Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Repression of the British regime against its citizens - a proposal from Serbia

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If the Euro-Atlantic world wants to comply with its so-called "democratic principles", then the same standard must apply to the UK, as in the case of Libya. Obviously, the fascist, parasitic and anti-people's regime carried out a repression over a part of its population and kills its citizens mercilessly in the streets.

Therefore, we propose to react in the same way as in Libya, but that job should be done by more serious countries who have been proven for its efficiency in carrying out the destruction of fascist regimes in its history such as Russia or China, because there would be no mass extinctions of innocent civilians as it was the case when the United States and Britain start to kill all over over the world.

Accordingly we propose:

- Freedom-loving part of the world must support the oppressed by the fascist and anti-democracy royal regime that kills its own people on the streets.
- To send the help of every type(such as weapons and medications) to freedom fighters against fascist regime's tyranny.
- To declare no-fly zone above UK.
- To set up the international peacekeeping troops of the United Nations  in the territory where the fascist regime is doing terror against the civilian population.
- To freeze  all banking accounts to the fascist regime and to forbid them leaving the state including their their family members.
- To conduct naval blockade of the whole of Great Britain until the criminal fascist regime collapses.
- To apply a temporary full sanctions to the UK until the regime stop killing its civilian population.
- To support and recognize the temporal and transitional authorities of freedom fighters in London.

British citizens don't have any reason to be afraid. Russian missile technology is far more advanced then US or European, so it would be much more precise and there would be no "mistakes" in bombings of the regime forces and no kid would die.
But, if any innocent civilian would be killed, then a family would receive a worm apology and it would be classified as "collateral damage" just like a day before when US and British bombs killed 50 grown up civilians and 33 kids in Lybia. Eventually they would be mentioned in peace loving song "Burn, baby, burn" to cover up the wounds.

Just to add... Of course, the name of humanitarian intervention against the fascist regime in UK should be called "Merciful angel".

Sto nema dugme like!  :throw:

So, British regime is killing people while they try to defend themselves from repression and denial of their human rights.
Also, the regime is using overwhelming and excessive force.

In Britain - hooligans.
In Syria - peaceful protesters and unarmed civilians.

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Kerber on August 11, 2011, 03:32:50 PM ---In Britain - hooligans.
In Syria - peaceful protesters and unarmed civilians.

--- End quote ---
Very true if you think about it.


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