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Ask JTF for Sunday September 25, 2011
Dear Chaim, do you think we should boycott Muslim countries and their goods? By simply not buying their products.
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Shalom dearest Chaim,
1: Please talk about Richard Clarke and his testimony before the 9/11 Commission, which basically consisted of Bush-bashing. Was there any validity to what he claimed?
2: Please talk about why Pastor Manning decided to become a 9/11 "truther". He lost just about all credibility with most of us at JTF when he did that.
3: If Todd Beamer and others had not wrestled the hijackers of Flight 93 to the ground and forced them to crash the plane prematurely, it would have hit the White House and taken out Jorge Wahhabi Bush and his entire den of rats. How would the War on Terror have been different had this taken place and how would American culture be different now? Would America be more or less leftist today?
4: How do you feel about all of the 9/11 cleanup workers that have allegedly developed all sorts of respiratory diseases as a result of their activity? Is this for real or are these typical moochers? Should they receive any sort of compensation in any way?
5: Talk about the patriotic-themed country music that came out of 9/11, such as "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" and "Have You Forgotten?" by artists such as Toby Keith. Do you feel that any good came out of these songs or that they were a shameless attempt to cash in on the worst mass murder in American history?
G-d bless you and your mother as always,
Dr. Dan:
Shalom chaim
1. Which offends you more? An ultra religious jew living in galut or a super secular jew living in israel eating trayf, breaking shabbat, etc etc.?
2. Tell us a story about Rabbi Kahane.
3. What went through Yitzhak's mind when he thought he was going to be sacrificed by his father?
4. The other day, Gov. Rick Perry was at the UN seeming to pander for the less self hating Jewish vote and Evangelical vote. In the midst of his speech, it seemed that he acknowledged that the only way to pave the road for a "Palestinian state" is by direct negotiations. What is your take on this? While we still don't have much of a choice in republicans, do you think Perry's support of Israel is really for the support of the self hating kapo government we hate and not for the heroic settlers?
5. How was pipi's speech at the UN general assembly? Seemed like groveling phoniness to me.
and a Dvar Torah of this week's parasha
shana tova. Gd bless you and your loved ones. May you all be inscribed in the book of Life and all your prayers come true.
Dr. dan
שלום חיים!
so jtf:death to all christians was made by joshua rosenfail. the guy in the video does not sound one bit australian. whats up with that?
please compare Rabbi Kahane and Avraham Stern (hashem yinkom damam)
if muslim nazi fakestine declared a state under your watch, how would you deal with it? i hear the arabs might riot. Assad has the correct idea on how to deal with it. He is an expert at reining and controlling the arab hordes, maybe we should try his methods.
how does the hebrew calendar account for axial precession (earth wobbling)
is astrology considered idolatrous? don't get me wrong, i know it's BS, but since no idols are involved, is it still idolatry?
what do you think of phill gramm?
please talk about Estado Novo era in Portugal.
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