Gazans As Israelis murdered Near Eilat, Kapo Silverstein continues to Denounce Israel, cheers Terrorists a wonderful day for our kapo. Palestinian barbarians mass murder Jews near Eilat, and this is a golden opportunity for Silverstein to denounce Israel. See this. Note how most of the posting is a denunciation of Jews for "hooliganism." When Palestinians mass murder Jews, the killers are never hooligans in Silversteinspeak.
First [censored] makes it clear that Israel's retaliations against the terrorist organizers in Gaza were worse than the mass murder of the Jews near Eilat. Second, Silverstein cries his usual crock tears for the poor dead Palestinians, which he claims, citing Hamas propagandists, included two children killed in the retaliation strikes. Silverstein is the sort of clown who could write a posting about Pearl Harbor devoted entirely to the poor dead Japanese pilots shot down and killed by the inhuman ground forces occupying Pearl Harbor.
Here is one idea though. Since Silverstein is so upset whenever Israel the hooligan retaliates against the Palestinian Nazis for their barbarism, how about after the NEXT atrocity, instead of bombing Gaza, Israel just takes [censored] Silverstein up in a chopper and pushes him out over Gaza?
That would teach those barbarians a lesson!