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Offline jsullivan

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2007, 10:57:03 PM »
First, I still believe that Imerica should be allowed to post on this forum, and that having posts from the enemy makes the forum more interesting.

I refer to Imerica as the enemy because frankly she supports the enemies of America, Israel and Western civilization.

As I have written in the past, I consider Imerica to be far more frightening than the Ebonics-ranting, housing project black criminals. Imerica is an intelligent and educated black woman who has been fully exposed to the truth, yet she persists in supporting the most evil, cruel, jealous and vicious people simply because they are black. She closes her eyes to the fact that the vast majority of her people are evil, envious demons who hate whites and Jews not because of any past injustice, but because they are simply jealous and they are too lazy to do what the whites and Jews have done to succeed.

Imerica defends the name Osama, and makes the Muslim Nazis into the victims here.

What if someone named their child Adolf Hitler? Should we respect that name as well? Don't Osama Bin Ladin and the Muslim Nazis want genocide just as Hitler did? Haven't the Muslim Nazis already committed numerous holocausts including the murder of over 2 million blacks in the Sudan?

What if someone names their child Ku Klux Klan? Would Imerica and other blacks leap to the defense of the parents and the child? If Imerica says that she would, then she is not being truthful.

Imerica is intelligent, educated and likable. But she is a supporter of pure evil although she tries to sugarcoat it for us on this forum. Imerica is very important to us. She reminds us that the intelligent, educated and likable blacks are loyal to their people despite the fact that such loyality is unjustified. She reminds us that giving blacks, Arabs and Muslims an education, a good standard of living and exposure to morality will NOT change their basic desire to destroy Western civilization. In Imerica's case, she at the very least supports and defends those who seek our destruction.

Imerica is a frightening example of why JTF is right.  

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2007, 11:44:15 PM »
Wow Jimmy, you put everything I was thinking into words in a very elegant way. I do disagree with you that Imerica is intelligent though. I think you are giving her way too much credit. She is just a housing project swine with a brown paper bag, urinating and leaving excrement in the elevator of her housing project. I bet most of her family "Already be Muslims." In any event, I don't think she serves any purpose here and arguing with her isn't going to raise anybodies level of intelligence. It just distracts us from what we really should be doing which is prOmoting JTF. I just posted like 20 messages on the June 12th youtube video and other people should as well.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2007, 11:53:41 PM »
Excellent post, Jimmy. We both know that if given the chance, Erica would gladly flip the Zyklon B switch in the chambers. People like her are infinitely more evil than your run-of-the-mill braindead Muzzies and schvartzes.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2007, 12:13:46 AM »
Jsullivan...i have a lot of respect for you and I think you are a great guy.

You make it like Imerica is a conspiracy theory...I don't see it...Rather, she is misguided and hates those that generalize about hating certain groups and races. SHe finds us to be fascinating and that's why she's here as a poster. She is not FBI, she is not a Muslim lover... She likes peace...she has a certain way of approaching it. I disagree with the way she does it because the way she does it is counterproductive to the very enemy which tries to kill us and destory my way of life and your way of life and her way of life.

I do agree in principle on one thing that she is trying to argue in so many words: (and this is my gripe with the jtf forum and some of its extremist posters)

I think a lot of us sound like a bunch of monkeys and a bunch of hate mongerers.  We hate blacks we hate mexicans we hate illegal aliens. We are thoughtless on what we all post...we are xenophobic...etc... Basically we talk like Chaim talks..and we shouldn't talk like Chaim because we aren't Chaim and Chaim can only be Chaim because he can defend what he says and admit when he is wrong when he realizes he's wrong.  Anyone else who tries to be like him, just gets frustrated when Imerica steps in...My answer is, don't be Chaim.   

Come on guys.. we have to stop hating specific groups of people even if 95% are evil.  We should say that we hate murderers, we hate robbers, we hate sluts, we hate idol worshippers, we hate rap music, we hate nazis, we hate one-world thinking, we hate disrespctful, we hate when people who come to this country do not even bother to learn english, we hate liberalism and communism etc...  We shoudl talk about hating actions and not people in addition to the youtube videos...When we start referring to Blacks as being animals, which they aren't, we look like a bunch of gorillas ourselves.  We will not build a mass movement for sounding like a bunch of monkeys..because any lay person will not understand us.  Anyone who doesn't look up Rabbi Meir Kahane and observe his eloquence will think Torah Judaism is a farse.  Rather, if we say, that we hate murderers and all kinds of bad actions, all people will recognize that as true...and then possibly join us....but if we say we hate blacks or mexicans...less quality people will join us...and we all know that we don't hate all blacks and hate all mexicans....but lay people who watch QPTV, will think we do...and I sure as heck don't hate all blacks and mexicans...i actually like blacks and mexicans...I like the good blacks and good mexicans..the ones who are nice and jolly and respectful and cool and love humanity themselves and care free.  I hate bad blacks and bad mexicans..the ones who are lazy that have chips on their shoulder that blame everyone else for their problems and do nothing about it who are disrespectful who steal who murder who sound like Al Sharpton or Louis fraaaakakakak....anyway you all got my jist.

