Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?

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Skanderbeg, whose brother Reposh was a monk at  Chilandar (he was also buried there), is  Orthodox Christian by father and by mother, and the Albanians took him as their national hero because he was a "Christian army commander," among them were a lot of Albanian Christians. Skanderbeg's father's name was Ivan , the grandfather Pavle  (Paul), the great-grandfather Komlen, great- great-grandfather Branilo. His mother was Vojisava Tribaldic.Vojvoda Drekalo was the great grandson of Djuradj Kastriot Skanderbeg.
So continue:
Drekalo - Djuradj - Jovan - Djuradj (Skanderbeg) - Ivan - Paul -Komlen -  and
until today:
He was a Serb by father and mother. The name "Skanderbeg"  was given to him when he was kidnapped as a small child from his family by Turks and forcibly converted to Islam. But when he grew up,Scanderbeg escaped from the Turkish camp and became the greatest enemy of Turkey, uniting all Christians in the fight against the Ottoman invaders.
This is an example of falsification of history by Albanians and by they helpers,to the detriment of Serbs!!


serbian army:
When I heard Hebrew language I recognized many words. We do not look alike but some comparison in words we use can be done.


--- Quote from: serbian army on June 21, 2011, 08:53:19 PM ---When I heard Hebrew language I recognized many words. We do not look alike but some comparison in words we use can be done.

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We do look alike with some of them , because there is many different jews !


--- Quote from: Slobodan on June 18, 2011, 04:32:20 AM ---Можеш ли да ми преведеш ово, не знам Руски? Мада не види да игде спомињу Србе.

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To je samo zakljucak koji govori o falsifikovanju istorijskih podataka. Nije ceo tekst. Deretic, kao ruski akademik, poseduje tekst Ruske akadmeije nauka. Ja ga nemam.


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