There is so much going on right now that I could probably hog the entire program trying to deal with it. Now it has been a huge problem in Britain for a while that we have about 5 million decent people, with the blood of those who fought in the war and for their freedom pumping in their veins. We also have about 45 million sheep. Who will bleat and bah and do whatever the government tells em to, shrug while civil liberties are torn up and spy cameras placed everywhere.
Now a solution finally presents itself that bypasses the EDL and the BNP.
Two weeks ago a million Brits did an impression of tommy cooper and stopped paying their taxes - just like that! They invoked their ancient rights provided by the Magna Carta to engage in lawful rebellion.
Recent events force me to point out for clarity that Lawful Rebellion is NOT involved with and does not condone the london riots. Our movement is purposeful and peaceful, the riots are a bunch of black people setting fire to things. Surprise surprise.
Anyhow the non taxpayers were taken to court and a Birkenhead judge got a very unpleasant surprise when 500 citizens marched up and arrested him for treason and contempt of court. Now if the government want to spend billions on foreign aid and illegal wars they won't be able to do it with these peoples money.
The rebels have promised more civic arrests for any prosecution attempts. More non taxpayers will join slowly bleeding the beast dry.
There has been a complete government blackout on this, so you probably haven't heard of it. The youtube videos were also censored by the british government. They are scared by this. They are widdle babies who poo hard in their panty butt diapers. I believe we have them on the run. Now go tell yo boys in Israel this is how its done. Forget messing around with tents, stop paying taxes en masse. It all gets spent on arabs anyway. Arrest politicians and police who oppose you. You don't want to let us have all the fun do you?
Finally the British lion wakes from slumber and makes its roar felt. Its not all good news however. This movement is a coalition of many different groups not all of them savory. The torah true fools have jumped on the bandwagon and are whinging about palestinian rights. The movement also points to david icke as a source of real news. Now you and me know that this guy is a couple sandwiches short of a picnic. He says the moon is a spaceship beaming thoughts into peoples heads.
Interestingly the moon was believed to be the cause of madness in old times hence the word lunar tic. Very interesting that Allah is a moon god yes?
But I digress.
I've been given a rebels manual to hand out and I have replaced david ickes site with Any other suggestions?
Now for my other topic.
Chaim, i have a tidbit of information for you which may prove useful. Last week when you adressed orthodoxdarwinist YIMACH SHMO VEZICHRO

and you said he should get cancer and burn in hell forever.
Well you were far too nice to this

On his youtube bio this guy has listed as his heroes Yasser Arafat and Aleister Crowley. Yes thats right, the man claiming to be the beast of revelations. You assumed he was a self hating jew but I think he is a satanist who is masquerading. The amount of spite in his comments towards the holy land isn't explained even by loony self hating. He is also broadcasting strong anti-christian messages. This makes sense as pure satanism would be comitted to the destruction of the holy land and hashems people.
I can't even find words except to say that cow dung is sweet smelling and a sacred work of art compared to this abomination. We should get together and pray that the ten plagues of egypt be visited upon this beast in short order.
And now Mother has insisted I pass on a message. Mother does not approve of JTFers taking things they hear in the subway system and using them as their screen name. Mother does not care wether someone can be your lesbian or not, Mother says what happens in the underground can stay there. Mother says it if happens again she will spank the person with a wooden spoon.
Anyway, Huge flurry of posts from me. I don't know how regular I can be on the site. Things are going to go crazy round here real soon. Ah what am I saying? they're already crazy