General Category > Ask JTF

Ask JTF for Sunday, June 19, 2011

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Shalom brother Chaim.

A few weeks ago when I asked about the conspiracy theorists who think Yigal Amir didn't kill Rabin, you told me you believe that Avishai Raviv from the Shabak entrapped Yigal Amir and I recall hearing you say this once or twice before. Although I'd like to believe this is true and that the Shabak is responsible, I don't think there's enough evidence for any of this, am I wrong?

Toda raba veshavua tov,

Hello Chaim.

Hope all is well.

Why are so many young people in politics so enthusiastic about Ron paul? It seems that the few people that I know that range from the age of 18-21 seem to think that he is the prime candidate and a savior who will rescue our economy (this due to his constant attack on the federal reserve)?  How do I go on to explain that Ron Paul is not a solution to our problems. His cult like following seems scary and I would not be surprised if he won the nomination.

2nd question
In your view what is the difference between a Neo-Con and a real conservative? ( i often in arguments get called this even though I dislike George bush)
Would you consider the Reagan administration neocons?



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