Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Arrested Ratko Mladic!

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This truly is a treason by Tadici (a way we, true patriotic Serbs call Tadic), and untill this POS is overthrown, there is no hope for stopping Islamic return to Europe. Furthermore, a major cleanup of current leadership (whose own parents were predominantly communists just like their kids) needs to be done. However, I would not put them into a court but rather let them live in shame and every time they are seen in public, we can throw fruits and vegetables at them. They don't deserve anything better. Taking them to court is an insult to a court.

The day of return of true Serbia and its lands is coming, I don't doubt that. However, this time, all of those who are working for the islamic expansion, kick them and their families out of the country and perhaps they can go to Saudi Arabia, who is a dominant financial contributor to the Hague clown courts (look it up if you do not believe me).....or perhaps to the west where democracy only exists for oil-rich, satanic-following, Sharia-believing muslim hordes...after all, if you are a non-muslim, you are not allowed to talk anything anti-islamic/satanic.
God help us all and our General Mladic.

serbian army:
This is the biggest treason after death of hero Karadjordje Petrovic. Very few people protested and this makes me feel something far greater is about to happen.

It's a Shame that the Serbian govt would do this... and for what?!

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Dan on May 26, 2011, 08:30:57 PM ---It's a Shame that the Serbian govt would do this... and for what?!

--- End quote ---
Membership in EU-an official announcement that we are German slaves.



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