There is no doubt the Man has shown to be a moderate as times, especially on the
Illegals but as a Contender for the Nomination Thompson will also demonstrate his anti-abortion, anti-gay rights record from which he has never swayed.
Fred is part of the PC crowd but then again name a front-runner in either party who isn't.
Moderation in rhetoric is needed to claim a significant electoral majority...hopefully greater than the victories of BUSH, which were both to close for comfort !
It also gives the Democratic challenger less material to suggest that Thompson is part of their delusional "Right Wing Conspiracy" jargon !
View it this way... Hitlery Saddam has shown adamant support for the Iraq War up until a few months ago. In fact, I remember a time when her and MCCAIN (probably the foremost Supporter of the Iraq War in National Politics) couldn't find reason to disagree on Strategy...yet the Liberal Democrats are still considering her the front-runner for the Nomination.
Likewise, Thompson record of moderation can be viewed as a strength NATIONALLY !
Although I expect the TRUE 'BAMA Hick to emerge after in the inauguration !