Author Topic: UCI Holds Briefing for Capitol Hill Lawmakers Regarding Israeli Sovereignty  (Read 1018 times)

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For Immediate Release

Contact information:  Esther Levens

913-648-0022, [email protected]

UCI Holds Briefing for Capitol Hill Lawmakers
Regarding Israeli Sovereignty

The history of Jerusalem and Israel's long established international legal rights were presented Wednesday, September 14th to Congressional lawmakers and their staff by Dr. Jacques P. Gauthier, world-renowned international legal scholar, author, and human rights advocate. Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., President and Founder of The Center for Security Policy also presented a gripping summary of the consequences of abandoning our only democratic ally in the Middle East. These presentations were given at a Congressional Briefing hosted by Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) and sponsored by The Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI).

This briefing preceded the Palestinian Authority's Mahmoud Abbas' approach before the UN General Assembly asking for recognition of a Palestinian state. The Unity Coalition for Israel seeks to make it clear that Israel is the sole owner of Judea and Samaria. Dr. Gauthier has been touring throughout Europe focusing on Israeli sovereignty over all of Jerusalem – especially the old city.

Frank Gaffney, who served as Deputy Defense Secretary in the Reagan administration, outlined the current threats from most of the 22 Arab nations noting especially that Iran is “within months of having nuclear weapons capabilities.”

“One thing is certain. Time is not on our side with respect to Iran and it's nuclear program. And it's most especially not on Israel's side. Israel has been repeatedly declared to be a place that Ahmadinejad wants to wipe off the map. He also believes that a world without America is not only desirable but achievable,” Gaffney said.

Dr. Gauthier presented historical data providing timely facts for lawmakers to consider after Abbas' declaration of Palestinian Statehood at the U.N. Gauthier's presentation and book entitled, “Sovereignty Over The Old City of Jerusalem,” clearly documents Israel's legal rights to all of the land of Israel from East of the Jordan River to the Mediterranean, including East Jerusalem where many Christian and Jewish holy sites are located.

Dr. Gauthier reported on the irrefutable but little known legal basis for Israel's claims to the city of Jerusalem and to Judea and Samaria, the so-called West Bank. He stated,

“There is a gathering storm and the clouds are exceedingly dark. But does that mean, because there are pressures and dangers that we stop doing what is right? That may be the only thing we can do: Stand for what is right. I'm here to talk to you about the charter of freedom for the Jewish people based on Article 22 of the covenant of the League of Nations, the San Remo Decision, and the (British) Mandate for Palestine.”

Esther Levens, CEO and Founder of the Unity Coalition for Israel and sponsor of the briefing stated:

“Israelis are not in Jerusalem, Judea or Samaria as 'trespassers, occupiers or settlers.' They have the right to be there under international law established in San Remo, Italy, in 1920, and ratified unanimously by 51 member nations of the League of Nations in 1922.  Dr. Gauthier has just organized an international conference in Basel, Switzerland, reinforcing the importance of the San Remo resolution which cannot be superceded by any U.N. resolution “

She further said, “UCI has joined with the European Coalition for Israel (ECI) in promoting the video, Give Peace a Chance, which features Dr. Gauthier and underscores Israel's strong stance in the face of a potential UN Security Council vote. UCI praises President Obama's determination to veto such a proposal. Any UN vote in favor of a Palestinian State would sidestep direct negotiations with Israel and would legally cancel previous agreements such as Oslo.”

Chaim Weizman, a Jewish leader who became the first President of the State of Israel described the San Remo agreement,

“…This is the most momentous political event in the whole history of our movement, and it is perhaps, no exaggeration to say in the whole history of our people since the Exile….”