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Shalom-I am new

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--- Quote from: C.F. on June 16, 2007, 12:09:14 PM ---Boere, just a suggestion, but do you have a means of learning Hebrew in Australia? Is there perhaps a local synagogue that has a class for the interested? If you want to go to Israel, IDF or not, it's a must!

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Well, the only way i have been able to learn Hebrew, is via the internet. However, I have thought of going to a synagogue-so they would propably teach Hebrew there?

You know..few months ago i really wanted to see south africa because its seem to be a graet cuntry with awsome i think i should not go there...with all the crime and the other thing...its a real shame what they did to our graet ally SA.


--- Quote from: Dexter on June 17, 2007, 06:17:36 AM ---You know..few months ago i really wanted to see south africa because its seem to be a graet cuntry with awsome i think i should not go there...with all the crime and the other thing...its a real shame what they did to our graet ally SA.

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Ken, it's perhaps better to postpone that idea for a few years...

Ken, South Africa and Israel were great allies-and G-d willing-the Boers will regain control, and re-establish our friendship with the Jewish Peoples


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