Take a look at the picture. What do you see here? A list of racist cartoon galleries.
ZOG=Zionist Occupied Government
After I gave you a brief explanation of what you've just seen, do you have any questions to ask me? For example, why there is no "SAND**GGER" gallery on their web-site? Did they forgot about Muslims? What if they don't even care of them? Let's move further. Benjamin Nathaniel Smith (1978-July 4, 1999) was a spree killer who targeted members of racial and ethnic minorities in random drive-by shootings in Illinois and Indiana, USA during the weekend of July 4, 1999. Smith was born and raised in Illinois. He grew up in the Chicago suburb of Wilmette and attended New Trier High School in Winnetka. He didn't pose for a photograph in his senior yearbook, but in his class statement he wrote, "Sic semper tyrannis" (Thus always to tyrants). This phrase was allegedly shouted by John Wilkes Booth after he assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. After graduating, Smith attended the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Smith dropped out of the university in 1998 after several conflicts with campus authorities. After dropping out, he transferred to Indiana University (Bloomington), where he studied criminal justice. Police reported that Smith was known for passing out hate-filled fliers against Jews, blacks and Asians on university campuses. But whatabout Muslims? He didn't offend them by fliers, neither didn't he killor shoot at any of them. Islamophobic? And further.
KKK leader syays: "WE HATE N*GGERS, JEWS, FAGG*TS, SP*CS"and what about muslims? Really?
Today, there is a lot of filthy muslims lies that they are being discriminated more than any other minority. In fact, hey're not even a minority. Supreme Court ruled in the 19th century that muslims are also white. So my opinion is: STOP B**CHING1! HATE AMERICA-F**K OFF