Author Topic: Military personal forced to pray Islamic Prayer over Osama body  (Read 758 times)

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LCDR says    

US Soldiers Performed "Loud Recitation of the Four Takbirs" (allahu akbar) four times Over Bin Laden's "Washed" Body On The USS Carl Vinson

Fiqh page
Many of us, myself in particular, were repulsed and outraged by the revelation that the US military was forced to bury Osma bin Laden according to Islamic precepts, and that it was the priority of the Obama administration that it be done right -- much preparation was made prior to the kill. They couldn't decide on releasing the pictures prior to the kill, but studying Islamic texts and preparing for an Islamic burial, that was what the Obama administration deemed important.

    Brennan explained that the burial took place earlier this morning and that “it was determined that it was in the best interest of all involved that this burial take place again – according to Islamic requirements – at sea.” It was unanimous among Muslim experts that this was the best way to handle it. (video here)

Ltc Joe "enlightens" us on what is required for an "islamic burial." Were our soldiers forced to chant "allahu akbar" over the body of the biggest mass murdering monster  of Americans in the cause of jihad? The same war cry that the 19 Muslim terrorists were screaming as the planes hit the towers.

Do the thousands of students and proud Americans who spontaneously took to the streets on the news that bin laden was killed know that Obama commanded such a grotesque act of submission?

    Few realize that it requires the "loud recitation of the four tabkbirs"(allahu akbar). See Fiqh Us-Sunnah: Funerals and Dhikr by As-Sayyid Sabiq, page 39.

    The idea that we, as Americans, supported, endorsed and recited "allahu akbar" loudly four times on the back of the USS Carl Vinson as a part if his funeral would disgust most Americans.

    Can you imagine the reaction of the 9/11 families when they learn we recited the battle cry of the terrorists when disposing of bin laden?
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline muman613

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Re: Military personal forced to pray Islamic Prayer over Osama body
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 01:06:09 PM »
I can imagine the response of the families, or I should say my family...

I am utterly disgusted that this pig was given any 'cerimony' at all. Although in Jewish belief we should treat all human remains with respect, I am emotionally involved to the point of almost not caring. The halacha I always remember is the one which says that a hanged man may not remain on the gallows till morning, he must be taken down and buried. But I do not know if this is also only for a Jewish hanged man and not an enemy of the Jewish people.

"And if a man has committed a sin deserving death, and he is put to death, you shall hang him on a gallows. However, his body shall not remain all night upon the gallows, but rather you shall bury him that day..." (Devarim 21:22-23).
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: Military personal forced to pray Islamic Prayer over Osama body
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2011, 03:01:03 PM »

I find that very hard to believe. If it is true, it is a direct order from Obama and then, what additional proof do you need that Obama is a Muslim ?

Offline syyuge

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Re: Military personal forced to pray Islamic Prayer over Osama body
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2011, 03:28:31 PM »
and their prayers were translated in to arabic. Insulting and sprinkling salt on the wounds.
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Offline mord

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Re: Military personal forced to pray Islamic Prayer over Osama body
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2011, 11:27:58 AM »
During the dumping of the pig garbage into the sea according to qurananimal burial protocol you must curse The Christians and Jews       

Naval Burial Ceremony Contains a Curse on Jews and Christians
Saturday, 07 May 2011 19:06 Andrew Bostom
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Did Naval Burial Ceremony for Bin Laden Curse Jews and Christians, and Confer Pardon and Paradise on the Muslim Mass Murderer?

Anneke Green has a disturbing analysis in the Washington Times which indicates the very likely specifics of the burial ceremony aboard the USS Carl Vinson—repeatedly noted by witless counter-terrorism czar John Brennan to be in strict “conformance to Islamic requirements”—for pious Muslim jihadist Osama Bin Laden, orchestrator of the mass murder of Americans on 9/11/2001.

As Green reports, “Navy Military Funerals, (pp. 34-35)” a protocol developed by the Navy, describes in explicit detail what transpires during a Muslim sea burial:

The body must have been washed and wrapped “as required for the bodies of Muslims,” which refers to ceremonial cleanings that must be done by another Muslim. Those who have gathered to pray at the burial—ostensibly crewmembers since family is not allowed at sea burials—must face Mecca.

But the most shocking details Green has uncovered concern the formal funeral prayers which must be uttered—as specified by the Navy—during the segment of the burial ceremony in which supplication for the Muslim decedent is made. The requisite prayer includes the following statements:

“O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, pardon him, grant him security, provide him a nice place and spacious lodgings, wash him (off from his sins) with water, snow and ice, purify him from his sins as a white garment is cleansed from dirt, replace his present abode with a better one, replace his present family with a better one, replace his present partner with a better one, make him enter paradise and save him from the trials of grave [sic] and the punishment of hell.”

