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'Jewboy Federation ' gave 1 million to Anti Beck Cabal
« on: April 02, 2011, 08:03:58 AM »  

Jewish Federation Gave Over $1 Million to Anti-Glenn Beck Group
Alana Goodman 03.24.2011 - 4:18 PM

Jewish Funds for Justice (JFSJ), the George Soros-funded activist group that recently made headlines for its high-profile war against Fox News host Glenn Beck, has received over $1 million from the UJA-Federation of New York since 2008.

Over the past three years at least seven Federation grants have been awarded to the JFSJ, ranging from $75,000 to $219,000. Some of that money has gone toward JFSJ’s Hurricane Katrina disaster relief efforts. But, according to Federation spokesperson Samantha Kessler, the bulk of the funding has gone toward the group’s “Congregational-based Community Organizing” programs.

“Congressional-based Community Organizing” is pretty much exactly what it sounds like – Chicago-style community organizing, except in the synagogue. According to the Federation website, the JFSJ program was designed to “develop strong and effective social-justice networks in up to eight Manhattan synagogues.”

In an email, Kessler explained that the goal was to “strengthen synagogues by building meaningful relationships among their members, attracting additional Jews and Jewish families to congregational life, and developing more robust leadership for synagogues.” The Federation felt that the JFSJ “had a proven model for congregation-based community organizing that provided a unique way to accomplish this.”

The JFSJ’s community organizing expertise may explain how it was able to quickly coordinate 400 rabbis to sign an anti-Glenn Beck letter published in the Wall Street Journal in January. The letter was criticized by COMMENTARY as well as prominent members of the Jewish community, who called it a partisan attack.

“[The Anti-Defamation League] does not support this misguided attempt to embarrass Fox News,” ADL Director Abe Foxman told the Forward. “Surely there are greater threats to the Jewish people than the likes of Roger Ailes, Glenn Beck and Rupert Murdoch, who are professed and stalwart friends of the Jewish people and Israel.”

In a letter to the Forward, Deborah Lipstadt, professor of Holocaust Studies at Emory University, wrote that, “One need not minimize the danger of Beck’s rhetoric in order to wonder why JFSJ — which has significant credibility among progressives — has not mounted an equally passionate critique of misbegotten analogies on the left. Is this about principle, or is it about politics?”

Despite calling itself a non-partisan group, JFSJ officials and members often weigh in on politics on the organization’s blog.

In one post, the group’s Senior Vice President of Philanthropic Giving Jeremy Burton dubbed President George W. Bush “our hatemonger-in-chief,” and accused him of “spreading fear and loathing of other Americans as a tool for political gain.” In another, JFSJ’s Chief Strategy Officer Mik Moore referred to Tea Party rallies as “tea bagging protests.” Other posts supported calls to impeach Bush and labeled former Vice President Dick Cheney a racist.

Needless to say, it’s difficult to imagine the federation funding a right-wing activist group that made similar statements about President Obama or Nancy Pelosi, and ran a prominent campaign targeting MSNBC.

The appeal of Jewish Funds for Justice’s work has been rooted in their commitment to helping the poor and providing Jewish communities with a distinctive way to help. This has given them credibility and made them an attractive venue for Jewish philanthropic giving even among mainstream groups like Federation whose major donors may not share the Funds’ leftwing sensibilities.

However, their decision to go political in a big way with an attack on Beck and FOX News makes it more difficult for the group to position itself as a non-controversial forum for Jewish charitible fundraising. The point is, if they are going to be soliciting and getting huge grants from mainstream groups like federations, then maybe they should stick to what they do best and stay out of politics.

This isn’t an isolated incident. Some federations have alienated members of the Jewish community based on controversial funding decisions, such as the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington financing of the anti-Israel Theater J. And the issue isn’t just the funding, it’s also the lack of transparency. Federations are already considered to be in decline due to most donors preferring boutique causes rather than umbrella philanthropies. But unless federations reestablish trust with the Jewish community, this trend will only get worse.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 10:54:00 PM by Mishmaat »
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Re: 'Jewboy Federation ' gave 1 million to Anti Beck Cabal
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2011, 08:30:54 AM »
Male dykes.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: 'Jewboy Federation ' gave 1 million to Anti Beck Cabal
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2011, 08:59:05 AM »

Joel Mowbray reports: GAY-Street defends the indefensible

Our occasional correspondent Joel Mowbray ([email protected]) reports:

    J-Street suffered a humiliating defeat yesterday on Capitol Hill -- which means Israel scored an important victory.