If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2007, 12:22:14 AM »
Danny, how can I be a mindless hatemongerer if I myself am not only nonwhite, but a member of one of the very groups that is criticized here (rightfully so)?

Either I have some serious self-esteem issues or perhaps I know what Mexicans are like firsthand.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2007, 12:37:46 AM »
Danny, how can I be a mindless hatemongerer if I myself am not only nonwhite, but a member of one of the very groups that is criticized here (rightfully so)?

Either I have some serious self-esteem issues or perhaps I know what Mexicans are like firsthand.

chaimfan, you aren't a mindless hatemonger..but sometimes you sound like one and it pisses me off...but tonight i have gotten to know you little bit're a decent guy.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #56 on: June 13, 2007, 12:42:59 AM »
I hate the vast majority of Germans and French too--does that mean I am a white-hating Aztlanist? I don't think so. I hate evil people just like you--that's all there is to it.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #57 on: June 13, 2007, 12:46:47 AM »
I hate the vast majority of Germans and French too--does that mean I am a white-hating Aztlanist? I don't think so. I hate evil people just like you--that's all there is to it.

see? i don't think i could say that i hated a vast majority of "Anythings"...rather i would rather hate evil deeds.  I don't know all Germans or all French to say that I hated a majority of them...and nor do you, Chaimfan.  Some goes with blacks or mexicans...i don't know every single one of them to hate the majority of them...however, I don't like lazy black people..i really despise those types of people.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #58 on: June 13, 2007, 12:54:59 AM »
Danny, 93% of Germans voted for Hitler. 100% of them supported him during the war. And no, they did not just keep their mouths shut out of fear. I am talking women and children who joyously, with pomp and song, worked long overtime in the Zyklon B factories to make sure the Totenkopf always had more than enough to go around. I am talking the elderly people who became volunteer commanders of Hitlerjugend brigades. I am talking all the Hanses and Johannas and Fritzes and Astrids who gleefully ratted out every single hidden or concealed Jew, even though the Nazi authorities would have had no idea who 99% of them were.

Offline jsullivan

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #59 on: June 13, 2007, 01:06:51 AM »
Danny, with all due respect, you made generalized statements and never refuted any of my specific points.

Imerica consistently defends Muslims and Arabs. Why? The Muslims and the Arabs have murdered MILLIONS of her people. A self-respecting black would hate the Muslims and the Arabs. But she defends them here and on youtube.

If she and other blacks are really upset about slavery, then why do the blacks so enthusiastically support the Arab Muslims who have millions of black slaves to this day? They hate whites for slavery which ended in 1865 (142 years ago), but love the Arab Muslim Nazis who have millions of slaves TO THIS DAY, and we all know that the slavery conditions under the Arabs are much more brutal than the slavery conditions were in the Old Confederacy.

And the blacks hate the Jews and blame them for slavery! The Jews had nothing to do with slavery, and the Jews are the ones that made the "civil rights" movement a success. To this day, the Jews fund most black organizations and causes. YET THE BLACKS DESPISE THE JEWS WITH THE SAME LEVEL OF VENOM THAT THE GERMAN NAZIS DISPLAYED.

Let's stop playing games here. Most blacks are EVIL. Period. They hate whites and Jews NOT because of slavery or past wrongs, real or imaginary. They hate whites and Jews because they are jealous. And Imerica supports them and knows damn well what the score is.

Furthermore, Imerica does not tell us even a fraction of what she REALLY thinks of us because she is on her best behavior on this forum.

Chaim was a "terrible criminal" comparable to Osama Bin Ladin?!

Was the terrorist mass murderer Nelson Mandela who slaughtered hundreds of innocent people a "terrible criminal"?

Was Malcolm X, the convicted drug dealer, pimp and rapist a "terrible criminal"?

What about Mohammed, the founder of Islam, whom Imerica defends on youtube. Was that mass murderer and serial rapist a "terrible criminal"?

Danny, you're a nice guy but you're being naive. Wake up!

