Author Topic: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.  (Read 8992 times)

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Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« on: August 06, 2011, 04:56:47 PM »
Shalom dearest Chaim,

Because of Dr. Dan's question to you two weeks ago, all of my questions for this week are going to be about those two disgusting frauds of pseudo-Kahanists, Barack Marzel and Itamar Ben Chazir, yimach shemam.

1: I think that the biggest reason why those two pigs employed Uzi Zalka (Roni the Nazi) was to irritate you. They are jealous that Hayamin has accomplished so much more than their useless splinter group has even though you aren't even in Israel and they knew that Uzi hates your guts. Don't you agree?

2: What kind of relations do those pathetic farces have with those two other backstabbing, Nazi-collaborating traitors, Dyke Guzofsky and David Duke Haivri?

3: Talk a little bit about that other useless waste of space and oxygen, their friend Michael Ben-Ari. With "Kahanists" like that loser, who needs leftist Nazis? I know he let us all down but isn't the fact that that he was allowed to run and hold office proof that he probably wasn't genuine to begin with?

4: Ben Chazir made a big deal about how he was not going on Big Brother for religious reasons. Isn't he yet more evidence of your axiom "the bigger the beard, the bigger the crook"? What a hypocrite. He got his panties in a bunch because he would be videotaped during Shabbat but he isn't against unspeakably sinful surrenders of Jewish land to Canaanite filth?

5: Do these two "religious" chazirs have anything to do with those other great "religious" Jews, the Satmar and Nazurei Karta?

6: Do you think these two animals could be on the payroll of Shabak, Feces Now, the European Union, or the Saudis/Iran in order to carry out a mission of diverting and confusing rightist Israelis?

7: I know that this is getting long but briefly discuss Barack Marzel's idiotic socialist ideology and how it is similar to the Marxist Nazi Mapam and Amir Peretz' agenda.

G-d bless you brother Chaim and your family. You are a gentleman and scholar.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 04:58:33 PM by YimachShemoToCroatTrolls »

Offline TruthSpreader

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2011, 05:06:51 PM »
Shalom brother, Chaim! Two questions for this week's Ask JTF.

1. What is your humble opinion on James Avery of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Fame?

If you need more info on him, here is his wikipedia article.

2. What is your opinion on Jewish actress Mandy Moore?  Is she self-hating?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 02:24:37 PM by Hot Spot »
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Irish Zionist

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2011, 05:23:30 PM »
Shalom Chaim

Here are the zootube questions

From: MrBoggles

I don't pretend to know what the universe is (no one can) or how it came to be so call it what you will. Humans created and manifested the idea of "G-d" to explain everything. Which is really not the problem. It becomes a problem when the homosapien gives that idea a consciousness or face and then pretends to know what it wants. When in fact it was us all the time. Unfortunately the vast majority of the world don't see that. That which is absolute does not need worship.

From: azziza1111

Islam is based on higher values and finding the way to be a better person. The “whats” and “hows” of eternity are mystery to all of us. you shouldn't think of them much, think of what u can find answers to and keep your focus. Because u build your belief on logic, love and trust then u learn to accept the rest. Say, just for a moment walk with me here, that there was really G-d up there, and he really does care, wouldn’t life be a much better place knowing that your not alone?

From: 1tabligh

Ever heard truth has no time factor?

Aristotle (384 BC 322 BC) OLD *NO GD*
Plato (428/427 BC 348/347 BC) OLD *NO GD*
Isaac Newton (4 January 1643 31 March 1727) OLD *NO GD*
Albert Einstein (4 March 1879 18 April 1955) OLD *NO GD*
"Is there in their hearts a disease, or are they in doubt?

Gd Bless You, Your Loved Ones & The Chosen People.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 04:38:02 PM by Irish Zionist »
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2011, 06:14:42 PM »
Shalom chaim

1. There was a debate on the forum about pot use as a recreational drug.  I realize some people stay out of trouble, they do it once in awhile, no big deal (according to them).  Why is marijuana bad?  What can you tell JTFers to convince them to no longer use it?  Can you convince them that instead of wasting money on pot (or even cigarettes/tobacco) to harm themselves, to take that money and donate it to JTF/VGA to help the settlers and hilltop youth to survive and therefore save Israel?

