Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Ancient History of the Serbs

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--- Quote from: milutinn on June 24, 2011, 10:15:46 AM ---Kerber, I agree. If Deretić claims that Moses acquired the Ten Commandments from the Serbs, then I personally don't see him as reliable either. Deretić may be NUTS.

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You should not reject Deretic completely as a source because he deals with reliable and true sources. So, you have maps, writings and so on, but his personal conclusions based on those sources are not always correct.


--- Quote from: Slobodan on June 24, 2011, 10:42:45 AM ---Ви га немојте узимати за озбиљо, ја хоћу. И гласаћу за њега на следећим изборима.

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Srbiji je potreban covek koji je religiozan i koji Boga poznaje, a ne neko ko ponistiva Sveto pismo i prekraja istpriju koju je Bog ostavio narodima.

Ne sporim da je patriota, ali nije on neko ko moze da vlada. Previse je zastranio u svojim tvrdnjama koje se ticu anticke istorije. To moze da predje u opsesiju. Prema njemu svi su skoro Srbi. To je smesno i neozbiljno. Kod njega je dobro sto raspolaze dokumentima koji su validni i nisu ranije objavljivani ili proucavani. A, njegove tvrdnje treba uzimati sa rezervom kad je rec o antici.


--- Quote from: Slobodan on June 24, 2011, 10:42:45 AM ---Ви га немојте узимати за озбиљо, ја хоћу. И гласаћу за њега на следећим изборима.

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Slusaj on je klasicas sto je babi milo to joj se i snilo. Covek kaze 100 stvari  5 budu tacne! Najozbiljni je ti kazem da je on neozbiljan istoreicar koji za sve to sto tvrdi nema adekvatne dokaze! I ne moze da ih ima jer stvarno stvarno preteruje!


--- Quote from: Kerber on June 24, 2011, 11:07:06 AM ---You should not reject Deretic completely as a source because he deals with reliable and true sources. So, you have maps, writings and so on, but his personal conclusions based on those sources are not always correct.

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I have viewed some of his material and agree with some of what he says as it does make sense. BUT other conclusions he draws such as Serbs being the ancestors of Nimrod (Tower of Babel in the Bible), I personally reject until proven otherwise.


--- Quote from: milutinn on June 26, 2011, 02:20:46 PM ---I have viewed some of his material and agree with some of what he says as it does make sense. BUT other conclusions he draws such as Serbs being the ancestors of Nimrod (Tower of Babel in the Bible), I personally reject until proven otherwise.

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on je krsten sa kljucalu vodu!


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