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2007, 01:10:29 AM »
Danny, 93% of Germans voted for Hitler. 100% of them supported him during the war. And no, they did not just keep their mouths shut out of fear. I am talking women and children who joyously, with pomp and song, worked long overtime in the Zyklon B factories to make sure the Totenkopf always had more than enough to go around. I am talking the elderly people who became volunteer commanders of Hitlerjugend brigades. I am talking all the Hanses and Johannas and Fritzes and Astrids who gleefully ratted out every single hidden or concealed Jew, even though the Nazi authorities would have had no idea who 99% of them were.

i wasn't alive in those days, but i think iw oudl ahve hated them too back in teh 30's and 40's...much like I hate the "Pals" and the vast majority of Muslims for their hate of Jews and their denial of Israel.

But like like some...but i really don't lke what the govt is doing catering to muslims and arabs and hezballah...pisses me off when they condemn israel and use her as a double standard..a.ctually i hate it when the media and CNN does the same...

but honeslty, how can i hate most french people if i don't know all of them? or german people, if i dont knwo all of them.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #61 on: June 13, 2007, 01:12:56 AM »
jsullivan, you're right...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline jsullivan

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #62 on: June 13, 2007, 01:24:39 AM »
You don't know the German people?! You don't know what they did? And now you like some of them?

You write that you "think" you would have hated the Germans in the '30s and '40s during the holocaust. You're not sure because you weren't around then, but you "think" you might have hated the people who annihilated over 6 million Jews.

Wow! If that's where you're coming from, then I understand why you would defend Imerica.

I have to say as a goy, that in my opinion, your view of the world is completely un-Jewish.

In Judaism, when a nation makes war against the Jewish people, you are required to be merciless against them and to hate them. For you not to be sure that you would hate even the Germans of the '30s and '40s who were the stokers of the crematoria in Auschwitz really says it all.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2007, 01:31:25 AM »
Jimmy, I hear you loud and clear, but don't call yourself "goy"! That's a vile slur that is used by racists such as David HaOmo (the Jewish David Duke) of Revava.

You are NOT "goy". You are a righteous Gentile Kahanist who is more Jewish than 98% of Jews alive today.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2007, 01:34:30 AM »
You don't know the German people?! You don't know what they did? And now you like some of them?

You write that you "think" you would have hated the Germans in the '30s and '40s during the holocaust. You're not sure because you weren't around then, but you "think" you might have hated the people who annihilated over 6 million Jews.

Wow! If that's where you're coming from, then I understand why you would defend Imerica.

I have to say as a goy, that in my opinion, your view of the world is completely un-Jewish.

In Judaism, when a nation makes war against the Jewish people, you are required to be merciless against them and to hate them. For you not to be sure that you would hate even the Germans of the '30s and '40s who were the stokers of the crematoria in Auschwitz really says it all.

you're right...actually i miswrote...i wouldn't "think" to hate them in the 30's and 40's...i woudl actually hate them..when you are at war, you are supposed to hate your technically, yes, if i lived at the time of teh Shoah, I would hate the germans..and in general the vast majority of Europe. my got me on a lasp and if i, indeed were to think that i would hate who was really supposed to hate, then my view would be un-Jewish. So you are technically correct that if anyone "thought" to hate the very nation that was at war with our's.

as far as imerica...i guess it sounds like i'm defending her, but i really don't mean to. That's not what my intent is.. My intent is how some of us respond to her.  Name calling makes her look right...using Kahane eloquence makes her look more dumb in reality...and even to herself in reality...

If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #65 on: June 13, 2007, 01:43:02 AM »
Maliciously slandered? This is all true, about Chaim. He didn't go to jail for being a boy scout. He did something that warranted him going to jail. Cut the crap C.F. Are you saying that he didn't do the things discribed in the article AND link I posted?
Go to hell, Muslim-loving slut. You know full well that Chaim's prosecution was politically motivated. When Panther members threw tear gas at white cops during their "civil rights" demonstrations they never got anything more than a couple nights in the local pokey. You are full of camel dreck and a patch of mold on our forum.
CF... Mr. "I havent' called anyone any names", you're a liar. Secondly, I'm no slut. But I do love children and teenagers who cause no problems. And this teenager is one person I'd gladly stand  up for because he isn't claiming to be on Osama Bin Laden's side he's just another bullied child with hurdles to jump over just like other people who are labled as outcasts. And yeah, Chaim is SOOO important that the politicians that be put him in jail was a set up. ::) Whatever gets you through the night, I guess. And fyi. The black Panther Party wasn't developed until after MLK's death. In my opinion the BPP was just like JTF... militant in every way. Them throwing tear gas at cops and attacking police officers is akin to the idiots who loot and shoot up their own neighborhoods after basketball games. There are still members of the NBPP calling for the death of all white people. Its counter-productive and probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. I'll ellaborate more on that later.