But what Green’s discussion omits is that before this supplication, the required prayer service (see p. 34) includes the opening sura (chapter) of the Koran, or “Fatiha”.  As copiously documented by the most authoritative Muslim Koranic commentaries—past and present—verse 1.7 from this sura includes an eternal curse upon Jews and Christians, as noted in this official modern Koranic translation by Drs. Muhammad al-Hilali and Muhammad Khan (p.12):

“The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians).”

For example, the 2008 English translation (by a pious Muslim translator) of the classical single volume Koranic commentary Tafsir al-Jalalayn, proclaims,

“This translation gives non-Arabic speakers access to one of the seminal works of classical tafsir literature. It is hoped that it will prove a valuable aid to the correct understanding of the Qur’anic Revelation throughout the English-speaking world.”

As the Koranic commentary Tafsir al-Jalalayn explains, Muslims are told in the preceding verse, Koran 1:6,

“Guide us on the straight path” means, direct us to it.

The commentary continues,

It is followed by its appositive [in verse 7], “…the Path of those You have blessed,” with guidance, “not of those with anger on them,” who are the Jews, “nor of the misguided,”who are the Christians. The grammatical structure here shows that those who are guided are not the Jews or the Christians. Allah Almighty knows best what is correct, and to Him is the return and the homecoming. May Allah bless our Master Muhammad and His family and Companions and grant them abundant peace always and forever. Allah is enough for us and the best Protector. There is no strength nor power except by Allah, the High, the Immense.

The modern Koranic commentary Ma’ariful Qur’an, written by Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi (1898-1976), former Grand Mufti of (pre-Partition) India, and founder of Darul Ulum Karachi, is the best known Koranic commentary in Urdu. This modern Koranic exegesis comports with the classical commentary on verse 1:7, highlighting the Koran’s strident Antisemitism, and accompanying Christianophobia:

Those who have incurred Allah’s wrath are the people, who in spite of being quite familiar with the commandments of Allah willfully go against them out of a calculated perversity or in the service of their desires, or, in other words, who are deficient in obeying divine injunctions. This, for example, was the general condition of the Jews who were ready to sacrifice their religion for the sake of a petty worldly gain, and used to insult and sometimes even to kill their prophets.

As for (those who go astray), they are the people who, out of ignorance or lack of thought, go beyond the limits appointed by Allah, and indulge in excess and exaggeration in religious matters. This, for example, has generally been the error of the Christians who exceededthe limits in their reverence for a prophet and turned him into a god. On the one hand, there is the rebelliousness of the Jews who not only refused to listen to the prophets of Allah but went on to kill them; on the other hand, there is the excessive zeal of the Christians who deified a prophet.

There is more than ample reason to believe that the Navy Military Funerals protocol was indeed followed—a logical inference, which at any rate should be confirmed or denied by release of the reported video footage of Bin Laden’s “ceremonial burial”—because as Anneke Green notes:

According to the Pentagon, “prepared religious remarks” were read at bin Laden’s funeral, but when asked whether his burial was performed according to Navy Military Funeral protocol, they had “no additional operational details or comments to make.”  Mr. Brennan, however, in his Monday briefing on the bin Laden operation, reassured reporters that, “Burial at sea takes place on a regular basis. The U.S. military has the ability to ensure that that burial is done in a manner that is, again, consistent with Islamic law, as well as consistent with what the requirements are for a burial at sea.  And so that burial was done appropriately.”

The grotesque dhimmitude in these apparent details—so destructive of our nation’s soul, in accord with the fundamental goal of Islamic supremacism—defies speech, and demands a thorough public airing for all Americans, first and foremost those whose family members were slaughtered during the 9/11/2001 acts of jihad terrorism.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline TheCoon

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Re: Military personal forced to pray Islamic Prayer over Osama body
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2011, 12:25:35 PM »
It is so bizarre this whole situation. Looking at what happened at this compound, it is clear he had no entourage guarding him and he wasn't expecting anything at all. The navy team likely could have taken him alive but instead executed him on the spot after cornering him in a room. This seems so odd to me. Also, the fact they won't release photos of his dead body and then gave him an islamic burial at sea? Something is just so fishy with the entire situation.

Obama said he didn't want to bury him somewhere and have it be a shrine for Al Qaeda, but at the same time they could just cremate his body and throw the ashes in the trash. Why even be concerned about the remains or traditions of your sworn enemy? Obama told us for so long that bin Laden wasn't a true islamic leader and he was perverting islam, yet he admits that Osama's death will offend some muslims? Why would so-called real muslims be offended by Osama's death if he was perverting their religion?
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!