi Family memCLers belonging to the Tribe of Anza ben Wa'el as they allege to be?

2. Is Islam their actual religion?

3. Are they of an Arab Origin at all?

The following facts will blot out all the allegations of the Saudi Family and will refute all the false statements made by those hypocrites who sold their conscience to this family by falsifying and interpolating the real history of the Saudi Family; I mean the Journalists and historians who, for a financial temporal reward, have inserted and attached the genealogy of this family to our Great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) alleging that the Saudis are viceroys of our Almighty Allah on the Earth. It is quite clear that such a flattery is intended to vindicate and justify the Saudis' Crimes and Atrocities, so as to firmly stabilize their Throne and to prop the pillars of their despotic regime. Which is extremely dictatorial and completely rejected by our great Islamic Faith.

Kingship is accursed in our Islamic Religion, in the Holy Qur'aan, because it is an imposed authority of One Person and his Family members to suppress the people and silence any other voice "of opposition" to the king's despotic and completely dictatorial rules. So kings are denounced in the Holy Qur'aan in this verse: "Kings, when they enter a country, despoil it, and make the noblest of its people the meanest. Thus do they behave." (27-34)

Nevertheless, the Saudi Family ignores this Qur'aanic verse, and alleges falsely that they are the strongest believers in the Holy Qur'aan, while in interim; they issue their strict orders to prohibit such Qur'aanic verses from being recited on the radio's or the TVs. At the same time, such verses are strictly forbidden by them to appear written on any journal, because their recitation or printing does affect their Seat of Majesty!


The Saudi Family members know perfectly well the Muslims all over the world have already known their real Jewish Origin. Muslims have now known all their bloody past, which was, and still is stuck in the same mire of Brutal Despotism and Atrocity. Presently, they exert their utmost efforts to conceal their Jewish OriginTNK by covering themselves with the cloak of the Islamic Religion, so as to try to keep their real Jewish Ancestry hidden in the dark by connecting their family tree with our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

They forget or ignore that Islam does never give any favorable attention to genealogy or "Family Trees"; it favors and honors indiscriminately all human beings whose actions and words are commensurate with the doctrines of the Holy Qur'aan as confirmed by the following Qur'aanic verse:
"O Mankind! We created you from a single (Pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other.) Verily, the most honored by you in the Sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you." (49-13)

Anyone who is iniquitous and blasphemous cannot affiliate him/her self to our great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) even though he/she may be the closest blood relative to him. Bilal, the Abyssinian slave, who was a faithful Muslim, was much more honored by Islam than Abu Lahab, the pagan, who was the real blood uncle of our Prophet. In Islam there is no Favoritism. Allah sets the degree of comparison in Islam according to the person's piety and not according to his/her worldly status of affiliation to any dynasty.

Who if the Real Ancestor of the Clan of Saud?

In the year 851 A.H. a group of men from Al Masaleekh Clan, which was a branch of Anza Tribe, formed a caravan for buying cereals (wheat and corn) and other foodstuff from Iraq, and transporting it back to Najd. The head of that group was a man called Sahmi Bin Hathlool. The caravan reached Basra, where the members of the group went to a cereal merchant who was a Jew, called Mordakhai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe. During their bargaining with that merchant, the Jew asked them: "Where are you from?" They answered: "From Anza Tribe; a Clan of Al Masaleekh." Upon hearing that name, the Jew started to hug so affectionately each on the them saying that he, himself, was also from the clan of Al Masaleekh, but he had come to reside in Basra (Iraq) in consequence to a family feud between his father and some members of Anza Tribe.

After he recounted to them his fabricated narrative, he ordered his servants to load all of the camels with wheat, dates, and tamman; a remarkable deed so generous that astonished the Masaleekh men and aroused their pride to find such an affectionate (cousin) in Iraq-the source of sustenance; they believed each word he said, and, because he was a rich merchant of the food commodities which they were badly in need, they accepted him (even though he was a Jew concealed under the garb of an Arab from Al Masaleekh clan.)

When the caravan was ready to depart returning to Najd, that Jewish merchant asked tem to accept his company, because he intended to go with them to his original homeland, Najd. Upon hearing that from him, they wholeheartedly welcomed him with a very cheerful attitude.

So that (concealed) Jew reached Najd with the caravan. In Najd, he started to promulgate a lot of propaganda for himself through his companions (his alleged cousins), a fact, which gathered around him a considerable number of new supporters. But, unexpectedly, he confronted a campaign of opposition to his views led by Sheikh Saleh Salman Abdullah Al Tamimi, who was a Muslim religious preacher in Al-Qaseem. The radius of his preaching area included Najd, Yemen, and Hijaz, a fact which compelled the Jew (the Ancestor of the present Saud family) to depart from Al Qaseem to Al Ihsa, where he changed his name (Mordakhai) to Markan bin Dir'iya near Al-Qateef, where he started to spread among the inhabitants a fabricated story about the shield of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that it was taken as a booty by an Arab pagan in consequence of the Battle of Uhud between the Arab pagans and the Muslims. "That shield," he said, "was sold by the Arab pagan to a Jewish clan called Banu Qunaiqa who preserved it as a treasure! He gradually enhanced his position among the Bedouins through such stories, which indicated how the Jewish clans in Arabia were so influential, and deserved high esteem. He gained some personal importance among the Bedouins, and decided to permanently settle there, at Dir'iya town, neat Al Qateef, which he decided to be his "Capital" on the Persian Gulf. He aspired to make it his springboard for establishing a Jewish Kingdom in Arabia.