But right now I'll attack this "Go to hell you Muslim-loving slut!" comment. Usually when people feel defeated, they attack in the same way you did. And without even reading a single word I was saying.

I'll humor you a little by reiterating what I was saying. YOU and some of your friends here bashed a young person because his name is Osama. Then you likened him to the terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. THEN you a few others called the boy a camel jockey and other anti muslim names. When I brought Chaim's name into the fold, it was to make the same points YOU made. Would you get angry at someone who made fun of a child who's name would happen to be Chaim because of what they know about his stint in jail? Do you think it would be fair to punish a child ( Chaim)  for the choices (Adult) Chaim Ben Pesach made?

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #66 on: June 13, 2007, 01:46:31 AM »
Maliciously slandered? This is all true, about Chaim. He didn't go to jail for being a boy scout. He did something that warranted him going to jail. Cut the crap C.F. Are you saying that he didn't do the things discribed in the article AND link I posted?
Go to hell, Muslim-loving slut. You know full well that Chaim's prosecution was politically motivated. When Panther members threw tear gas at white cops during their "civil rights" demonstrations they never got anything more than a couple nights in the local pokey. You are full of camel dreck and a patch of mold on our forum.
CF... Mr. "I havent' called anyone any names", you're a liar. Secondly, I'm no slut. But I do love children and teenagers who cause no problems. And this teenager is one person I'd gladly stand  up for because he isn't claiming to be on Osama Bin Laden's side he's just another bullied child with hurdles to jump over just like other people who are labled as outcasts. And yeah, Chaim is SOOO important that the politicians that be put him in jail was a set up. ::) Whatever gets you through the night, I guess. And fyi. The black Panther Party wasn't developed until after MLK's death. In my opinion the BPP was just like JTF... militant in every way. Them throwing tear gas at cops and attacking police officers is akin to the idiots who loot and shoot up their own neighborhoods after basketball games. There are still members of the NBPP calling for the death of all white people. Its counter-productive and probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. I'll ellaborate more on that later.

But right now I'll attack this "Go to hell you Muslim-loving slut!" comment. Usually when people feel defeated, they attack in the same way you did. And without even reading a single word I was saying.

I'll humor you a little by reiterating what I was saying. YOU and some of your friends here bashed a young person because his name is Osama. Then you likened him to the terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. THEN you a few others called the boy a camel jockey and other anti muslim names. When I brought Chaim's name into the fold, it was to make the same points YOU made. Would you get angry at someone who made fun of a child who's name would happen to be Chaim because of what they know about his stint in jail? Do you think it would be fair to punish a child ( Chaim)  for the choices (Adult) Chaim Ben Pesach made?

(I'm just going to paraphrase here...before anyone here decides to attack Imerica, think before you post...right now she looks more right than anyone who called her names even if she derseved to be called a name...)
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #67 on: June 13, 2007, 02:03:19 AM »
Maliciously slandered? This is all true, about Chaim. He didn't go to jail for being a boy scout. He did something that warranted him going to jail. Cut the crap C.F. Are you saying that he didn't do the things discribed in the article AND link I posted?
Go to hell, Muslim-loving slut. You know full well that Chaim's prosecution was politically motivated. When Panther members threw tear gas at white cops during their "civil rights" demonstrations they never got anything more than a couple nights in the local pokey. You are full of camel dreck and a patch of mold on our forum.
CF... Mr. "I havent' called anyone any names", you're a liar. Secondly, I'm no slut. But I do love children and teenagers who cause no problems. And this teenager is one person I'd gladly stand  up for because he isn't claiming to be on Osama Bin Laden's side he's just another bullied child with hurdles to jump over just like other people who are labled as outcasts. And yeah, Chaim is SOOO important that the politicians that be put him in jail was a set up. ::) Whatever gets you through the night, I guess. And fyi. The black Panther Party wasn't developed until after MLK's death. In my opinion the BPP was just like JTF... militant in every way. Them throwing tear gas at cops and attacking police officers is akin to the idiots who loot and shoot up their own neighborhoods after basketball games. There are still members of the NBPP calling for the death of all white people. Its counter-productive and probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. I'll ellaborate more on that later.

