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I liken him to today's modern day Noah warning everyone about a flood that will happen
I don't like everything about him but I like him better than most of the talk show hosts out there. Will he still have his radio show?
Problem is that he has the "turn the other cheek" mentality. He doesn't curse his enemies like we do.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/menachem-rosensaft/glenn-becks-nazi-loving-t_b_604021.htmlThe author is a reform btw but is what the site says true?ps, I watch all of becks shows he seems to be only pro Israel because it is a liberal democracy that supports gays. JTF does not support at all (not even close) to what Beck thinks Israel should be. He is still entertaining though, at times he can go on tangents; That part bores me.
You read HuffPo? One of the biggest antisemitic news sources around.... I refuse to even read a single article from that site so I will have to feign ignorance when it comes to this story...I believe the 'democracy' and 'gay' thing is just to compare against the muslim countries in the middle east.