    The George Soros-funded "pro-Israel" group inexplicably mobilized its machinery to oppose a bipartisan letter that merely called on President Obama to pressure the Palestinian Authority to end its longstanding practice of inciting its people to commit terrorism against the Jewish state.

    Even in a town where tin-eared stupidity is commonplace, essentially protecting the PA's ability to encourage violence against its Jewish neighbors is jaw-dropping.

    The straightforward letter, authored by Reps. Steve Rothman (D-NJ) and Steve Austria (R-OH), asks Obama to pressure PA President Mahmoud Abbas to "fully renounce any and all Palestinian incitement against Israel and the Jewish people."

    Given how uncontroversial it really was, the letter unsurprisingly garnered support from over two-thirds of the members of the two key committees that actually handle foreign policy. There are only a few more Republicans signed on than Democrats, making it truly bipartisan.

    Even some of the Congressmen who are considered the strongest supporters of J-Street signed the Rothman-Austria letter, including unabashed leftist Jan Schakowsky of Illinois.

    More important, every single subcommittee chairman from the Foreign Affairs Committee signed the letter, signaling support from the most influential lawmakers. (As a matter of custom, the chair and ranking member don't usually sign on to letters relating to their committee's purview.)

    As a practical matter, the letter won't impact policy - at least not right away. But with the overwhelming majority of the members of Foreign Affairs and most of its leaders pressing the administration to end Palestinian incitement, there undoubtedly will be legislative action if PA incitement continues.

    Considering how much direct and indirect support the U.S. provides to the Palestinians each year, Congress could take decisive action to at least ensure that U.S. taxpayers are not funding incitement against Israel.

    The letter's two authors, Reps. Rothman and Austria, are both on the Foreign Operations subcommittee of Appropriations, an 11-member panel responsible for all spending on the State Department and foreign aid.

    Rep. Rothman, who could not be reached for comment, has a long history of using his perch on the highly influential committee to prevent U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding terrorist groups or their propaganda.

    In 2007, for example, he helped close loopholes exploited by the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development to give financial and other assistance to the Hamas-controlled Islamic University in Gaza, among other terror-tied entities. But he didn't stop there. His efforts ultimately led to the creation of the Partner Vetting System, which finally forced State and other agencies to screen foreign aid recipients against terrorist watch lists.

    In other words, J-Street picked the wrong guy with whom to fight. (J-Street refused comment for this story.)

    Urging Congressmen not to sign the Rothman-Austria letter, a J-Street memo circulated on March 18 claimed that it was "beneath reasonable standards of accuracy and objectivity" because it failed to talk about Israel's misdeeds and all the positive actions from the PA. That mentality is what defines J-Street: Israel's negatives must always be highlighted, while the PA should be put in the best possible light.

    While J-Street complained that the letter didn't give credit to the PA for increasing security cooperation with Israel, the "pro-peace" outfit neglected the repeated instances captured by Palestinian Media Watch of Abbas and his officials--including "man of peace" Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad--honoring and glorifying "martyrs."

    Perhaps the most baffling attack J-Street leveled against the Rothman-Austria letter, though, was that it didn't mention that Abbas "has twice attempted to renew the activity of the Israeli-Palestinian-American committee for preventing incitement created at the Wye conference." Since when does a government leader need an international conference to have the people on his payroll stop encouraging children to kill their neighbors?

    Then again, it's difficult to single out any one part of what was a deeply misguided endeavor that, in essence, provided cover for incitement to violence. It's a tactical blunder that likely will haunt them long into the future, as it makes it removes from J-Street any notion that it is "pro-Israel."

    A Democratic staffer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, summed up nicely the general attitude of many offices that joined the letter with the obvious question: "At the end of the day, what possible justification could there be for not telling the PA to end incitement?"

Offline mord

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Re: 'Jewboy Federation ' gave 1 million to Anti Beck Cabal
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2011, 09:01:09 AM »
Male dykes.
Look at these members  :::D Simon queer i mean Greer ,Rotting Messinger :::D     

They look like they could be cartoon figures for an anti Semitic magazine
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 09:07:50 AM by mord »
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Re: 'Jewboy Federation ' gave 1 million to Anti Beck Cabal
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2011, 09:03:07 AM »

Joel Mowbray reports: GAY-Street defends the indefensible

Our occasional correspondent Joel Mowbray ([email protected]) reports:

    J-Street suffered a humiliating defeat yesterday on Capitol Hill -- which means Israel scored an important victory.

    The George Soros-funded "pro-Israel" group inexplicably mobilized its machinery to oppose a bipartisan letter that merely called on President Obama to pressure the Palestinian Authority to end its longstanding practice of inciting its people to commit terrorism against the Jewish state.

