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Offline crnitrn

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BPNP attitudes
« on: April 14, 2011, 02:44:02 PM »
BPNP attitudes

BPNP advocates the establishment of  Bosniak national secular state in accordance with European practice where every nation is entitled to its own state. This right is, after all, confirmed with history of Bosnia and Bosnians which is over 1 000 years old. Bosnia and Bosnians are one body connected with our blood and with glory of our forefathers.Accordingly, Bosnia is primarily a Bosniak state but it also belongs to all loyal citizens.

Every loyal white citizen of Bosnia, regardless of his religious affiliation, is a member of a Bosniak nation. Accordingly, we totally reject connection of Bosniaks with just one religious identity which was proven to be  harmful for our national development and dignity.

Symbol of Bosnia is coat of arms with six  golden lilies from our king Tvrtko I Kotromanic. That is also a symbol of Bosnian resistance to Serbian communist aggression in war for independence ( 1992.-1995.)

Any attempt of humiliation or degradation of our sacred amblem is a direct attack on national integrity of Bosnia and on our national pride.

The movement, for now, acts only inside current borders of Bosnia but it will try in the future to correct the historical injustice and to restore our national borders from time when we were the strongest state in the Balkans.

Bosnian language, as our national language, should and must be the only official language in Bosnia.

All properties in Bosnia should be in the hands of Bosniaks, it is the only way to secure establishment of an economically strong nation. Bosnia belongs to Bosniaks in every sense: economic and national.

Working class, as a base for prosperity,  must have dignified life and it must be protected from exploitation.

Name Bosnia " and Herzegovina" is not acceptable. Herzegovina never was a separate state or it was in the same level with Bosnia. Herzegovina  has always been a part of Bosnia and we , as nationalist, are refusing to follow policy of national destruction of Bosnia and Bosniaks.

We are against  alliances and unions  whose purpose is establishment and protection of the new world order ( EU as continental union and NATO as a global army). Bosnia must be a free nation with its own army which is always ready to defend country's sovereignty. That opposes globalisation policy which is being forced by zionist structures with just one purpose - creation of one world government which will allow the "gray eminence" to rule the world.

Ideologies that are not welcome in Bosnia are: zionism, islamism, communism, capitalism. The only ideology good for us is Bosnian nationalism because it secures national prosperity and social justice.

Healthy nation can not exist without healthy families. With that in mind our struggle is partly focused on destroying every aspect of society which threatens familly values with immoral actions.  We are strongly opposed to the media that offer promiscuous behavior and diseases like homosexuality to our youth.

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Re: BPNP attitudes
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2011, 08:02:29 AM »
They are proud nazis
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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