Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
--- Quote from: milutinn on June 26, 2011, 02:13:04 PM ---At least Serbs aren't descendants of Ishmael (Arabs), are they (I hope not)!?!?
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No. Ismael was the son of Abraham, a Semite. His mother was Hagar the Egyptian, a Hamite. I believe his wife was also Egyptian.
--- Quote from: Serbstvo on June 30, 2011, 08:37:43 AM ---Ако ниси члан Руске Академије Наука, онда ниси руски академик. На том цертификату нема нигде помена Петровске академије. Где је сајт ове академије?
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Ево ти сајт:
--- Quote from: milutinn on June 26, 2011, 02:13:04 PM ---At least Serbs aren't descendants of Ishmael (Arabs), are they (I hope not)!?!?
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Of course not. You can see clear genetic differences. We are lighter as all Slavic nations are.
But, why is that so important? It doesn't have any significance on the most important part of human - his soul and character.
So, genetics means nothing...
--- Quote from: Serbstvo on June 30, 2011, 11:57:37 AM ---Нема Деретића ни код њих. Не постоји ниједан доказ да је Јован Деретић члан било које академије у Русији. Само постоји његова реч.
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Не знам шта да ти кажем. Док не објави доказ (ако га има) остаје само да му (не)верујемо на реч.
Али једно је сигурно, Деретић је Србенда!
--- Quote from: Kerber on June 30, 2011, 12:43:49 PM ---But, why is that so important? It doesn't have any significance on the most important part of human - his soul and character.
So, genetics means nothing...
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With reference to human, that depends on what someone believes. My understanding of human is that it was coined to be short for "human cattle". I believe that we are not humans because God created man in His own image. I like to refer to men and women as people.
You are right though, a persons values are important. However, genetics must stand for something because God blessed the seed of Abraham.
I'm just sharing my thoughts, that's all.
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