    Even in a town where tin-eared stupidity is commonplace, essentially protecting the PA's ability to encourage violence against its Jewish neighbors is jaw-dropping.

    The straightforward letter, authored by Reps. Steve Rothman (D-NJ) and Steve Austria (R-OH), asks Obama to pressure PA President Mahmoud Abbas to "fully renounce any and all Palestinian incitement against Israel and the Jewish people."

    Given how uncontroversial it really was, the letter unsurprisingly garnered support from over two-thirds of the members of the two key committees that actually handle foreign policy. There are only a few more Republicans signed on than Democrats, making it truly bipartisan.

    Even some of the Congressmen who are considered the strongest supporters of J-Street signed the Rothman-Austria letter, including unabashed leftist Jan Schakowsky of Illinois.

    More important, every single subcommittee chairman from the Foreign Affairs Committee signed the letter, signaling support from the most influential lawmakers. (As a matter of custom, the chair and ranking member don't usually sign on to letters relating to their committee's purview.)

    As a practical matter, the letter won't impact policy - at least not right away. But with the overwhelming majority of the members of Foreign Affairs and most of its leaders pressing the administration to end Palestinian incitement, there undoubtedly will be legislative action if PA incitement continues.

    Considering how much direct and indirect support the U.S. provides to the Palestinians each year, Congress could take decisive action to at least ensure that U.S. taxpayers are not funding incitement against Israel.

    The letter's two authors, Reps. Rothman and Austria, are both on the Foreign Operations subcommittee of Appropriations, an 11-member panel responsible for all spending on the State Department and foreign aid.

    Rep. Rothman, who could not be reached for comment, has a long history of using his perch on the highly influential committee to prevent U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding terrorist groups or their propaganda.

    In 2007, for example, he helped close loopholes exploited by the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development to give financial and other assistance to the Hamas-controlled Islamic University in Gaza, among other terror-tied entities. But he didn't stop there. His efforts ultimately led to the creation of the Partner Vetting System, which finally forced State and other agencies to screen foreign aid recipients against terrorist watch lists.

    In other words, J-Street picked the wrong guy with whom to fight. (J-Street refused comment for this story.)

    Urging Congressmen not to sign the Rothman-Austria letter, a J-Street memo circulated on March 18 claimed that it was "beneath reasonable standards of accuracy and objectivity" because it failed to talk about Israel's misdeeds and all the positive actions from the PA. That mentality is what defines J-Street: Israel's negatives must always be highlighted, while the PA should be put in the best possible light.

    While J-Street complained that the letter didn't give credit to the PA for increasing security cooperation with Israel, the "pro-peace" outfit neglected the repeated instances captured by Palestinian Media Watch of Abbas and his officials--including "man of peace" Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad--honoring and glorifying "martyrs."

    Perhaps the most baffling attack J-Street leveled against the Rothman-Austria letter, though, was that it didn't mention that Abbas "has twice attempted to renew the activity of the Israeli-Palestinian-American committee for preventing incitement created at the Wye conference." Since when does a government leader need an international conference to have the people on his payroll stop encouraging children to kill their neighbors?

    Then again, it's difficult to single out any one part of what was a deeply misguided endeavor that, in essence, provided cover for incitement to violence. It's a tactical blunder that likely will haunt them long into the future, as it makes it removes from J-Street any notion that it is "pro-Israel."

    A Democratic staffer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, summed up nicely the general attitude of many offices that joined the letter with the obvious question: "At the end of the day, what possible justification could there be for not telling the PA to end incitement?"
Great  :laugh:
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: 'Jewboy Federation ' gave 1 million to Anti Beck Cabal
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2011, 09:13:32 AM »
Look at these members  :::D Simon queer i mean Greer ,Rotting Messinger :::D     

They look like they could be cartoon figures for an anti Semitic magazine

Wow, that simon queer hurt my eyes. He is disgusting.

Offline mord

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Re: 'Jewboy Federation ' gave 1 million to Anti Beck Cabal
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2011, 09:25:05 AM »
Wow, that simon queer hurt my eyes. He is disgusting.
Really lol
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Zelhar

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Re: 'Jewboy Federation ' gave 1 million to Anti Beck Cabal
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2011, 12:06:30 PM »
Really lol
And he seems really proud of himself in picture.

Offline TheCoon

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Re: 'Jewboy Federation ' gave 1 million to Anti Beck Cabal
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2011, 12:18:38 PM »
Torpedo nose!

Seriously though, imagine how many Jewish families in Judea/Samaria you could help with 1 million dollars...
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!