2. Was there anyone in your past that you respected and found out later they used pot?  Did you lose some respect for that person? What would your opinion be of a Rabbi who used it once in awhile?  Would any of his religious or holy messages be taken with more of a grain of salt than if he didn't smoke pot?  

3. How many heroic settlers are estimated to live in Yehuda vi Shomron?  How many would you estimate, JTF supports?

4. Moshe Feiglin ascended the Temple Mount with a group of Jews on Tishibav.  The Waqf personnel attacked them.  What would have been the proper response to the Israeli police and Waqf personnel, in your opinion?  I think whining and crying about it (like Fox News does when they complain about liberals and Obama) is ineffective. 

5. In addition to the Dvar Torah's I ask about each week, I would like for you recount some stories about Rabbi Meir Kahane (blessed memory) each week as well.  Can you tell us one story about him?

and a Dvar Torah of this week's parashah?


Dr. Dan
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 05:44:45 PM by Dr. Dan »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Meerkat

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2011, 07:02:16 PM »
shalom chaim

when comes britishsword's turn to have his questions answered he will talk about the waste of bio-mass known as OrthodoxDarwinist (ysv). i have had a few encounters with this bacterium, he is so hateful he puts the zootube quranimals to shame(i am not exaggeration). if he said half the stuff he said about jews about muslims, the unite against fascism parasites on youtube would raid his channel 24/7. this cancer actually said that the west negev deserves the rocket attacks and that el-sayyid nosair (ysv) is a hero.

if nominated, do you think bachmann would be able to unseat osama?

who do you think perry would pick as his VP?

what are some of the things gerald ford did? i hear this guy was horrible but i don't know much about him.

so the EDL is still calling JTF terrorists. when JTF becomes a mass movement, do you think they would end up issuing an apology? if the issue such an apology, would you accept it?

i think i have a very good idea of how to get enough people into the army without doing a draft. when someone signs up, after doing his military service he gets to go to collage for free, he gets a free apartment rent, and he gets a good allowance he can live on. this actually might help bust the leftist monopoly on the education system because more of the collage students would be nationalist.

do you expect kahanist gentiles to take control of europe?

i saw a video with ron paul (ys) in it. it is very strange indeed. he basically says that if all foreign aid is eliminated, the muslims would loose 7 times the money israel would loose. he also said that israel would do better off without the aid, both economically and militarily. he also said that it would give israel real sovereignty. broken clock right twice a day?

after that, he basically sweeps the iran issue under the rug saying they wont develop nuclear bombs and if the do, they wont use them.

why did he say those thing and what does he actually mean?

while we are on the subject of these crazies, i came across a video with alex jones (ys) talking about Rick Perry as if he is the devil incarnate. why?

will the kahanists take over the republican party or run as a 3rd party in america?

how were your experiences in Michigan?

i asked you about dino rossi last week. i myself am currently in WA, i remember seeing an ad by this guy saying he supports obama for the white house, and yes, dino rossi is affiliated with the republican party, closet liberal much?

last week you said that if america chas vchalila re-elects obama the country will fall down the dreck chute. i hear that canada is acting more like america than america.  would you consider moving to canada if such a disaster happens?

is it good idea to start over 9000 construction projects in samaria all at once. we want to slowly deflate this asset bubble instead of bursting it so as not to screw up israel's economy. your thoughts?

what do you think of australia?

and a polish joke:
did you hear about that polish terrorist? poor sucker tried to blow up the president in his car but burned his lips on the exhaust pipe.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 05:51:45 AM by Meerkat »

Offline Rin Tin Tin

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2011, 12:24:29 PM »
Did you consider in the 1980's while you were conducting the bombing campaigns against Soviet targets that it might eventuate in your being permanently disqualified from making aliyah to Israel?  Had you known then that permanent exclusion from Israel might result from the bombing campaigns, would you still have gone through with them?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 05:14:48 PM by Rin Tin Tin »

