Author Topic: MATTERS OF LIFE AND DEATH Video facts and logic becoming abortionists' nightmare  (Read 528 times)

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Video facts and logic becoming abortionists' nightmare

Reaction to '180' movie: 'I was overwhelmed with power of truth'

The new movie "180," with its "power of truth" is turning out to be an abortionist's worst nightmare.

The intensely stunning new production from author, evangelist and street preacher Ray Comfort has drawn more than 600,000 views in just a few days, and hundreds more are purchasing a copy for their home.

And the reactions have been flooding in.

"I watched this today – three times," wrote Sonya Shirk. "Each time I was overwhelmed with the power of truth. I have shared this everywhere I can think of. I can't begin to tell you how this video has changed my perspective."

Added another poignantly, and to the point: "Your film just led a 17-year-old girl away from abortion."

"I am very thankful for the Internet," Comfort told WND. "It is so often used for evil, but in this case it is being used for good. In just 10 days has had over 600,000 views.

"Keep in mind that this isn't a one-minute humorous clip that doesn't bite into your day. This is a commitment of 33 minutes of intense film, giving the viewer a rollercoaster ride of emotions," he said.

For those quick with math, that's more than 12,500 days that have been dedicated to watching "180." Or more than 34 years.

"In an age where there's more chance of flossing the back teeth of hungry lions at the LA Zoo at feeding time than getting '180' on secular television, millions are going to see it uncensored via the Internet … and many will change their minds about abortion," he said.

Wrote one viewer, "It's so powerful. And although I have thought about abortion and Hitler on a passing note, this really made me think and did change my mind about abortion. I am not Christian or even know if God exists but this really does make you think. Thank you, it could be life-changing."

Another: "The day after wearing a 180movie T-shirt to school, my daughter found out fellow classmates had seen the shirt and went to the site. Several commented they had never really thought about the issue of abortion but now know it's wrong."

Of course, Comfort noted, there's another perspective. He cited this comment, "You rude anti-choice pig! Pro-choice doesn't mean pro-death; Pro-choice just means freedom for women to choose! If you don’t want abortion, don't get one! Oh, and no one cares about that stupid 180 *$@!*! Grow up, you zombified, conservatarded hypocrite!"

"These emails make me smile, because when a person has no justification for the killing of a child in the womb, they will resort to personal abuse, something called 'ad hominem,'" Comfort said.

Comfort initially thought he would produce a video to go with an upcoming book called "Hitler, God, and the Bible" to be published by WND Books and soon to be available at the WND Superstore.

Join the discussion about "180," at WND's Forums.

That book is soaring on Amazon even though it's not scheduled to come out until February.

It exposes Hitler's theology and abuse of religion as a means to seize political power and ultimately instigate World War II and genocide. It mines the depths of Hitler's beliefs and convincingly argues that without Hitler's misuse of Christianity, the Third Reich would not have had its terrible rise, resulting in the deaths of millions.

"'180' wasn't the video I meant to produce," Comfort told WND.

What do people know about Hitler?

Comfort explained his idea: "I decided to go out to the streets with a camera and find out what people believed about Hitler.

"I ended up with 14 people – mainly university students – who had no idea who Adolf Hitler was. This really bothered me, because I believe that when we forget our history we are more apt to repeat it," he said.

In fact, recent media reports highlighted a sports day at a school in Thailand where students proudly paraded in Nazi costumes, including one student dressed as Hitler, to celebrate.

According to the London Daily Mail, the students and teachers were oblivious to "what all the fuss was about."

It's about life and death, Comfort explained, and not just during World War II

Comfort said his research for the book turned up a recurring theme regarding the Holocaust and the deaths of an estimated 11 million people, including some 6 million Jews: Moral apathy.

"I realized that the same kind of moral apathy that permitted such an incident to take place is still present today when it comes to the matter of abortion," he said.

"While making the video I was amazed at how quickly people did a complete 180 after this connection was pointed out to them in a particularly effective way. They changed from being adamantly pro-abortion to being pro-life in a matter of seconds."

The name "180" came from just that observation.

"As we watched 'Steve' – a proud, Jew-hating, foul-mouthed, anti-black, 'I hate America' neo-Nazi atheist with a 14-inch blue Mohawk – do a complete 180 and almost become likeable, it suddenly dawned on us that the same thing happened to most of the people on the video. They were all doing a 180 … their worldviews radically changed," Comfort said.

