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Re: Vatikan - Palestinians
« Reply #75 on: March 19, 2011, 10:35:03 AM »

Hamas učestvovao u ratu u Bosni
Datum: 19.01.2009 20:15
Autor: Goran Maunaga
BANjA LUKA - Skoro trećina islamskih dobrotvornih organizacija na Balkanu pomagala je aktivnosti islamskih grupa povezanih s terorizmom uključujući egipatsku Gama al-Islamiju, palestinski Hamas i libanski Hezbolah.

Američki publicista i ekspert za antiterorizam Evan Kolman navodi da to stoji u izvještaju američke vlade iz 1996. godine koji je nosio oznaku "strogo povjerljivo".
- Za taj izvještaj "Wall Street Journal " tvrdio je da ga je izradila američka Centralna obavještajna agencija (CIA). Činjenica je i da Hamasovac Abu Anas al-Šami sredinom devedesetih došao u BiH, navodno da bude misionar i da pomaže u širenju islama - navodi Kolman.
Nakon BiH, ističe on, Al-Šami vratio se u rodni Jordan gdje je pomogao osnivanje glavnog regrutnog centra za fundamentalističku grupaciju "Džamat al-Suna val-Kitab" ("Društvo suneta i Knjige").
Član Ekspertskog tima jugoistočne Evrope za borbu protiv terorizma i organizovanog kriminala Domagoj Margetić kaže da su visoki oficiri Hamasa koji su učestvovali u ratu u BiH uglavnom bili locirani na području centralne Bosne.
- Nekoliko njih učestvovalo je u logističkom centru Armije BiH u Visokom. Pripadnike Hamasa koordinisao je visoki oficir Armije BiH Majed Mafalani, porijeklom Sirijac, koji je sada ljekar u Visokom - kaže Margetić.
Obavještajci NATO-a, dodaje on, istraživali su Mafalanija zbog njegovih odnosa sa sirijskom obavještajnom službom i koordinacije dolazaka Hamasovih oficira u BiH. Kaže da je  sirijska obavještajna služba jedan je od glavnih servisa Hamasu.
- Pripadnici Hamasa bili su sastavni dio komandnih centara Armije RBiH, a jedno vrijeme bili su dio njene obavještajne službe - ističe Margetić.
Hrvatski mediji su i poslije rata, tačnije 1999. godine pisali da su "Hamas, GIA i Bin Ladenovi islamski teroristi  i dalje u BiH".
Tada je ispred kafea "Feniks" u Turbetu kod Travnika pronađeno pismo u kome "Islamska teroristička organizacija Sarajevo", odnosno lokalni ogranak Hamasa iz Turbeta, upozorava na buduće terorističke akcije usmjerene na tamošnje Hrvate, "ustaše", policiju i "otpadnike od islama". Letak je ostavljen na vjetrobranskom staklu automobila mladića hrvatske nacionalnosti.
- Sama pojava Hamasa u srednjoj Bosni dovoljan je znak za uzbunu. U policiji i u IPTF-u su potvrdili da znaju da je to djelo mudžahedina, pripadnika Hamasa, te da je riječ o direktnoj prijetnji povratku hrvatskog naroda u opštinu Travnik i cijele srednje Bosne, pisala je štampa.
Iako je američki Stejt department još tada stavio BiH na spisak zemalja u kojima djeluju terorističke organizacije  i zatražio protjerivanje iz BiH vođa islamskih dobrovoljaca koji su tokom rata u BiH došli da pomognu "braći po vjeri", to do danas nije učinjeno.
Rat države Izrael i terorista

Margetić je naveo da je pismo podrške premijera RS Milorada Dodika upućeno Izraelu mudar potez jer se u pojasu Gaze, kako je rekao, ne vodi rat u kome postoje dvije suprotstavljene strane "nego postoji izraelska država i vojska, s jedne, i teroristička organizacija, sa druge strane".
- Političko Sarajevo aktivno se uključilo u Hamasovu propagandu protiv Izraela. Bilo je očekivano da će napasti istupe iz RS - kaže Margetić.
Ističe da je prijateljstvo sa Izraelom imperativ za civilizovane zemlje.
- Ili smo protiv terorizma i na strani Izraela, ili podržavamo islamski terorizam. Hamas koristi palestinske civile kao živi štit - kaže Margetić.

