Author Topic: Corporate America against the bible?  (Read 640 times)

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Offline White Israelite

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Corporate America against the bible?
« on: October 06, 2011, 07:14:38 PM »
So there's been a lot of talk about corporations who are promoting a pro homosexual agendas and literally do not want religion or even God mentioned in the workplace and the double standards are starting to show. I'm talking a general view of what we see in corporate America and the decline in society.

I know that the issue is becoming more and more common today where if you want a good job, it's very difficult if you express your political opinions and they are not a liberal agenda or you are Christian or Jewish, but if you are an atheist and a so called part of the "elite" who attend the liberal universities and get a degree, you can find a nice high paying job as well as you are willing to tolerate those who openly mock God and promote their homosexual agenda.

Today it is becoming harder and harder to find righteous companies who offer benefits and good pay who still respect a God fearing America, we are told to deal with it but if you are part of the machine that promotes the insanity today, then essentially you are part of the problem, but if you don't work, then you don't have money and you don't have a voice to rise up against those who promote the rubbish we see today.

It's kind of like the government and the military, if you enlist in the military, you are government property the day you sign the dotted lines and you cannot speak against the actions you are performing because it is your duty as a soldier to follow what the government orders, at the same time, you do not control what you can do in your personal life either (for example the military controls your hair length, your appearance, your weight, where you live, etc.) can have implications and consequences if you don't follow through with what your doing which creates a very difficult situation as we see in the case of the war in Libya that Obama has declared, or the NATO "peacekeeping" missions (hence the parenthesis) in Kosovo. You can refuse and risk a dishonorable discharge and your life is over, you follow through and your conscious is scarred with what you have to do and you certainly have no right to expose the government for what they are doing once you are enlisted either.

The same situation is happening in Corporate America where these big international corporations are taking control of peoples lives and censoring what they can say, forcing them to literally be an employee and representative 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week and to show anything that goes against their values including against homosexuality can cost you your job and scar your career for life!

We know of the case for example the Intel factories in Israel where the Orthodox were protesting over the idea of Intel forcing Jews to work on the Sabbath and it went directly against what God commanded by doing so. Obviously this creates a very bad situation and a difficult one at that while workers are to make a choice and have no religious protections and could lose their job over this.

Of course jobs claim they are "equal opportunity" where they get tax benefits if they openly hire homosexuals or minorities and that is no issue but if you state you are religious or need a certain day off or have a political view, the employer may say "we don't discriminate" but may not hire you for a variety of reasons and they don't have to state the reason "why".

We also have the issue of free trade, while free trade does create a competitive marketplace, it also opens the doors to international trade which can also be a huge negative. You get these mega corporations like Walmart in the picture and no one can compete with them because they crush the little guys, ideally they just import most of their junk from China putting out of business all the mom and pop stores to the point the big guys are the only ones who have a monopoly, but we can't exactly let government in to control the business either.

If we look far back enough into history, this is certainly nothing new and led to some very devastating results, we have big corporations who were founded in America but are not loyal to America, instead they are loyal to the international market while getting their tax breaks.

While we can oppose it, does one simply give up their values and join one of these big corporations realizing it's the only way to feed ones family and survive or do we resist and realize it's a lose lose battle?

I'd be glad to hear your thoughts.

Offline muman613

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Re: Corporate America against the bible?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 07:38:20 PM »
I have had absolutely no problem in the over 20 years I have worked in the High Tech industry.

I am very openly Jewish... I wear my Kippah and my tzit-tzits every day... I take off every Jewish holiday and I have never worked on Shabbat.

I have several Israeli friends here at work and we openly discuss political issues. Everyone around my cube knows I am a very avid Zionist and several Christians have spoken to me about supporting Israel. Since my company owns a division in Israel several of my co-workers have visited Israel and express their support for the Jewish people.

I consider myself very fortunate to have this experience because not every Jew has this experience. I am considered a valuable employee wherever I work because I have a lot of specialized experience in the field I work in.

My company is definitely not against the bible... People are permitted to express their religious beliefs... Nearby me there is a Buddhist with his Buddha statues on his desk, a Catholic with his large gold cross on the wall, and other religions. We all respect each other...
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline syyuge

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Re: Corporate America against the bible?
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 07:42:20 PM »
May all companies be like yours.
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Offline Rubystars

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Re: Corporate America against the bible?
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2011, 05:25:37 AM »
I have several Israeli friends here at work and we openly discuss political issues. Everyone around my cube knows I am a very avid Zionist and several Christians have spoken to me about supporting Israel.

Do you feel differently about Christians than you used to? Do you think working with us to support Israel is ok now or that they're just potential backstabbers that you can't trust? You used to make some very harsh statements.

My company is definitely not against the bible... People are permitted to express their religious beliefs... Nearby me there is a Buddhist with his Buddha statues on his desk, a Catholic with his large gold cross on the wall, and other religions. We all respect each other...

You're lucky. Every year I have to watch this dumb training video called "A Matter of Respect" and it talks about how you are absolutely forbidden to say anything against the homosexual agenda, you can't make any 'inappropriate jokes', etc. It gives this one example of "sexual harassment" where a woman is working in a warehouse and guys are passing around a picture of a hot babe and this makes her uncomfortable. In my opinion if she can't handle that she needs to get the hell out of the warehouse and let them be men.

Offline Rightist2

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Re: Corporate America against the bible?
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2011, 04:19:55 PM »
I work for a "Corporation". A "Corporation" pays my salary, which in turn pays for the roof over my head, the clothes on my back and the food in my stomach.

Leave this anti-Capitalist nonsense to the Communists and National Socialist Stormfronters please!