But right now I'll attack this "Go to hell you Muslim-loving slut!" comment. Usually when people feel defeated, they attack in the same way you did. And without even reading a single word I was saying.

I'll humor you a little by reiterating what I was saying. YOU and some of your friends here bashed a young person because his name is Osama. Then you likened him to the terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. THEN you a few others called the boy a camel jockey and other anti muslim names. When I brought Chaim's name into the fold, it was to make the same points YOU made. Would you get angry at someone who made fun of a child who's name would happen to be Chaim because of what they know about his stint in jail? Do you think it would be fair to punish a child ( Chaim)  for the choices (Adult) Chaim Ben Pesach made?

I will, G-d willing, name my son Chaim, in the memory of my grandfather, whose many family members died from the hands of Nazis in Romania.

First I felt this name was a little old-stylish. Now that I have learned of Rabbi Meir Kahane and Chaim ben Pesach, who risked their livese for other Jews, even if many of them did not deserve it, I will feel proud to name my first son Chaim. And if G-d gives me another son, I will name him Meir.
And you have that right but I'd defend your son if someone bullied him because he shares his name with Chaim of JTF. Apples and oranges. Young and not-so-young. No experience and a lot of experience. Big difference.

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #68 on: June 13, 2007, 02:08:09 AM »
Maliciously slandered? This is all true, about Chaim. He didn't go to jail for being a boy scout. He did something that warranted him going to jail. Cut the crap C.F. Are you saying that he didn't do the things discribed in the article AND link I posted?
Go to hell, Muslim-loving slut. You know full well that Chaim's prosecution was politically motivated. When Panther members threw tear gas at white cops during their "civil rights" demonstrations they never got anything more than a couple nights in the local pokey. You are full of camel dreck and a patch of mold on our forum.
CF... Mr. "I havent' called anyone any names", you're a liar. Secondly, I'm no slut. But I do love children and teenagers who cause no problems. And this teenager is one person I'd gladly stand  up for because he isn't claiming to be on Osama Bin Laden's side he's just another bullied child with hurdles to jump over just like other people who are labled as outcasts. And yeah, Chaim is SOOO important that the politicians that be put him in jail was a set up. ::) Whatever gets you through the night, I guess. And fyi. The black Panther Party wasn't developed until after MLK's death. In my opinion the BPP was just like JTF... militant in every way. Them throwing tear gas at cops and attacking police officers is akin to the idiots who loot and shoot up their own neighborhoods after basketball games. There are still members of the NBPP calling for the death of all white people. Its counter-productive and probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. I'll ellaborate more on that later.

But right now I'll attack this "Go to hell you Muslim-loving slut!" comment. Usually when people feel defeated, they attack in the same way you did. And without even reading a single word I was saying.

I'll humor you a little by reiterating what I was saying. YOU and some of your friends here bashed a young person because his name is Osama. Then you likened him to the terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. THEN you a few others called the boy a camel jockey and other anti muslim names. When I brought Chaim's name into the fold, it was to make the same points YOU made. Would you get angry at someone who made fun of a child who's name would happen to be Chaim because of what they know about his stint in jail? Do you think it would be fair to punish a child ( Chaim)  for the choices (Adult) Chaim Ben Pesach made?

I will, G-d willing, name my son Chaim, in the memory of my grandfather, whose many family members died from the hands of Nazis in Romania.

First I felt this name was a little old-stylish. Now that I have learned of Rabbi Meir Kahane and Chaim ben Pesach, who risked their livese for other Jews, even if many of them did not deserve it, I will feel proud to name my first son Chaim. And if G-d gives me another son, I will name him Meir.
And you have that right but I'd defend your son if someone bullied him because he shares his name with Chaim of JTF. Apples and oranges. Young and not-so-young. No experience and a lot of experience. Big difference.
His name will be Chaim, and not Stanley Tookie Williams. Getting the difference?

Besides that… Think for a moment! A black woman accidentally found the name of ONE Jew who was in prison. ONE!!!! And she is playing with that…

Erica, go find another name. Find another Jew who was in jail. I want to see how you gonna do that.

Don’t count Blacks as Jews though, otherwise 95% of all prisoners will be counted as Jews.
I am Zvulun ben Moshe and I approve this message.

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #69 on: June 13, 2007, 02:11:44 AM »
You don't know the German people?! You don't know what they did? And now you like some of them?

You write that you "think" you would have hated the Germans in the '30s and '40s during the holocaust. You're not sure because you weren't around then, but you "think" you might have hated the people who annihilated over 6 million Jews.