Offline BritishSword

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2011, 05:03:57 PM »
  There is so much going on right now that I could probably hog the entire program trying to deal with it. Now it has been a huge problem in Britain for a while that we have about 5 million decent people, with the blood of those who fought in the war and for their freedom pumping in their veins. We also have about 45 million sheep. Who will bleat and bah and do whatever the government tells em to, shrug while civil liberties are torn up and spy cameras placed everywhere.
  Now a solution finally presents itself that bypasses the EDL and the BNP.
  Two weeks ago a million Brits did an impression of tommy cooper and stopped paying their taxes - just like that! They invoked their ancient rights provided by the Magna Carta to engage in lawful rebellion.
Recent events force me to point out for clarity that Lawful Rebellion is NOT involved with and does not condone the london riots. Our movement is purposeful and peaceful, the riots are a bunch of black people setting fire to things. Surprise surprise.
 Anyhow the non taxpayers were taken to court and a Birkenhead judge got a very unpleasant surprise when 500 citizens marched up and arrested him for treason and contempt of court. Now if the government want to spend billions on foreign aid and illegal wars they won't be able to do it with these peoples money.
The rebels have promised more civic arrests for any prosecution attempts. More non taxpayers will join slowly bleeding the beast dry.
  There has been a complete government blackout on this, so you probably haven't heard of it. The youtube videos were also censored by the british government. They are scared by this. They are widdle babies who poo hard in their panty butt diapers. I believe we have them on the run. Now go tell yo boys in Israel this is how its done. Forget messing around with tents, stop paying taxes en masse. It all gets spent on arabs anyway. Arrest politicians and police who oppose you. You don't want to let us have all the fun do you?


Finally the British lion wakes from slumber and makes its roar felt. Its not all good news however. This movement is a coalition of many different groups not all of them savory. The torah true fools have jumped on the bandwagon and are whinging about palestinian rights. The movement also points to david icke as a source of real news. Now you and me know that this guy is a couple sandwiches short of a picnic. He says the moon is a spaceship beaming thoughts into peoples heads.
  Interestingly the moon was believed to be the cause of madness in old times hence the word lunar tic. Very interesting that Allah is a moon god yes?
But I digress.
  I've been given a rebels manual to hand out and I have replaced david ickes site with Any other suggestions?

Now for my other topic.

 Chaim, i have a tidbit of information for you which may prove useful. Last week when you adressed orthodoxdarwinist YIMACH SHMO VEZICHRO :nuke: and you said he should get cancer and burn in hell forever.
 Well you were far too nice to this  :camel: dung.

On his youtube bio this guy has listed as his heroes Yasser Arafat and Aleister Crowley. Yes thats right, the man claiming to be the beast of revelations. You assumed he was a self hating jew but I think he is a satanist who is masquerading. The amount of spite in his comments towards the holy land isn't explained even by loony self hating. He is also broadcasting strong anti-christian messages. This makes sense as pure satanism would be comitted to the destruction of the holy land and hashems people.
  I can't even find words except to say that cow dung is sweet smelling and a sacred work of art compared to this abomination. We should get together and pray that the ten plagues of egypt be visited upon this beast in short order.

And now Mother has insisted I pass on a message. Mother does not approve of JTFers taking things they hear in  the subway system and using them as their screen name. Mother does not care wether someone can be your lesbian or not, Mother says what happens in the underground can stay there. Mother says it if happens again she will spank the person with a wooden spoon.

Anyway, Huge flurry of posts from me. I don't know how regular I can be on  the site. Things are going to go crazy round here real soon. Ah what am I saying? they're already crazy
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 08:44:43 AM by BritishSword »
I'm British. I'm Sharp.  I'm Deadly.
I am BritishSword


Offline Nekama

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2011, 08:49:07 PM »
Dear Chaim:

Hope all is well.  Here are my questions / comments for the week:

(1) Next year I plan to go to Eretz Yisrael for my sons' Bar Mitzvahs.  I do plan to make a pilgramage to Har Habyit so I can get as close as a human can get to Hashem.  I am sure it will be extremely emotional.  I plan to make a Kiddush Hashem by praying Shema Yisrael very loudly  Maybe the Jews at the plaza below will even be able to hear me.  I know the Israeli police will not protect me will not protect me from the Arab mongrols who follow Jews around Har Habayit.  Is there anything against Jewish Law which would prohibit me from bringing some pork products like spam or pork rinds to Har Habayit to protect me from the Muslims?  I was thinking the pork rinds or spam would protect me from the muslims like garlic used to protect against vampires. How do you say Mohammad was a rapist, pedophile and a camal shtooper in Arabic? It may come in handy. If need be, I will kick muslim butt.  Your comments please.

