I think the people in San Francisco have way to much time on their hands to worry about whats going on in peoples pants... The entire state is one step away from financial collapse and they are worried about male circumcision... I think this stupidity goes beyond antisemitism....Some years back there was a special on TV showing adults who were spending all kinds of money attempting at having their circumcisions reversed... It was quite comical seeing people 30, 40 and 50 years of age putting themselves through a process like this... An entire hour of grown men "[censored]" and moaning about how they were done wrong by their parents and how they missed out on something by having the original procedure done to them... My problem with this proposed law is it cuts into parents rights... Today the state is controlling circumcision what will be the next step tomorrow...For Jews this should not even be a question because it is a clear violation of the freedom of religion laws... I see this as a parents rights problem far more than antisemitism.