shalom chaim, mirrored some more videos

You said that the people in the Hebrew forum may be too young to successfully run for office. There is so merit to that, but I think that it is worth going for it. Yes, the 1st several times will be largely unsuccessful, but it will get your foot in the door and eventually, you will have a real kahanist in parliament. I say step on the gas pedal, the longer we wait, the longer it takes.
Another reason to go go go is that you will be a bigger threat to the establishment. They are afraid of you now. When they hear that there is someone with a kahanist ideology running for the Knesset and that this someone can have people rallying behind them, they will dreck their pants. They will have nightmares over this, so naturally they will start a smear campaign. This will get JTF even more publicity.
What do you consider a sincere conversion? Is it a conversion if someone goes through all the correct channels because he wants to join secular Jewry?
what is the kahanist view of Hertzel?
Does Muslim nazi Turkey even have a right to exist? I propose it be split up between greater Israel, Greece, Armenia, and a secularized (and eventually de-islamized) Kurdistan or Iran
was it accurate of latma to refer to erdogan as tembel?
should the week of 9/11 become "awareness of the threat of islam week"?
We all know a few wiggers, right? But have you had experienced with White people wanting to be Arabs?
Last week you said Israel shouldn't keep Cairo. I am pretty sure that Cairo lies east of the nile, meaning, its in Israel's potential expansion zone.
If a hollywood Jew who was involved in movies you find objectionable, but has not committed an act of treason against his own people decided to offer JTF moral, PR, and financial support, would you accept it?
if a treason trial was held for dorit beiniech tommorow (ysv), how much of the israeli public would want her convicted?
same question for yahud barach.
should Israel switch to a presidential republic as opposed to a parliamentary one?
Is a Jew allowed to join the US military if he plans to take that skill and knowledge he gains to help Israel and the IDF.
how many times has the hebrew forum fitted a leftist's cranial cavity with an actual brain?
oh good, another zootube dreck
SpaceShipWarrior F*CKIN Nazi bastard, go deleted of watch fox news, In my head I heard your health isnt so well, ha your a f*cking diseased man, diseased man.