In order to fulfill his ambitious scheme, he started to approach the desert Arab Bedouins for support of his position, and then gradually, he declared himself as their king!

At that juncture, Ajaman Tribe, together with Banu Khaled Tribe became fully aware of that Jewish cunning plan after they had verified his true identity, and decided to put an end to him. They attacked his town and conquered it, but before arresting him he had escaped by the skin of his teeth.

That Jewish ancestor of the Saudi Family, Mordakhai, sought shelter in a farm at that time called Al-Malibeed-Ghusaiba near Al-Arid, which is called at our present time Al-Riyadh.

He requested the owner of that farm to grant him asylum. The farmer was so hospitable that he immediately gave him sanctuary. But no longer than a month had he (Mordakhai) stayed there, when he assassinated the landlord and all members of his family, pretending that they were killed by an invading band of thieves. Then he pretended that he had bought that real estate from them before that catastrophe happened to them! Accordingly, he had the right to reside there as a landlord. He then gave a new name to that place: Al-Diriya-the same name as that he had lost.

That Jewish ancestor (Mordakhai) of the Saudi Family, was able to establish a "Guest House" called "Madaffa" on the land he usurped from his victims, and gathered around him a group of hypocrites who started to spread out false propaganda for him that he was a prominent Arab Sheikh. He plotted against Sheikh Saleh Salman Abdulla Al Tamimi, his original enemy, and caused his assassination in the mosque of the town called Al-Zalafi.

After that, he felt satisfied and safe to make Al-Diriya his permanent home. There he practiced polygamy at a wide scale, and indeed, he begot a lot of children whom he gave pure Arab names.

Ever since his descendants grew up in number and power under the same name of Saudi Clan, they have followed his steps in practicing under ground activities and conspiracies against the Arab nation. They illegally seized rural sectors and farmlands and assassinated every person who tried to oppose their evil plans. They used all kinds of deceit for reaching their goals; they bought the conscience of their dissidents; they offered their women and money to influential people in that area, particularly those who started to write the true biography of that Jewish family; they bribed the writers of history in order to purify their ignominious history, and to make their lineage related to the most prominent Arab tribes such as Rabi'a, Anza, and Al Masaleekh.

A conspicuous hypocrite in our era, whose name is Mohammad Amin Al Tamimi- Director/Manager of the contemporary Libraries of the Saudi Kingdom, made up a genealogical tree (family tree) for this Jewish family (the Saudis), connecting them to our Great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). For his false work, he received a reward of 35 thousand Egyptian pounds from the then Saudi Ambassador to Cairo, Egypt, in the year 1362 A.H.-1943 A.D. The name of that Ambassador is Ibrahim Al-Fadel.

As aforementioned, the Jewish ancestor of the Saudi family, (Mordakhai), practiced polygamy by marrying a lot of Arab women and begot many children; his polygamous practice is, at the present time, being carried out "to the letter" by his descendants; they cling to his martial heritage!

One of Mordakhai's sons called Al-Maraqan, arabized from the Jewish root Mack-ren, begot a son called Mohammad, then another son called Saud, which is the name of the present day Saudi Dynasty.

Descendants of Saud (the present day Saudi Family) started a campaign of assassination of the prominent leaders of the Arab Tribes under the pretence that those leaders were apostates; renegading from the Islamic Religion, and deserting their Qur'aanic doctrines; so they deserved the Saudi condemnation and slaughter!

In the History Book of the Saudi Family pages 98-101, their private family historian declares that the Saudi dynasty considers all people of Najd blasphemous, so their blood must be shed, their properties confiscated, and their females taken as concubines; no Muslim is authentic in his/her belief unless he/she belongs (affiliates) to the sect of Mohammad bin Abdul Wahab (whose origins are also Jewish from Turkey.) His doctrines give authority to the Saudi Family to destroy villages with all their inhabitants-males including children, and to sexually assault their women; stab the bellies of the pregnant, and cut off the hands of their children, then burn them! They are further authorized by such a brutal doctrine to plunder all the properties of which they call renegades (not following their Wahabi sect.)

Their hideous Jewish family has, in fact, done all that kind of atrocities in the name of their false religious sect (the Wahabi), which has actually been invented by a Jew so as to sow the seeds of terror in the hearts if people in towns and villages. This Jewish Dynasty has been committing such brutal atrocities ever since 1163 A.H. They have named the whole Arabian Peninsula after their family name (Saudi Arabia) as if the whole region is their own personal real estate, and that all other inhabitants are their mere servants or slaves, toiling day and night for the pleasure of their masters (The Saudi Family.)

