Author Topic: Weiner Should Resign  (Read 539 times)

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Offline muman613

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Weiner Should Resign
« on: June 07, 2011, 03:49:26 PM »
I think this twittergate scandal should cause Anthony Weiner to step down from his congress position.

The main reason I think he should is because he was caught in a mighty lie. Although the basic transgression of posting an immodest picture to twitter is bad, the lying and covering up of his illicit deeds is the reason that he should be forced out from his position. He went so far as to suggest that someone had 'Hacked' his twitter account... But that was proven false..

A politician caught in a lie cannot be  trusted. Weiner must go!

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Re: Weiner Should Resign
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 03:53:57 PM »
Of course the Liberal Media is making excuses and covering for the detestable liar...

If it was a Republican you know damn well that the media would be hounding him to step down...

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Offline muman613

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Re: Weiner Should Resign
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2011, 06:23:05 PM »
This article from Washington Times does a good job of explaining my position:

SAN DIEGO,  June 7, 2011 —On June 2, former CBS News anchor Katie Couric tweeted, “I'm curious if anybody thinks this Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal is a legit news story or just fodder for late-night comedians...thoughts?” (News Busters, June 3, 20011 regarding a June 2 tweet). Perhaps she thinks it is news and was merely asking a question. Or maybe Couric has helped solve the mystery of why her status as an anchor is “former.”

Evidently, not everyone in the mainstream media agreed that Katie’s question was open and legitimate. Just one night before, current anchors for CBS Evening News and ABC’s World News each gave significant attention to Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner’s ever-increasing denials about a personal, sexual photo sent from his own Twitter account. After all, Weiner’s mixed and contradictory denials were starting to sound like the musical notes of a Jack in the Box signaling very little time before his confession would pop out and change the face of this bizarre news story.
After days of denials, a choked-up New York Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner confessed Monday that he tweeted a bulging-underpants photo of himself to a young woman and admitted to "inappropriate" exchanges with six women before and after getting married. (Photo: Associated Press)

After days of denials, a choked-up New York Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner confessed Monday that he tweeted a bulging-underpants photo of himself to a young woman and admitted to "inappropriate" exchanges with six women before and after getting married. (Photo: Associated Press)

On the other hand, that same evening, current NBC Nightly News anchor, Brian Williams seemed to demonstrate sentiment similar to Couric by virtually ignoring the story and instead concentrating on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s decision to use a state police helicopter as transportation to a high school baseball game where his son was playing.

A couple of days later, Williams spent considerable time on another story that was evidently more newsworthy in his mind, Sarah Palin’s questionable recollection of Paul Revere’s ride:
It is fair to ask if Williams cherry picks his political stories, choosing to concentrate on news less flattering to Republicans. Still, while the ranking of importance might raise an eyebrow or two, conservatives should admit that Christie and Palin were also fair game. Private usage of government equipment is a legitimate discussion. So is history knowledge of a potential presidential candidate. Even though some are offering Palin vindication by claiming Paul Revere did in fact warn his British adversaries of what they were up against, the detail of him doing this as a captive of the British ought to make us concede that Sarah’s statement, at the very least, was a confusing one.

Then again, do these incidents pale in comparison with Weiner-gate? It is tempting on one level to conclude that the personal sex habits of a congressman are nobody else’s business. Unfortunately, other issues have now come into play, so much so that even Brian Williams was finally compelled to pay more attention, saying of Weiner that  “the age of over sharing has claimed another victim” (NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams 6-6-11).

It’s a little more complicated than that, Brian and you know this since the morphing of the news story seems to be your reason for taking a longer look. Obviously, Weiner is now shown to be something far more than a victim. He is also a liar, a U.S. Congressman who by his own admission offered boldfaced fiction to the very nation he swore in an oath to serve.

It’s always refreshing to hear a politician come clean and speak the truth but we must keep in mind that Weiner did so only after insisting for days on end that his Twitter account had been hacked. Yesterday’s press conference offered a whole new version:

“To be clear, the picture was of me, and I sent it. I am deeply sorry for the pain this has caused my wife Huma and our family and my constituents, my friends, supporters and staff. In addition, over the past few years………. I haven't told the truth, and I've done things that I deeply regret. I brought pain to people I care about the most and the people who believed in me. And for that I'm deeply sorry. I apologize to my wife and our family, as well as to our friends and supporters. I'm deeply ashamed of my terrible judgment and actions…. I came here to accept the full responsibility for what I've done” ( New York Post, June 6,2011).

Exactly what the words “full responsibility” mean are anybody’s guess inasmuch as Weiner refuses to step down from congress and didn’t seem to mind lying until this confession was evidently forced out of him after publisher Andrew Breitbart claimed possession of additional pictures. Weiner resembles a 5 year old finally admitting that he did indeed steal cookies out of the jar, despite an earlier draft which never made it past Mom and Dad when they looked at his fudge smeared face and crumb filled hands.

Make no mistake: It is not Weiner’s sex life, bur rather his cover up, which makes the incident important and yes, a confession is bigger news than last week’s “explanations” but what thinking journalist wouldn’t have felt a need to probe further after witnessing Weiner’s dodge ball evasion of questions such as those posed by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, asking if the underwear photo was in fact his:

“It certainly doesn't look familiar to me, but I don't want to say with certitude to you something that I don't know to be the certain truth” (The Situation Room, June 1, 2011).

Anyone who didn’t smell a rat after such an “answer” had his nose deliberately turned off. The excuse that this was only a story about sex doesn’t float today any more than when Democrats accused Republicans of being interested in the private life of President Bill Clinton. What concerned them was not sexuality, but rather, a president lying under oath.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Weiner Should Resign
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2011, 08:00:03 PM »
First we had Elliot Spitzer, then John Edwards, David Vitter, Now the Weiner.   How many men are so obsessed with their privates that they need to send pictures to women? and Married Ones at that!