Author Topic: Norway: Official story doesn't make any sesnse, looks like a classic conspiracy!  (Read 631 times)

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In the aftermath of what is being described as Scandinavia's most devastating attack since World War II, nationally syndicated radio host Michael Savage pointed to the lesson for Western civilization as it accommodates a wave of Islamic immigrants with little or no intention of assimilating.

"This is Norway's Quisling moment," Savage said in the opening segment of his show yesterday, referring to the Norwegian World War II figure who's name became a synonym for traitor.

Norwegian authorities say they have identified the gunman who killed at least 80 people at a youth camp near Oslo – after a bomb targeting government offices killed seven – as a blonde Norwegian. But an Islamic group reportedly took responsibility shortly after the attack, and authorities have not announced any firm conclusions.

Savage further told WND that before police focused in on 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik as the perpetrator of both attacks, the press had widely reported an Islamic group threatening Norway with terrorist acts should the nation follow through on plans to deport its leader.

The Islamic news angle, Savage said, has faded from the press since Breivik was fingered, even though the lone Norwegian committing both crimes seems to Savage a suspect possibility.

"This has all the appearances of a cover-up," Savage told WND. "They created their Reichstag fire. They found their Timothy McVeigh. They created their Jack Ruby. How could one man have blown up the downtown and then raced to the island to kill the teens?

"This is likely a fabrication of the Labour Party, who needs to hold onto power to enforce their multi-culturalist, Muslim-favoring, anti-nationalist views," he continued, "especially in light of the earlier 'credit' for this atrocity claimed by the radical Muslim group whose leader they were threatening to deport.

"The official story defies logic in the following sense as well," he continued, "if this lone right-winger hated Muslims, as the New York Times is reporting, then why did he slaughter his own people and not Muslims?"

Vidkun Quisling, as Savage reminded his listening audience yesterday, became president in a Nazi-backed coup and collaborated with Hitler in the dictator's "Final Solution" plan to exterminate Jews.

After the war, Quisling was executed for treason.

"The new Quislings," Savage said, are of a different sort.

"They open Norway's doors to massive immigration from the Middle East," he said. "They spew hatred against the state of Israel. And today's tragic massacres are the inevitable result."

Savage said "Norway's 9/11" could have been stopped, "but it grew far too long, nourished by the bile of Eurosocialism."

"I hoped that incidents like this," he said, "will lead Europeans to come to the defense of their own civilizations and clamp down on the hate and intolerance that takes perverse advantage of European tolerance and openness."