Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Ancient History of the Serbs

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--- Quote from: crnitrn on June 26, 2011, 05:43:09 PM ---Turkish occupation  started at the end of 14th and the beginning of 15th century.

--- End quote ---
Yes, of course, it was my mistake.

The saddest thing of all related to Turkish occupation is not islamization of Serbian population in Bosnia, but renaming Zeta to "Montenegro" which was a base for communists to start creating a nation of "Montenegrins" after WWII. Once known as Serbian Sparta, today Montenegrin "nation" is being built just like Croatian nation(by Vatican) on extreme anti-Serbian and anti-Orthodox feelings. And the result is that prime minister of Montenegro said publicly on TV that he wants Serbian Orthodox Church out of Montenegro, while in the same time(yesterday I think) they signed concordat with Vatican.

I'm afraid we will see another copy/paste of Croatia in our neighborhood if the situation stays like this for a longer period of time.


i am sorry but this book i on serbian !



--- Quote from: crnitrn on July 18, 2011, 08:25:28 AM ---
i am sorry but this book i on serbian !

--- End quote ---

Не извињавај се брате, могу ја и на Српском  :). Видех то на ЦПС јуче. Сваком слуцају:

Tenk ju veri much maj frand  ;D


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