Ive just became a member of this TOV organisation-and i am VERY glad to be part.
Now, I am South African (Boer), but unfortunantly living in Australia

. I am sure, most of you are aware of why i have had to move from my beloved South Africa....
I am planning to go to Yisrael in about 2010, to join the IDF. Now, I am Christian-so I am not sure if I would be allowed to?
I have loved the Israeli nation since I was born, despite all the leftist anti-Israeli bull, God has set my mind on the right path, and I continue to be a Die-Hard Pro-Israeli
Now, I believe, that the Protestants and Jewish people need to sign an was done between the Government(prior to the communist takeover in 1994) of South Africa, and the Israeli Government-Our two nations helped each other considerably! And I would give my live for the establishment of that alliance.
Now, as I said, im living in Perth, Australia, and I ws wondering, is anyone reading this, perhaps in Perth? My family is not doing too good financially (these australians are very left-winged brainwashed-and they hate South Africans-and therefore, they cause us much pschological/financial problems

)--Just having someone to speak to, would really increase morale.
I am extremely Right Winged, and I have done much Pro-Israeli writing.
Oh!, and i am learning Hebrew
Anyway, I have some work to do

God bless the Boere Nation and Yisrael