(2) What is the race / etnicity of the rioters in Great Britian?  Why am I having a hard time finding this out in the news?

(3) The Torah says that Moses was not allowed to enter the Land of Israel because he hit the rock when Hashem told him to speak to it to draw water.  Mosses was buried in a cave east of the Jordan River.  If the Land of Israel promised to Abraham is from the Nile to the Euphraties, then wasn't Moses buried in the Land of Israel?

(4) Perhaps the young kahanists in Israel can be part of a Flash Mob and bum rush the temple mount and set up a tent city.  That would get headlines.  What are your thoughts?

(5) In a demented way, I can sort of understand why men would want to convert to Islam. They get to rape, steal and murder all in the name of religion. But why would a woman want to convert to Islam and risk the chance of being violated and humiliated by the religion's sick male creatures?

All the best,

« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 03:34:11 PM by Nekama »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2011, 02:28:36 AM »
Hello Chaim,

1. You have stressed in the passed that all Jews must live in Israel. How would you deal with a jew or a group of Jews, who do not want to live Israel?

2. Would you use Nukes against your enemies if you become Prime Minister of Israel?

3. What exactly happened when you tryed to immigrate to Israel in 1996?

Offline danny100

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2011, 02:54:22 PM »
Shalom Chaim

1. You once mentioned that in California Affrimative action was banned for a year. What year was that?

2. When I was 15 after the Inaguration, I found a poll showing 80% of Jews voted for Obama. After I saw this I said to myself "I always thought the other way around was true" because for one time I thought that the majority of American Jews really cared about Israel.

3. Did Smolmert's daughter take part an Anti-Zionist rally shouting the "Intifada will prevail"?.

4. I know a lot of people ask about OrthodoxDarwinist, but almost all of his comments are about "How the Zionist puppets control all interests" and He always Condemns Israel. Is this a Self-Hating Creature swarming around YouTube?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 10:09:17 PM by danny100 »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2011, 12:22:29 PM »
Hello Chaim,

Sorry I skipped a couple of weeks.
This horrible economy makes it necessary for me to have three jobs to support my family, which makes it difficult for me to keep up.
I still listen every week and enjoy the program very much, now for my questions,

1. Who chooses each week's parashah?
2. Why do you think that G-d chose the Jews as his people?
3. Why does He not abandon them considering all the foolish, even bad things they've done over time that have angered Him?
4. Why are you so hard on the Jews that do not live in Israel?  I think you can be a good Jew and live anywhere in the world. 
    Righteousness & honor live in the heart not in the soil.   
5. If you say all good Jews must live in Israel, then the total number of Jews is limited to only to maximum number that can physically fit within the borders of Israel,
    even if the boards are expanded to their fullest Biblical bounds.
6. I believe you focus too much on the Jews in Israel, a worthy endeavor to say the least, however, the Jews and righteous Gentiles here in the US need to hear the truth as well.
    Have considered using mass emailing. It only takes a few hundred dollars to get an email list of thousands Rabbis, priests and laymen all potential supports,
    to which you could email a link to each weeks "Ask JTF".
7. You should post a YOUTUBE video in which you tell the truth but in a way that will not allow them to take it down because it does not violate their stupid Bolshevik rules. 
   This video will then act as an anchor or “sticky thread” if you will.  To which we could put in a link to each week’s “Ask JTF” using tinyurl in the comments section.

Thanks again for all you do.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 12:46:42 PM by dgr81 »
"As goes Israel, so goes the world."

