Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbian poetry,prose and songs lyrics ...

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Dry land, is so dry
Thirsty like a dog, and the wind blows
To mine colorful thoughts,let carry me
To feel the rain, bare feet

Thunder a beat, my heart is not there
All the wants and wishes is river to cheer him
Up on the mountain, the hands towards the valley
I pray to silence
I waiting for you

St. Elijah Day ...

St. Prophet Elijah Day is Serbian 'Slava' (is the Serbian Orthodox tradition which is celebrated individually, in which every family has its own Patron Saint.) celebrated on 2. August. In Serbian tradition there is a believe that If there is no rain around St. Elijah Day , that  means that there will be drought! This year that belief become the true there is no rain 45 days and question is whether it will be  rain soon!



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