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Gay Month at Philadelphia Schools

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El Cabong!:
Gay Month at Philadelphia Schools

This is great, confuse the kids even more by not letting them pray in schools, say the pledge of allegiance, or sing any hymns like we used to when we were kids. But let them learn about Ken buttslamming Steve, that's ok. This is really coming to an end, this world I mean. This is the biggest shiite hole of a town.

'Gay Month' At Schools Irks Some Parents

7:16 p.m. EDT September 26, 2006
Gay History Month On Calendar The Philadelphia School District has designated October as Lesbian And Gay History Month, which has some parents upset.

The calendar also listed September as Hispanic Heritage Month, February as African-American History Month as Philadelphia School District and May as Asian Pacific-American Month.

El Cabong!:
Mayor John Street and his brother Milton, were both ghetto dwellers until John started going to Temple University at the behest of some liberal professor who got him the grants and loans. Temple has a way of pushing blacks through and  lowering its standards in order to help them graduate. They slowly climbed the political ladder int the city council. Milton was the bigger [censored] of the 2 and less educated. He was forced out of office with legal troubles which have followed him up to his day. They both brought violence into the chambers of city council. How this maggot Street got elected mayor I'll never know. I guess it's the ignorance of blacks who would elect a snake just on the fact that he was black.

I've lived in Philadelphia since 1965 and have seen its decline ever since blacks took it over. Ed Rendell, the former mayor managed to save the city for a while, but after he left us with a surplus of funds, in came Street and now we have a deficit and our city is classified as the most dangerous big city in America. Thanks to the blacks.

What is it with black politicians they seem to have hand trouble. There was the one down in the Capital a few months ago another here in up state New York tossing hot coffee and telephones at people and a few others I cant recall right now. As far as them being able to run anything as they say here in NEW York Forgetaboutit. During the Dinkins administration they had a black beast woman running Off Track Betting she was able to cause a gambling operation to loose money. She was really good at buying expensive furnishings for her office however.

Why isn't there "White History Month" or "Straight Pride Month"?

It's all ridiculous to me... a bunch of shameful propaganda!


--- Quote from: jeffguy on September 26, 2006, 09:19:41 PM ---Why isn't there "White History Month" or "Straight Pride Month"?

It's all ridiculous to me... a bunch of shameful propaganda!

--- End quote ---
They are really leading the young people of America down the path of distruction with this nonsense.


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