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2011, 06:04:03 PM »
Dear Chaim,

I was in Israel recently, and I asked about the high cost of housing.  I was told that one reason for it is that Israel is something of a magnet for dirty money from Russia and Eastern Europe, from both Jews and non-Jews alike. 

Has anyone mentioned this as a factor pushing up housing prices in the ongoing protests in Israel? 

Thank you,
Kalman Ben Menachem

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2011, 12:14:46 PM »
Shalom Chaim ha Ga'on,

What a crime it is that when many couples get married, it is "traditional" to play the wedding march composed by the satan-worshiping German proto-nazi, Richard Wagner (from his evil, third-reich glorifying opera "Lohengrin"). I realize that many gentile (and probably even some deformed Jewish) couples have this music played when they tie the knot - what a chilul hashem. Is it a surprise that the divorce rate is so high when so many newlyweds curse their marriage by having nazi music play during the ceremony? Am I wrong, and what can we do about this?

Please tell us about the heinous murderer and closeted sodomite, Phil Spector. I have it on good authority that the hair on his head is in fact not real but is actually a toupee. Just as he pretends to have hair by sporting a hairpiece, he has also pretended to heterosexual all these years. Well, every dog has his day (my apology to dogs), and now Spector is serving a prison sentence for murdering a woman (maybe the woman threatened to expose him for a sodomite?) Unfortunately nobody told the jurors that Spector will probably enjoy prison. Your thoughts?

Can you comment on the action you took against that mongrel schvartza-loving bank, Chase?

Where were you and the Rabbi when Bernie Goetz heroically defended himself against those 4 ugly festering blacks who tried to mug him on the subway? Did you support Goetz publicly after he was arrested? I think the only crime he committed was not shooting all four of those monkeys in the eyeballs. Incidentally, since then each of those black savages has accumulated a rap sheet from here to bed stuy - except for one who is in a wheelchair (his mother complained that he will never exceed the mental level of a 3rd grader - not bad for a schvartza thug).
Good for Bernard Goetz - I only wish his aim was better!

Todah Chaim, ve tiyeh bari

« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 09:12:34 PM by Gimatria »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2011, 12:30:12 AM »
Dear chaim

1. I remember that 2 ask jtf's ago I asked about if you met any of the itallian organized crime members. You said that you met all the heads of the commision and alot of those guys. Did any of these criminals congradulate you for what you did to the soviets? Did they respect you?

2. It seems like the website and forums are untouched recently from dos attacks. Has feces now or the anarchists try'd to attempt  a major attack on our servers recently and miserably failed?

3.The Muslim nazi fatah has announced the date to declare a "palestinian" state? What do you predict will happen with this declaration? Is the declaration meaningless where there are hardly any arabs in area's c and b. But only area a which has some arabs?

4. What are your concerns with michelle bachman?

5. Why does the religious public want a mechitza everywhere? I agree with the mechitza for schull but I just can not understand why there needs to be a seperation of a busline?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 08:37:22 PM by The proud Jew »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2011, 01:01:52 AM »
Dear Chaim,

1) Please join me in boycotting the evil and vicious CW Network (WPIX, Channel 11 here in New York) for their decision to give Anderson Cooper, the silver haired sodomite with a black soul, his own talk show. What do you think some of the topics of this "show" will be? I'd guess he'll be "educating" mongoloid viewers on the differences between "butch" and "effeminate" sodomites, and espousing the virtues of satanic garbage like Barack Hussein Osama and fellow queer commentators like Chris Matthews and Neil Cavuto. What are your thoughts on this development?

2) I was very disappointed to find out that a very attractive woman who lives in my building is a huge fan of the MTV show "Teen Mom". This show exploits young, stupid white people, taking the dregs of white culture and presenting it as if it's the norm. Notice that MTV never shows an illegitimate black child, because everyone knows that schvartzas never reproduce unless married first. What a disgrace. Would it be a sin if the MTV building were bombed into rubble - with everyone inside it?