Wow! If that's where you're coming from, then I understand why you would defend Imerica.

I have to say as a goy, that in my opinion, your view of the world is completely un-Jewish.

In Judaism, when a nation makes war against the Jewish people, you are required to be merciless against them and to hate them. For you not to be sure that you would hate even the Germans of the '30s and '40s who were the stokers of the crematoria in Auschwitz really says it all.

In this vain, Rav Hutner zt'l told Jewish American soldiers about to go to Mainland Europe(Rav Hutner zt'l was in England) that every German they killed was as a Korban to Hashem and a great Mitzvah. It is in the book Lieutenant Birnbaum, I happened to meet the Lieutenant and he is a great hero.

Jimmy, I hear you loud and clear, but don't call yourself "goy"! That's a vile slur that is used by racists such as David HaOmo (the Jewish David Duke) of Revava.

You are NOT "goy". You are a righteous Gentile Kahanist who is more Jewish than 98% of Jews alive today.
::) Goy means nation, its not an insult its just the word used to refer non-Jews.

Maliciously slandered? This is all true, about Chaim. He didn't go to jail for being a boy scout. He did something that warranted him going to jail. Cut the crap C.F. Are you saying that he didn't do the things discribed in the article AND link I posted?
Go to hell, Muslim-loving slut. You know full well that Chaim's prosecution was politically motivated. When Panther members threw tear gas at white cops during their "civil rights" demonstrations they never got anything more than a couple nights in the local pokey. You are full of camel dreck and a patch of mold on our forum.
CF... Mr. "I havent' called anyone any names", you're a liar. Secondly, I'm no slut. But I do love children and teenagers who cause no problems. And this teenager is one person I'd gladly stand  up for because he isn't claiming to be on Osama Bin Laden's side he's just another bullied child with hurdles to jump over just like other people who are labled as outcasts. And yeah, Chaim is SOOO important that the politicians that be put him in jail was a set up. ::) Whatever gets you through the night, I guess. And fyi. The black Panther Party wasn't developed until after MLK's death. In my opinion the BPP was just like JTF... militant in every way. Them throwing tear gas at cops and attacking police officers is akin to the idiots who loot and shoot up their own neighborhoods after basketball games. There are still members of the NBPP calling for the death of all white people. Its counter-productive and probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. I'll ellaborate more on that later.

But right now I'll attack this "Go to hell you Muslim-loving slut!" comment. Usually when people feel defeated, they attack in the same way you did. And without even reading a single word I was saying.

I'll humor you a little by reiterating what I was saying. YOU and some of your friends here bashed a young person because his name is Osama. Then you likened him to the terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. THEN you a few others called the boy a camel jockey and other anti muslim names. When I brought Chaim's name into the fold, it was to make the same points YOU made. Would you get angry at someone who made fun of a child who's name would happen to be Chaim because of what they know about his stint in jail? Do you think it would be fair to punish a child ( Chaim)  for the choices (Adult) Chaim Ben Pesach made?

I will, G-d willing, name my son Chaim, in the memory of my grandfather, whose many family members died from the hands of Nazis in Romania.

First I felt this name was a little old-stylish. Now that I have learned of Rabbi Meir Kahane and Chaim ben Pesach, who risked their livese for other Jews, even if many of them did not deserve it, I will feel proud to name my first son Chaim. And if G-d gives me another son, I will name him Meir.
And you have that right but I'd defend your son if someone bullied him because he shares his name with Chaim of JTF. Apples and oranges. Young and not-so-young. No experience and a lot of experience. Big difference.
You are being pretty despicable here pretending to be some sort of hero saying you will defend someone for being named after a Gibor ::) Chaim broke laws to save Jewish lives, Osama broke laws with the express purpose of killing people. Any comparison is shameful beyond words>:(
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #70 on: June 13, 2007, 02:20:51 AM »
Maliciously slandered? This is all true, about Chaim. He didn't go to jail for being a boy scout. He did something that warranted him going to jail. Cut the crap C.F. Are you saying that he didn't do the things discribed in the article AND link I posted?
Go to hell, Muslim-loving slut. You know full well that Chaim's prosecution was politically motivated. When Panther members threw tear gas at white cops during their "civil rights" demonstrations they never got anything more than a couple nights in the local pokey. You are full of camel dreck and a patch of mold on our forum.
CF... Mr. "I havent' called anyone any names", you're a liar. Secondly, I'm no slut. But I do love children and teenagers who cause no problems. And this teenager is one person I'd gladly stand  up for because he isn't claiming to be on Osama Bin Laden's side he's just another bullied child with hurdles to jump over just like other people who are labled as outcasts. And yeah, Chaim is SOOO important that the politicians that be put him in jail was a set up. ::) Whatever gets you through the night, I guess. And fyi. The black Panther Party wasn't developed until after MLK's death. In my opinion the BPP was just like JTF... militant in every way. Them throwing tear gas at cops and attacking police officers is akin to the idiots who loot and shoot up their own neighborhoods after basketball games. There are still members of the NBPP calling for the death of all white people. Its counter-productive and probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. I'll ellaborate more on that later.

