Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Arrested Ratko Mladic!

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“Mladic’s arrest will not open EU doors to Serbia”

Despite what some Serbian politicians may expect, the EU will not welcome Serbia to join the union after the arrest of Ratko Mladic, believes Konstantin Kosachev, head of the Russian Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee.

“Taking into consideration the current economic and financial problems of many countries within the EU, I have certain doubts about whether the European Union will be capable and interested in adding one more transitional economy as a member state. I believe that Serbia will be somehow disappointed in the near future by receiving other explanations as to why the country can’t join the EU immediately,” he said, explaining his reasoning to RT.

For Russia the main interest in the case is to ensure a fair trial for the former Bosnian Serb general, who is accused of numerous war crimes, the official said. So far, the conviction record for the Hague Tribunal (ICTY) on former Yugoslavia leaves doubts about the integrity of this body, he added.

“Up to 80% of the [ICTY rulings] are about Serbs and only 20% are about all other nations involved in the previous conflicts together. I believe that in recent years the Tribunal started acting [with one goal] to justify the previous intervention of NATO forces in the conflicts,” Kosachev said.

Yaakov Mendel:

What about the accusation of mass rape by Serb forces ? Is it a lie ?

(I have no bias, I am genuinely interested)


--- Quote from: Yaakov Mendel on May 27, 2011, 05:40:09 PM ---What about the accusation of mass rape by Serb forces ? Is it a lie ?

(I have no bias, I am genuinely interested)

--- End quote ---
Yea we raped whole Bosnia and even dogs and cats to!
Off course is lie and propaganda!

serbian army:

--- Quote from: crnitrn on May 27, 2011, 06:09:31 PM ---Yea we raped whole Bosnia and even dogs and cats to!
Off course is lie and propaganda!

--- End quote ---
cows and horses too..


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