3) I was recently with one of my Jewish friends after work in NYC. We were hungry, and were contemplating where to eat, when he stopped at - of all places - A HALAL TRUCK, and tried to convince me of its virtues and deliciousness. When I pointed out to him the absurdity of his statements - first, of course, being the fact that he was Jewish and supporting these filthy Arab muslim nazis - and later expounding to include the fact that this arabic filth doesn't wash their hands after going to the bathroom, and often doesn't use toilet paper either - he proceeded to DEFEND the satanic beasts that inhabit these disgusting halal trucks, and ordered an entire manner of vile meat and rice. What do you think of Jews that knowingly purchase food from halal trucks? Is this automatic grounds for an eternity in hellfire? Personally, I would rather starve than eat anything made by a disgusting, loathsome Arab rat.

4) A quick aside, because I know you frequent the NYC subway system as much as I do. Is there anything worse than a brown or black fiend listening to their "rap" music at ear-splitting volumes via headphones, so that everyone else on the car can hear it? Are these the stupidest individuals on the planet? Am I off-base in hoping that these animals are shuffled quickly off this mortal coil?

I hope that these questions have found you in good health.

All my best,


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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2011, 04:26:04 AM »
Shalom Chaim, if you became Prime Minister how would you reform the IDF so it would again be an effective fighting force?

Chaim, do you ever feel discouraged by the betrayals of our fellow Jews?
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2011, 04:41:42 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

1. With Michele Bachmann winning the Iowa Straw Poll,   do you believe that she can build enough momentum to win the Iowa Caucas in 2012?   

2. If Michele Bachmann wins Iowa in 2012,   do you think she can win South Carolina and soon after the much larger state,  Florida?

3. Do you think that Rick Perry's decision to announce that he's running for President on the day of the Iowa Straw Poll will alienate him with enough Iowa voters that it could ultimately derail his Presidential Campaign?   

4.  Can you envision any candidate losing BOTH Iowa and New Hampshire and still getting the Republican Nomination? 

5. Assuming no other candidates will enter the Republican race for President,   which candidates do you believe have a realistic chance at winning the Republican Nomination for President?        In what order would you rank them in terms of the chances of winning the Republican Nomination?            

Thanks as always,  eb22.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 02:25:22 AM by eb22 »
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2011, 12:26:19 AM »
SHALOM Brother Chaim
with your permission,

1. Do you believe in the evil eye? I do not. To me how can someone covet someone and thereby making G-d look in his book and say to himself this person does not deserve such and such.  Can the all mighty be capable of error in his divine and perfect justice?

2. Why do we need the  Rabbi Caros shulcan aruch  when we have Ha Rambam ztl; Mishna Torha (which I am currently endeavoring to not just go though but really understand with hashems help) especially when the shulcan aruch does not cover every topic of halacah and the Mishna torah does. I think the Shulcan Aruch has done more bad then good and has divided the Jewish world. I feel  Rabbis Caro work is less organized as well.

3. Im confused I thought rambam does not believe in  witchcraft but in chap 8 he sates a false prophetic can attain the illusion of a real one though witchcraft and sorcery.Please explain this to me. And do you believe in which craft?

To this day people burn the stores and shuls of people that follow ha rambam exclusively.

Shabat Shalom

PS I realize you are anti pot I noticed a question about it by Dr Dan whom I respect greatly and agree with 99% of the things he says. Here are some important points.

 The world has gone on in the 5000+ years of written human history without the DEA. Medicinal plants were around in Adams time when G-d said "of all the herbs you shall eat" . I'm sure our avot used them medicinally . It was around in the Kingdom of Sholomo ( no Jewish DEA there) the Torah calls canibusm and also cloves,  another mind altering drug for the Ketoret (illegal in many places, this illegal herbs business is getting out of hand)  Plants have always been here and are Hashems creation. Man made synthetic drugs just make money for pharmaceuticals and dont heal ,only mask the problem.

Too much of anything is bad for you, as we see in the story of Noach. To much Alcohol can kill you , it can case caner and it kills brain cells, it does not mean medicinal plants are per se bad for you because there is no profit for phizer. Indeed to much pot can ruin lives if it just for fun.
If all drugs on earth would disappear alcohol by itself is enough to wreck havoc in the world, its a very very bad drug for you and alcohol itself is a the worst gateway drug out there  a weak theory in itself but most pot smokers first started with alcohol, yet its part of our religion. G-d wants us to drink this mind altering drug, why? Because it makes us happy artificially? I do not know. The only reason I use wine on Shabbat, Pesach and Purim is because Hashem said so, otherwise I'd never let that stuff in my house!

