Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?

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Theory that serbs are pagans from Caucasus came on Balkan in 6th century has more hole  then French cheese! That history is write by western countries from suspicious documents, not by serbs, and certainly not from serious research! One thing is sure , serbs lived on Balkan before 6th century!!

If not one of the lost tribes, are Serbs originally of the tribe of Judah?

I invite Jews and gentiles alike who may know the answer to my question to comment also. I have attempted to find the answers on the net but haven't been able to find any reliable information/sources.

Thanks to all who made the effort to reply so far.


I certainly don't find anything offensive in what you have written. Thank you for your efforts.

Неверујем баш у западну историју која је нама Србима наметнута задњих стотину година. Волео бих ако је могуће да сазнам дали смо пореклом Јевреји или Израелци.

Још нешто ме интересује што је тривијално али интересантно. У Шумадији одакле су моји преци псује се следеће кад се лјуди налјуте.

1. бо*а сунца (или само сунце)
2. бо*а јарца
3. итд, итд...

Да је Српско порекло паганско, ја и нисам баш убеђен.


It is even less likely that Serbs are from the tribe of Judah, that would make you guys Jews lol.

Serbs are slavic speaking from the indo-european stock of people. BTW you know which people are somewhat more likely to be descended from the lost tribes- the Pashtuns of Afghanistan. So these Taliban bastards might be related to my people but I couldn't care less for them.

Shalom Zelhar

I guess you hit the nail on the head. I really was asking if Serbs are essentially Jews. If we are, I wouldn't find it funny, it would be awesome to be Jewish.

So, do you (or anyone else for that matter) know which of Noah's son's we are descendants of? Shem, Ham or Japheth?

I would like to be able to somehow find out where my origins as a Serb are from since Noah.



--- Quote from: crnitrn on June 15, 2011, 04:48:31 PM ---Theory that serbs are pagans from Caucasus came on Balkan in 6th century has more hole  then French cheese! That history is write by western countries from suspicious documents, not by serbs, and certainly not from serious research! One thing is sure , serbs lived on Balkan before 6th century!!

--- End quote ---
No thats albanians pagans like the original chechens


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