But right now I'll attack this "Go to hell you Muslim-loving slut!" comment. Usually when people feel defeated, they attack in the same way you did. And without even reading a single word I was saying.

I'll humor you a little by reiterating what I was saying. YOU and some of your friends here bashed a young person because his name is Osama. Then you likened him to the terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. THEN you a few others called the boy a camel jockey and other anti muslim names. When I brought Chaim's name into the fold, it was to make the same points YOU made. Would you get angry at someone who made fun of a child who's name would happen to be Chaim because of what they know about his stint in jail? Do you think it would be fair to punish a child ( Chaim)  for the choices (Adult) Chaim Ben Pesach made?

I will, G-d willing, name my son Chaim, in the memory of my grandfather, whose many family members died from the hands of Nazis in Romania.

First I felt this name was a little old-stylish. Now that I have learned of Rabbi Meir Kahane and Chaim ben Pesach, who risked their livese for other Jews, even if many of them did not deserve it, I will feel proud to name my first son Chaim. And if G-d gives me another son, I will name him Meir.
And you have that right but I'd defend your son if someone bullied him because he shares his name with Chaim of JTF. Apples and oranges. Young and not-so-young. No experience and a lot of experience. Big difference.
His name will be Chaim, and not Stanley Tookie Williams. Getting the difference?

Besides that… Think for a moment! A black woman accidentally found the name of ONE Jew who was in prison. ONE!!!! And she is playing with that…

Erica, go find another name. Find another Jew who was in jail. I want to see how you gonna do that.

Don’t count Blacks as Jews though, otherwise 95% of all prisoners will be counted as Jews.
I wasn't playing with anything. I brought Chaim up because you all knew him and I thought you knew why he was in jail. (someone asked me why he was in jail and that's why I posted the link). I didn't say I accidentally found the name of one Jew who was in jail. I'm sure that there are more , but you'd probably call them self-hating Jews. You seem to think this is a bash against your culture...I was just asking how you'd feel if the child you would have named Chaim was bullied and compared to Chaim of JTF, who did time in jail. Spending time in jail to some people is not a good thing, no matter how honorable others feel the person was.


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #71 on: June 13, 2007, 02:25:07 AM »
You don't know the German people?! You don't know what they did? And now you like some of them?

You write that you "think" you would have hated the Germans in the '30s and '40s during the holocaust. You're not sure because you weren't around then, but you "think" you might have hated the people who annihilated over 6 million Jews.

Wow! If that's where you're coming from, then I understand why you would defend Imerica.

I have to say as a goy, that in my opinion, your view of the world is completely un-Jewish.

In Judaism, when a nation makes war against the Jewish people, you are required to be merciless against them and to hate them. For you not to be sure that you would hate even the Germans of the '30s and '40s who were the stokers of the crematoria in Auschwitz really says it all.

In this vain, Rav Hutner zt'l told Jewish American soldiers about to go to Mainland Europe(Rav Hutner zt'l was in England) that every German they killed was as a Korban to Hashem and a great Mitzvah. It is in the book Lieutenant Birnbaum, I happened to meet the Lieutenant and he is a great hero.

Jimmy, I hear you loud and clear, but don't call yourself "goy"! That's a vile slur that is used by racists such as David HaOmo (the Jewish David Duke) of Revava.

You are NOT "goy". You are a righteous Gentile Kahanist who is more Jewish than 98% of Jews alive today.
::) Goy means nation, its not an insult its just the word used to refer non-Jews.

