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Ask Henry Melvin for a broadcast

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Shalom JTF. Here it the thread where you can ask questions and I will try to give you answers for them through one of my videos. Please, try to ask me serious questions regarding politics, religion, etc. 

Just to remind, here is my blog:


--- Quote from: HenryMelvin on September 12, 2011, 09:43:36 PM ---Shalom JTF. Here it the thread where you can ask questions and I will try to give you answers for them.

Just to remind, here is my blog:

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Are you from the former soviet union


--- Quote from: HenryMelvin on September 13, 2011, 01:26:06 PM ---No. Not really. Are you?

--- End quote ---
No i thought you were

Confederate Kahanist:
What part of America are you from?

Are you SayNo2Islam?


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