They are completely holding the natural wealth of the country as their own property. If any poor person from the common people raises his/her voice complaining against any of the despotic rules of this Jewish Dynasty, the Dynasty cuts off his/her head in the public square. A princess of theirs once visited Florida, USA, with her retinue; she rented 90 (ninety) Suite rooms in a Grand Hotel for about One Million dollars a night! Can anyone of her subjects comment about that extravagant event? If he/she does, his/her fate is quite known: DEATH WITH THE EDGE OF THE SAUDI SWORD IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE!!!!!


In the 1960's the "Sawt al Arab " Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt, and the Yemen Broadcasting Station in Sana'a confirmed the Jewish ancestry of the Saudi family.

King Faisal Al-Saud at that time could not deny his family's kindred with the Jews when he declared to the Washington Post on Sept.17, 1969 stating: "We, the Saudi Family, are cousins of the Jews: we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (Arabia) is the fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world." That was the declaration of King Faisal Al-Saud bin Abdul Aziz!!!

Hafez Wahbi, the Saudi legal advisor, mentioned in his book entitled "The Peninsula of Arabia" that King Abdul Aziz A-Saud, who died in 1953, had said: "Our message (Saudi Massage) encountered the opposition of all Arab Tribes. My grandfather, Saud Awal, once imprisoned a number of the Sheikhs of Matheer Tribe; and when another group of the same tribe came to intercede for the release of the prisoners, Saud Awal gave orders to his men to cut off the heads of all the prisoners, then, he wanted to humiliate and derogate the interceders by inviting them to eat from a banquet he prepared from the cooked flesh of his victims whose cut off heads he place in the top of the food platters! The interceders became so alarmed and declined to eat the flesh of their relatives, and, because of their refusal to eat, he ordered his men to cut off their heads too. That hideous crime was committed by that self imposed king to innocent people whose guilt was their opposition to his most cruel and extremely despotic rules.

Hafez Wahbi states further that King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud related that bloody true story to the Sheikhs of the Matheer Tribs, who visited him in order to intercede for their prominent leader at that time, Faisal Al Darweesh, who was the king's prisoner. He related that story to them in order to prevent them from interceding for the release of their Sheikh; otherwise, they would meet the same fate; he killed the Sheikh and used his blood as an ablution liquid from him just before he stood up for his prayer (after the false sect doctrine of the Wahabi). The guilt of Faisal Darweesh at that time was that he had criticized King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud when the king signed the document which the English Authorities prepared in 1922 as a declaration for giving Palestine to the Jews; his signature was obtained in the conference held at Al Aqeer in 1922.

That was and still is the system of this regime of the Jewish family) (Saudi Family). All its goals are: plundering the wealth of the country, robbing, falsifying, and committing all kinds of atrocity, iniquity, and blasphemy-all are executed in compliance with their self invented Wahabi Sect which legalizes the chopping of the heads of their opposing subjects.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 04:35:37 AM by wonga66 »

Offline mord

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Can they speak Yiddish    :laugh: :::D
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline TheCoon

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With all these Jews everywhere, perhaps the muslims are a minority.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline Rubystars

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I think Muslims think that's the deepest insult they can hurl at another Muslim so that's why they come up with this stuff.

Offline syyuge

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They seem to inform that AQ and Taliban are a part of Jewish conspiracy, because Wahabi and Pashtoon are hidden Jews. OMG...
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Dr. Dan

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It's like when we curse muslims as nazis, muslim nazis curse each other by calling them jews or zionists
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline TruthSpreader

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Can they speak Yiddish    :laugh: :::D

Or even speak Hebrew for that matter?
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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It's like when we curse muslims as nazis, muslim nazis curse each other by calling them jews or zionists

Exactly.  How can someone be so foolish as to not understand this concept.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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It's like when we curse muslims as nazis, muslim nazis curse each other by calling them jews or zionists

Exactly.  How can someone be so foolish as to not understand this concept?

Offline Eden Ben Yitzchak

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If they're Jewish, I am a Papuan cannibal.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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The Saudi "royals" are about as Jewish as Wonga himself is.

Offline Manch

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If they're Jewish, I am a Papuan cannibal.
I am an undercover Saudi prince! Khaybar Ha Yahud!  :P
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

Offline Dr. Dan

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Exactly.  How can someone be so foolish as to not understand this concept?

And what is even more comical is when jews take it literally to believe they may actually long lost jews.  No, you idiots! It's a muslim insult to other muslims to call then jews.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline wonga66

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The Arab `Nation' is truly an Aruv (a melange): an awesome dysgenic racengemisch of ancient Phoenician, Berber, old Egyptian, Copt, Tuareg, Mameluke, Bedouin, Janissar, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, Circassian, Ishmaelitic, Bashi-Bazouk, Dervish and Negroidal admixtures, together with some Jewish blood from the large Jewish tribes of Arabia who were forceably shmad 1300 years ago.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 04:39:39 AM by wonga66 »

Offline syyuge

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Whatever were the arabs or their other realities, let them have striking hatchets in their hands and call each others as Jews and none outsider shall stop them.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.