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Re: Vatikan - Palestinians
« Reply #76 on: March 19, 2011, 11:20:07 PM »
Here is raw Google translattion for other members:

Hamas participated in the war in Bosnia
Date: 19/01/2009 20:15
Author: Goran Maunaga
BANJA LUKA - Nearly a third of Islamic charities in the Balkans helped the activities of Islamic groups linked to terrorism, including the Egyptian al-Gama Islami, Palestinian Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah.

American journalist and anti-terrorism expert Evan Coleman said that the report of the U.S. government in 1996. year that is marked "strictly confidential".
- For this report, "Wall Street Journal claimed that he developed the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The fact is that Hamas and Abu Anas al-Sami mid-nineties came to Bosnia, reportedly to be a missionary and to help in spreading Islam - said Coleman.
After Bosnia, he says, Al-Sami returned to his native Jordan, where he helped establish the main center for recruit fundamentalist group "Jamaat al-Sunna val-Kitab" (the "Company Sunnah and the Book").
Team's Southeast Europe to combat terrorism and organized crime Domagoj Margetic says Hamas senior officers who participated in the war in Bosnia were located mainly in central Bosnia.
- Several of them took part in the logistic center of the Army of Bosnia at Visoko. Hamas co-ordinate the senior officer of the Army of Bosnia Mafalani Majed, a native Syrian, who is now a doctor in the High - said Margetic.
NATO intelligence, he added, have investigated Mafalani because of his relationship with the Syrian intelligence service and coordination of arrivals Hamas officers in BiH. He says that the Syrian intelligence service is one of the main services to Hamas.
- Members of Hamas have been an integral part of the command centers of the Army of BiH, and at one time were part of its intelligence services - expires Margetic.
Croatian media after the war, namely the 1999th The media reported that "Hamas, GIA, and Bin Laden's Islamic terrorists are still in Bosnia."
Then the front of the cafe, "Phoenix" in Turbe near Travnik found a letter that "the Islamic terrorist organization, Sarajevo, or the local branch of Hamas from Turbe, warns of future acts of terrorism directed at the local Croats," Ustasha ", the police and" apostates "from Islam" . The leaflet was left on car windshields young Croat.
- The emergence of Hamas in central Bosnia is sufficient cause for alarm. The police and the IPTF have confirmed that they know to be the work of the mujahedin, members of Hamas, and that this is a direct threat to return the Croatian people in the municipality of Travnik in central Bosnia and the whole, wrote to the press.
Although the U.S. State Department is BH then placed on the list of countries where terrorist organizations operate, and demanded the expulsion of the leaders of BiH Islamic volunteers who during the war in Bosnia came to help the "brothers in faith", it is not done today.
The war of Israel and the terrorists

Margetic said that the letter of support to Prime Minister Milorad Dodik sent Israel a wise move because in the Gaza Strip, he said, not fighting a war in which there are two opposing sides, "but there is an Israeli state and army, on one side, and terrorist organizations, with On the other hand. "
- Political Sarajevo actively involved in the Hamas propaganda against Israel. It was expected to attack withdraw from RS - Margetic said.
He points out that friendship with Israel is imperative for civilized countries.
- Either we are against terrorism and on Israel's side, or support Islamic terrorism. Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields - Margetic said.

Offline Slobodan

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Re: Vatikan - Palestinians
« Reply #78 on: March 26, 2011, 01:50:26 PM »
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline Slobodan

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« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 12:03:18 PM by Slobodan »
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Vatikan - Palestinians
« Reply #83 on: May 23, 2011, 06:54:10 AM »
I always say there is a good people in every nation, religion ...etc.
So there is many good Catholics! I never attack Catholics as a people, I attacked Roman Catholic Church as institution and Vatican with Pope! there never be nice words for Vatican from me, because there is no nothing nice about them!they are responsible for many deaths and suffering of serbian people through history, and jewish people to!
I respect honest Catholics, but I will never respect Vatican because they are so far from honesty!
That is the true, God is my witness!!!