Maliciously slandered? This is all true, about Chaim. He didn't go to jail for being a boy scout. He did something that warranted him going to jail. Cut the crap C.F. Are you saying that he didn't do the things discribed in the article AND link I posted?
Go to hell, Muslim-loving slut. You know full well that Chaim's prosecution was politically motivated. When Panther members threw tear gas at white cops during their "civil rights" demonstrations they never got anything more than a couple nights in the local pokey. You are full of camel dreck and a patch of mold on our forum.
CF... Mr. "I havent' called anyone any names", you're a liar. Secondly, I'm no slut. But I do love children and teenagers who cause no problems. And this teenager is one person I'd gladly stand  up for because he isn't claiming to be on Osama Bin Laden's side he's just another bullied child with hurdles to jump over just like other people who are labled as outcasts. And yeah, Chaim is SOOO important that the politicians that be put him in jail was a set up. ::) Whatever gets you through the night, I guess. And fyi. The black Panther Party wasn't developed until after MLK's death. In my opinion the BPP was just like JTF... militant in every way. Them throwing tear gas at cops and attacking police officers is akin to the idiots who loot and shoot up their own neighborhoods after basketball games. There are still members of the NBPP calling for the death of all white people. Its counter-productive and probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. I'll ellaborate more on that later.

But right now I'll attack this "Go to hell you Muslim-loving slut!" comment. Usually when people feel defeated, they attack in the same way you did. And without even reading a single word I was saying.

I'll humor you a little by reiterating what I was saying. YOU and some of your friends here bashed a young person because his name is Osama. Then you likened him to the terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. THEN you a few others called the boy a camel jockey and other anti muslim names. When I brought Chaim's name into the fold, it was to make the same points YOU made. Would you get angry at someone who made fun of a child who's name would happen to be Chaim because of what they know about his stint in jail? Do you think it would be fair to punish a child ( Chaim)  for the choices (Adult) Chaim Ben Pesach made?

I will, G-d willing, name my son Chaim, in the memory of my grandfather, whose many family members died from the hands of Nazis in Romania.

First I felt this name was a little old-stylish. Now that I have learned of Rabbi Meir Kahane and Chaim ben Pesach, who risked their livese for other Jews, even if many of them did not deserve it, I will feel proud to name my first son Chaim. And if G-d gives me another son, I will name him Meir.
And you have that right but I'd defend your son if someone bullied him because he shares his name with Chaim of JTF. Apples and oranges. Young and not-so-young. No experience and a lot of experience. Big difference.
You are being pretty despicable here pretending to be some sort of hero saying you will defend someone for being named after a Gibor ::) Chaim broke laws to save Jewish lives, Osama broke laws with the express purpose of killing people. Any comparison is shameful beyond words>:(
The teenaged Osama wasn't named AFTER OSAMA BIN LADEN. Just like there are Chaims born all of the time who most likely aren't being named for Chaim Bin Pesach.

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #72 on: June 13, 2007, 02:25:18 AM »
You know what? I would recommend this kid's parents to change his name to Chaim.

I put money that he will be respected beyond the skies, if other kids knew of Chaim ben Pesach.

But if you feel differently, why won't you call your son Osama? Really... Just for experiment.
I am Zvulun ben Moshe and I approve this message.


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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #73 on: June 13, 2007, 02:31:28 AM »
You know what? I would recommend this kid's parents to change his name to Chaim.

I put money that he will be respected beyond the skies, if other kids knew of Chaim ben Pesach.

But if you feel differently, why won't you call your son Osama? Really... Just for experiment.
I don't have a son... Not sure how Osama would look on the 5 girls I have. So no dice. If I had a son, though I don't think I'd name him Osama though. There aren't any black men, that I know of, who would be able to pull that name off. I would name my son after my husband though. I have one daughter who has the female version of my husband's first name as her middle name.

On second thought... why don't I just name the next child "OATMEAL". I like oatmeal. :) There's nothing threatening about the name and its good for you. :) *Lame attempt at being funny...sorry, its late.* lol

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: High school kid named Osama
« Reply #74 on: June 13, 2007, 02:37:32 AM »
You know what? I would recommend this kid's parents to change his name to Chaim.

I put money that he will be respected beyond the skies, if other kids knew of Chaim ben Pesach.

But if you feel differently, why won't you call your son Osama? Really... Just for experiment.
I don't have a son... Not sure how Osama would look on the 5 girls I have. So no dice. If I had a son, though I don't think I'd name him Osama though. There aren't any black men, that I know of, who would be able to pull that name off. I would name my son after my husband though. I have one daughter who has the female version of my husband's first name as her middle name.

On second thought... why don't I just name the next child "OATMEAL". I like oatmeal. :) There's nothing threatening about the name and its good for you. :) *Lame attempt at being funny...sorry, its late.* lol

Hey, your joke is really funny, but if you don't mind, I'll do the ha-ha part tomorrow; too late now.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 02:39:08 AM by Zvulun ben Moshe »
I am Zvulun ben Moshe and I approve this message.