Author Topic: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?  (Read 39406 times)

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Offline mord

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2011, 01:39:24 PM »

« Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 01:44:45 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline crnitrn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2011, 06:12:31 AM »
Skanderbeg, whose brother Reposh was a monk at  Chilandar (he was also buried there), is  Orthodox Christian by father and by mother, and the Albanians took him as their national hero because he was a "Christian army commander," among them were a lot of Albanian Christians. Skanderbeg's father's name was Ivan , the grandfather Pavle  (Paul), the great-grandfather Komlen, great- great-grandfather Branilo. His mother was Vojisava Tribaldic.Vojvoda Drekalo was the great grandson of Djuradj Kastriot Skanderbeg.
So continue:
Drekalo - Djuradj - Jovan - Djuradj (Skanderbeg) - Ivan - Paul -Komlen -  and
until today:
He was a Serb by father and mother. The name "Skanderbeg"  was given to him when he was kidnapped as a small child from his family by Turks and forcibly converted to Islam. But when he grew up,Scanderbeg escaped from the Turkish camp and became the greatest enemy of Turkey, uniting all Christians in the fight against the Ottoman invaders.
This is an example of falsification of history by Albanians and by they helpers,to the detriment of Serbs!!


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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #27 on: June 21, 2011, 08:53:19 PM »
When I heard Hebrew language I recognized many words. We do not look alike but some comparison in words we use can be done.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Kerber

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2011, 05:56:32 AM »
Можеш ли да ми преведеш ово, не знам Руски? Мада не види да игде спомињу Србе.

To je samo zakljucak koji govori o falsifikovanju istorijskih podataka. Nije ceo tekst. Deretic, kao ruski akademik, poseduje tekst Ruske akadmeije nauka. Ja ga nemam.

Offline Slobodan

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #30 on: June 23, 2011, 03:49:28 PM »
Све ми се чини да Деретић лаже да је руски академик. Нема га нигде на списку чланова Руске Академије Науке.

Он није члан те академије већ Петровске академије наука и уметности (ПАНИ) насталој 7.12.1991.

Ово је повеља која је уручена Др Јовану Деретићу за излагање на II међународном конгресу о преткириловској писмености и претхришћанској култури код Словена одржаном 12.–14.јуна 2009.год у Петрограду.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline milutinn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2011, 08:55:03 AM »
That's OK if it's off topic. I am also interested in our history as well as reliable sources to back it up. Not necessarily the official distorted version of our history though.

Perhaps someone could start a new topic "Ancient History of the Serbs" or something like that.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 09:03:47 AM by milutinn »

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #33 on: June 24, 2011, 09:21:31 AM »
Done. New topic created "Ancient History of the Serbs".

Offline milutinn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2011, 02:13:04 PM »
At least Serbs aren't descendants of Ishmael (Arabs), are they (I hope not)!?!?

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #35 on: June 30, 2011, 10:33:56 AM »
At least Serbs aren't descendants of Ishmael (Arabs), are they (I hope not)!?!?
No. Ismael was the son of Abraham, a Semite. His mother was Hagar the Egyptian, a Hamite. I believe his wife was also Egyptian.

Offline Slobodan

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #36 on: June 30, 2011, 11:50:18 AM »
Ако ниси члан Руске Академије Наука, онда ниси руски академик. На том цертификату нема нигде помена Петровске академије. Где је сајт ове академије?

Ево ти сајт:
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline Kerber

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2011, 12:43:49 PM »
At least Serbs aren't descendants of Ishmael (Arabs), are they (I hope not)!?!?
Of course not. You can see clear genetic differences. We are lighter as all Slavic nations are.

But, why is that so important? It doesn't have any significance on the most important part of human - his soul and character.
So, genetics means nothing...

Offline Slobodan

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2011, 05:47:24 AM »
Нема Деретића ни код њих. Не постоји ниједан доказ да је Јован Деретић члан било које академије у Русији. Само постоји његова реч.

Не знам шта да ти кажем. Док не објави доказ (ако га има) остаје само да му (не)верујемо на реч.

Али једно је сигурно, Деретић је Србенда!
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline milutinn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #39 on: July 01, 2011, 07:06:03 AM »
But, why is that so important? It doesn't have any significance on the most important part of human - his soul and character.
So, genetics means nothing...

With reference to human, that depends on what someone believes. My understanding of human is that it was coined to be short for "human cattle". I believe that we are not humans because God created man in His own image. I like to refer to men and women as people.

You are right though, a persons values are important. However, genetics must stand for something because God blessed the seed of Abraham.

I'm just sharing my thoughts, that's all.