We don't need to waste our tax dollars sending people who smoke a stupid plant less harmful then an established drug G-d encourages his people to use to jail, especially sick people because it makes them lazy. Smoking or even eating this herb can get you 2 years of jail in some states ( talk about cruel and unusual) There are real dangerous man-made drugs out there that are legal like Heroin (in the UK) and morphine (us) and other illicit ones that aren't. All man made mind altering drugs should remain  illegal, but leave herbs and plants alone, we may find a cure from them one day for many ailments. The world went on without the DEA Yimachshemo vizorcho  now they ruin lives! and it can go on without them (hirazon AMEN!), and would probably be better off.  They actually make money by resupplying the drugs back into the system so they can arrest and make more money , its a vicious cycle Chaim that cant be beat, you cant win over nature, its a loosing battle.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 11:38:18 PM by Chai »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2011, 05:41:30 PM »
Shalom Chaim.

I'd like to ask you some questions:

1. What do you think of Jeff Hughes?

2. What are your views on the same-sex marriages?

3. Is JDL still active?

4. Do you have headquarters?

5. What do you think of the movies like Snatch, X-Men, Meet the Fockers, Don't Mess with Zohan, and Lucky Number Slevin? Do you think that they all have an antisemitic effect?

6. What is your opinion on National Alliance?

7. What do you think of the Miss Usa 2010 winner?

I hope to get the answers. Thanks.

Jew or Gentile, Black or White - Against Islam we must unite!

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2011, 09:52:16 PM »
Hello Chaim

Can you tell us about economic problems of Jews in Judea and Samaria? What is their economy based on and how Israeli government can help them?
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2011, 01:01:31 PM »
Dear Chaim

Who is more likely to use drugs?  white males or black and Hispanic females?

If an illegal alien supporter was voting in the 1988 presidential election, would Ron Foul be the candidate that he or she would support?

Thanks G-d bless you, Israel and the Jewish people.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 01:30:18 PM by Confederate Kahanist »
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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2011, 01:58:23 PM »
Shalom Chaim and thank you as always for your hard work and for answering my questions.

Considering the current state of Israeli society, do really believe that Israeli Jews want redemption? It seems just like the Hebrews at Mount Sinai the majority of Israeli Jews don't want redemption, but want instant gratification. Looking at the welfare protests across Israel is appears that while people around the world are unemployed and starving the majority of Israelis are pampered and spoiled. I know that the Jews of Yesha are not like this, but they are a minority in Israel. Is it fair to say that the majority of Israeli Jews are not going to wake up in time to the danger that surrounds them unless they get a good kick in the you know what?
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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2011, 03:00:20 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

   When you get the chance, could you browse through the thread comparing Rick Perry to George Bush Jr? 

     Bush was also a governor of Texas.  In fact, Perry was Bush's Lt.Gov.  So he probably agreed with Bush on most issues.  When Bush was president, I don't think Perry ever criticized him. 

     If Perry is so "conservative" as his supporters claim, then why did he endorse Giuliani in 08?  I think this is a fact that people forget and they need to be reminded of.  Should the people on this forum who make videos, make one declaring Perry as a fraud?

          Perry pander to illegals.  When the AZ gov signed a law to ban sanctuary cities, Perry refused to defend and support the law.  Perry has pandered at times to Islamic groups and would probably support a Mosque at Ground Zero.
      Lots of the praise that Perry's supporters are saying about him sound like the stuff that Bush's supporters said about him in 1999 leading up to the primaries of the 2000 election. 

       Bush also talked about prayer and being religious so many conservatives thought they had nominated someone who was different than the typical establishment GOP nominees.

       So wouldn't those who support Romney or Perry basically be supporting someone who probably wouldn't be any better than Bush was?  Just because conservative voters want Obama voted out, that doesn't mean they should settle for a nominee who may not be any better than Bush? 

