What follows now are some ideas for your group to consider taking part in. Firstly, please read and print off some copies of this detailed Lawful Rebellion document found here:
http://www.lawfulrebellion.org.uk/content/definitive-statement-exposing-political-treasonhttp://www.lawfulrebellion.org.uk/sites/default/files/to_all_politicians.pdfAs a group, take a copy and personally give it to your local MP at one of his or her regular surgeries along with a brief verbal summary highlighting the main issues. Ask him or her ‘that question’ highlighted earlier in Part One concerning the issuance by government of debt-free and interest-free money and record their pathetic attempts to give an answer. Make sure that when you do go, one of you takes a video camera to record what happens. Afterwards, take copies of the footage to the news editors of your local newspaper and radio station, explaining to them the extraordinary seriousness of the situation and show how the MP reacted to your reasonably put concerns. If the MP’s responses are really shocking or entertaining, get it up on You Tube.
As part of the educational side to Lawful Rebellion, arrange for your group to visit your local police station and ask to see a serving officer (sergeant or above) and thereby hopefully start to build a rapport with those police men and women who know that things are not right. The good coppers are your natural allies.
It’s important that the unlawful Administrative Courts and Magistrates Courts are made to realise that they are operating in breach of Common Law. Go down as a group to your local courts and enter into friendly dialogue with the court officials there, many of whom are just decent people doing what they are told to do as a paid job to pay the bills and are oblivious to what is really going on. Creating dissent and worry amongst the staff will help undermine this unlawful system of corporate control. There may be a Statute Case that one of you is affected by and as a group would like to contest using Lawful Rebellion and Common Law jurisdiction. Whatever you do, be friendly and humorous – it unnerves the other side. If you display anger and aggression, they will surely win.
Obviously large actions like the lawful arrest of Judge Peake earlier this year will continue to happen and information will be put out in good time for your group to have a chance to take part. The main thing is keep battling away at the people who are prominent in your community and who are starting to wake up to the real truth. Also, don’t be afraid of going to visit wealthy business people and show how a generous donation would be used to get this vital information out effectively to the people. A business plan to this effect is currently being put together.
On a daily basis, always remember to visit these sites regularly to keep your group up to date with what’s going on:
www.ukcolumn.orgHelp sell or give out copies of the UK Column newspaper to potential supporters.
www.thebcgroup.org.uk The next Conference is on Saturday October 22nd in Stoke - please try and be there.
www.JTF.orgThis is an is an excellent way to see what is really happening in the world.
www.fmotl.com Excellent resource base for understanding the ‘mechanics’ of Lawful Rebellion
www.holliedemandsjustice.org Helping to get justice for Hollie Greig and a good link to other sites helping abused children and families
www.wholetruthcoalition.org www.lawfulrebellion.orgwww.lawfulrebellion.org.uk www.tpuc.orgwww.sovereignindependent.comAll good sites with useful information for a lawful rebel!
www.checktheevidence.co.ukExcellent site for exposing suppressed science and technologies – especially the pursuit of ‘free energy’.
http://www.cpexposed.com/Comprehensive site exposing the bogus training charity Common Purpose.
http://www.acasefortreason.org.uk/Please read up the excellent work Albert: Burgess has done to expose the provable treason that the Heath government committed to take us into the EEC
http://lawfulbank.com/ This exciting new but benign banking initiative started by Roger: Hayes of the British Constitution Group will only take off if people like you sign up to it. Have a look and if you are in agreement, please get involved.
And finally, enjoy this wonderful ‘The Mouse that Roared’ site
http://www.forvik.com/ and help Stuart of Forvik to win his day against the British Government. Great fun!
At the time of writing this, Parliament has just broken up for its summer recess – a time when some of the more active MPs tour their constituencies attempting to shore up their support by being seen to be doing something. The party conference season starts in September and this is when Britain becomes politically active again and where the grassroots party activists and the political hacks of the media can mingle with the great and good and give the entirely false appearance that we live in a democracy where every voice is listened to. It’s all an orchestrated charade and one that has become increasingly nauseating for those of us who know the truth about what is really happening to our country and where the real power lies. The toadies, sycophants and naive fools who make up the membership of these parties, and who bury their heads in the sand quickly whenever the truth makes an unwelcome and unscripted appearance, need to be taught a lesson they won’t easily forget. It should be entirely possible for us to leave our rebellious mark on this year’s conference season if we all make an effort to attend at least one of these conferences. The dates and venues are as follows:
- UKIP Sept 8th – 10th Eastbourne
- Green Party September 9th – 12th Hallam University Sheffield
- Liberal Democrat September 17th – 21st The ICC Birmingham
- Labour Party September 25th – 29th The ACC Liverpool
- Conservative Party October 2nd – 5th Manchester Central
- SNP October 14th – 17th Perth Concert Hall (link up with the Hollie Greig campaign who will almost certainly have a presence there) To really have an impact this year, if dozens of us turn up to each of these conferences and all ask the same question that is crucial to exposing the whole Rothschild game plan, namely…..
Why cannot Her Majesty’s Government through the Treasury issue debt free and interest free money based upon the wealth, the common wealth, of this country (worth trillions)....why do we have to go cap in hand to the Rothschild controlled private and international banks who simply create money out of thin air - just numbers created on a computer screen - and who then charge exorbitant rates of interest on this 'nothingness', which is currently costing us the taxpayers something like £125,000,000 a day, or around £44,000,000,000 a year just to meet the interest payments? …….then this will create considerable unease amongst the rank and file members and will call into question the unlawful activities of their controlled leadership. Simple fact to get over…the Deficit is unlawful as is the National Debt and the private debts incurred by ordinary people. Let’s see how the politicians and the gatekeepers in the media tackle this one!
As regards having the opportunity to ask this question, at every conference there are always fringe meetings on every subject imaginable where members of the public can go along and listen and ask questions to party members, MPs and ministers. If you go to the party’s main website and click on ‘Conference’, there is usually a list of these fringe meetings with dates, venues and timings. If you decide to go as a group, choose different parts of the room to sit in and make sure that when you ask your question to say that you are in Lawful Rebellion and that their responses will be carefully monitored – try and film if you can. Be very polite but very firm. As I said before, use humour if you can – they don’t like being made fun of, especially as we are supposed to fear the system that they helped to create and feel so secure in.