Свако добро

Offline Kerber

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #40 on: July 01, 2011, 04:30:03 PM »
With reference to human, that depends on what someone believes. My understanding of human is that it was coined to be short for "human cattle". I believe that we are not humans because G-d created man in His own image. I like to refer to men and women as people.

You are right though, a persons values are important. However, genetics must stand for something because G-d blessed the seed of Abraham.

I'm just sharing my thoughts, that's all.

Свако добро

Abraham was blessed because he was holding a knowledge of Crteator and didn't want to accept rebellious way of life like the rest of population.
He was moral and decent man.

So, his character(soul) was most important in the eyes of God.

Today, if man accept the values that Abraham also accepted he may be also blessed and it has nothing to do with genetics.
That is a stand of us Orthodox Serbs. Every other insisting on genetics leads to racism and discrimination which we condemn.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #41 on: July 01, 2011, 06:21:11 PM »
Abraham was blessed because he was holding a knowledge of Crteator and didn't want to accept rebellious way of life like the rest of population.
He was moral and decent man.

So, his character(soul) was most important in the eyes of G-d.

Today, if man accept the values that Abraham also accepted he may be also blessed and it has nothing to do with genetics.
That is a stand of us Orthodox Serbs. Every other insisting on genetics leads to racism and discrimination which we condemn.


Offline syyuge

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #42 on: July 04, 2011, 03:14:39 PM »
Perhaps Serbs too may be among the Indo-Europeans coming out from Gangatic plains during ancient times, albeit a lot of water has flown since then:

QUOTE>> 2. ANUS: Iranian, Thraco-Phrygian, Hellenic.

a. Iranian: In the Avesta, in Fargard 19 of the VendidAd, it is an Angra {ANgiras} and a Druj {Druhyu} who try to tempt Zarathushtra away from the path of Ahura Mazda.

The priests of the Iranians were the Athravans {AtharvaNas = BhRgus}, and the words Angra and Druj occur throughout the Avesta as epithets for the demon enemies of Ahura Mazda and Zarathushtra.

b. Thraco-Phrygian: While the Armenians, the only surviving members of this branch, have not retained any tradition about any of these priestly classes, it is significant that one of the most prominent groups, belonging to this branch, were known as the Phryge {BhRgu}.

c. Hellenic: The fire-.priests of the Greeks were known as the Phleguai {BhRgu}.

What is more, Greek mythology retains memories of both the other priestly classes, though not in a hostile sense, as the names of mythical beings: Angelos {ANgiras} or divine messengers, and Dryad {Druhyu} or tree-nymphs.

3. DRUHYUS: Baltic and Slavonic, Italic and Celtic, Germanic.
a. Baltic and Slavonic: The word Druhyu occurs in the languages of these two branches in exactly the opposite sense of the Vedic Druh/Drugh/Drogha and the Iranian Druj. In Baltic {eg. Lithuanan Draugas} and Slavonic {eg. Russian Drug} the word means “friend”.

b. Italic and Celtic: While the Italic people did not retain the name of the priestly class {and called their priests flAmen = BrAhmaNa}, the Celtic priests, as we have seen, were called the Drui {genitive Druad, hence Druid}.

A significant factor, showing that the Celtic priests must have separated from the other priestly classes before the priestly hostilities became intense, is that the BhRgus appear to be indirectly remembered in Celtic mythology in a friendly sense. <<UNQUOTE

So  DRUHYUS are most likely candidates.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline pashtungirl

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #43 on: September 14, 2014, 11:01:52 AM »
It is even less likely that Serbs are from the tribe of Judah, that would make you guys Jews lol.

Serbs are slavic speaking from the indo-european stock of people. BTW you know which people are somewhat more likely to be descended from the lost tribes- the Pashtuns of Afghanistan. So these Taliban bastards might be related to my people but I couldn't care less for them.
Excuse me sir whats ur problem? I already told ya we pashtuns are not all talibans and sec why always making haters comments against us what we did 2 u?
:-* i believe in peace:-)
If u want peace u dont talk 2 ur friends
You talk 2 ur enemies

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #44 on: September 15, 2014, 06:44:09 AM »
The Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan are overwhelmingly pro Taliban and even more so pro-shariah (On top of their ancient cruel "moral" code Pashtunwali). The ones of you who supposedly aren't, I will just tell you this- you are either against them or for them.

[q)uote author=pashtungirl link=topic=55896.msg647494#msg647494 date=1410706912]
Excuse me sir whats ur problem? I already told ya we pashtuns are not all talibans and sec why always making haters comments against us what we did 2 u?