       Of the current candidates, I think Bachmann is the best candidate.  That's probably one of the main reasons why she gets attacked the most by the left-wing media as well as RINOs (Chris Wallace calling her a 'flake' in the media).

        I think Santorum deserves some credit for going after Ron Paul in the recent debate about Iran.  Though Bachmann is probably the better option.  Why did you say in the past that you disliked Santorum?  It was posted on the forum in the past that you supported Bob Casey Jr. over him when Santorum ran for re-election or the US Senate. 

       Although she has a position in Washington, she's really a Washington outsider.  She probably won't receive any endorsements from any well known politicians. She challenges the GOP establishment and GOP leadership in congress on issues.   In contrast, neither Romney nor Perry have ever done much of that.  So although the two of them have never served in Washington, what people probably don't understand is that they're more of the Washington insiders.

         Also, Huckabee interviewed Netanyahu a couple weeks ago and he went easy on him.  He never asked him any questions about why he's scared of Obama.  Huckabee seems to be too nice of an interviewer.

        Anti-Israel politicians think they have a right to boss Israel.  In contrast, Huckabee is someone who respects Israel so he wouldn't want to tell an Israeli politician what to do.  So Huckabee seems too nice and respectful to ever say to Netanyahu that he should stop freezing settlements.  In fact, people need to stop allowing the left to control the use of terminology.  The term "settlement" gives some people the impression that the territory isn't part of Israel  So when referencing those territories, shouldn't they just be referred to as Israel territory rather than settlements?

          In addition to deceiving conservatives in Israel when he runs for election, do you know why Netanyahu goes out of his way to deceive conservative-type people in the US, regardless of whether they're Jewish?   For example, before he became PM again, he had done interviews with Hannity and Glen Beck and he made statements to them that would give people the impression that he's a conservative. 

Livni has done interviews in the past stating that she wants Israel to do whatever Obama wants.  So although Netanyahu has been a disappointment, I don't think Livni would be any better of an option.  If Israel were to have new elections, someone considered more left-wing than Netanyahu would get elected.  I think it's been stated in the past that Olmert offered to give up more territory than any other PM has offered.   

    In the US, people such as Hannity have only heard names such as Netanahu, Olmert, Livni and Barak.  And when Netanyahu does interviews, he sounds much better than them.  So then people like Hannity and Beck then conclude that Netanyahu is a great option or the best possible option for Israel. 

         Although many of the people who post on the forum don't like Netanyahu, they need to remember that when people such as Hannity, Heck and others have praised Netanyahu, they think that they're showing support for Israel.  Similarly, when radicals like Code Pink bash Netanyahu, their intent is to display hatred toward Israel. 

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2011, 04:32:36 PM »
Dear Chaim,

I hope you have been well and that you and yours are in good health. I was wondering if you had any commentary on parents who cannot manage their children at all and wind up trying to get extra money from the government in the form of SSI. I have seen this first hand.  Some people should simply not be parents.  Why do the children, and now the taxpayer, have to suffer because some parents are inconsistent and demonstrate bad parenting skills in relation to their children.  I am not talking about children who are really sick and whose parents need help paying for life saving treatments.  I am say talking about poorly regulated children whose behavioral symptoms, say, of ADHD are controlled with medications.  Why should these parents get extra compensation for their children when in fact, the American tax payer is paying already for their medications and mental health treatment?  While I don't blame parents for having a child with a behavioral problem in isolation, I do think that poor parenting skills and resistance on the part of the parents to change their parenting style, should not be rewarded by giving cash payments to parents in the form of SSI.  What's the point of that?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 07:11:13 PM by Yimach Schemo to Abu mazen »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 14th, 2011.
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2011, 09:39:16 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

It seems to me that JTF has recently been infiltrated by 9/11 truthers and Ron Paulbots....

Could you please explain your position on both of these phenomenon, 9/11 truthers who seek to blame everyone other than those who perpetrated the attack on Americas soul and the Republican presidential 'candidate' Ron Paul...

Once again I cannot thank you enough for spending time answering our questions.

Thank you,
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14