The video follows Comfort's winning formula of colorful, fast paced street interviews popular in the award-winning "Way of the Master" television series.

The series, in its fifth season, is co-hosted by Kirk Cameron and is viewed in 70 countries on 42 networks.

Comfort told WND that "180" is already considered "transforming."

Message after message that reach his desk say things such as:

    "I confess, I have committed 7 murders! GOD forgive me, I will never NEVER AGAIN trivialize abortion. NEVER again will I agree with the lie."


    "This video has been popping up all over Facebook. I finally clicked on the link. I am a history buff with a passion for WW2. My attention was immediately grabbed. As soon as the switch to abortion began I wanted to stop watching, but I couldn't. Part of me needed to keep watching. I don't know what to do with this information, but I think it is changing the way I view these things. I might need to watch it again. That's something I never thought I'd say."


    "I had always thought I was an 'open-minded person' when it came to abortion. But after viewing this movie, my stance has changed."

Not everyone is thrilled with the powerful message of "180," though. One Internet forum for atheists featured a number of bloggers scheming on how to ruin the video release or even hack into the video for an "atheist version."

One post said this:

    "There are many ways to spoil his release ...

    "For one, link up to every group of interest and offer a download. This will really hurt the b------. A lot of money went into this video production and an atheist-controlled version which he cannot profit from would hurt his finances."

But it's only $5 for a DVD.

Comfort said the project has nothing to do with profit and everything to do with transforming lives.

"We will also distribute 200,000 free copies of the '180' DVD in 100 of the top U.S. universities (in one day) sometime in 2011, and we will invite pro-life organizations, churches, and individuals to join us by having additional giveaways in their own area," the movie website says.

In a WND interview, Comfort said about the atheists that attack him: "We have a love/hate relationship. They hate me. I love them."

He said the issue today is that there is a generation "that has been hardened."

"I was horrified that youth I spoke to lacked compassion for other human beings."

"180" tells how many of the people of Germany also lacked compassion while Hitler murdered 11 million people, 6 million of them Jews.

By comparison, "This country [the USA] has killed over 50 million babies," Comfort said.

Comfort believes that "180" has the ability to change peoples view on abortion and maybe the way they vote for candidates who favor abortion.

"In '180' we have a nation changer," says Comfort.

Viewers of the movie have been deeply moved. Living Waters recently checked into the possibility of billboard advertising for "180" in California.

"When we looked into billboard advertising, a woman representative asked us what '180' was about, so we invited her to come to the ministry for a special screening," Comfort said. "She did, and afterwards she sat there biting her pencil. She said that it made her rethink her stance on abortion, and she wanted her teenage daughter to see it.

"We ended up praying with the woman for salvation."

Ray Comfort

Skeptics may say that no one could possibly change their mind so quickly. Comfort would have shared that thought had he not seen the extraordinary changes before his own eyes.

A viewer had this to say on the "180" Facebook page: "When I first saw the link [to the video], I knew it wasn't the best time for me to view it, so I clicked on it to watch the first five minutes. Needless to say, I did not stop viewing it to the very end."

Many big names in Christian circles have wholeheartedly endorsed "180."

    "Brilliant and powerful," says Joseph Farah, CEO of

    "Riveting," says Joni Eareckson Tada of Joni & Friends

    "You don't view this video. You experience it!" declares Gary T Ansdell, pastor of Hosanna Christian Fellowship

Mark Hall, the lead singer for Casting Crowns, said the video rocked his world: "I dare you to watch '180.'"

There even have been endorsements from the unexpected.

"I'm not a fan of Ray Comfort, but I have to hand it to him, he did a great job putting this video together. As a prolife atheist, I was afraid this video was going to be arguing against abortion using Christian rhetoric once again … good job Ray, and as a pro-life atheist – I support this video!" wrote one person.

"I am a witch but am prolife and have always been. I have no desire to share the Gospel part of this but some of it seemed pretty interesting," added another.

Evident throughout the "180" video is Comfort’s passion for exposing the abortion lie. He told WND why he has such passion for the issue.

"The taking of the life of an unborn child is murder, and for that we should all be more than concerned. We should be horrified," he says.

He tells of a time in the 1980s when he learned about a new Christian named "Fran" who was scheduled for an abortion.

"When I found that she had already checked into a hospital, I jumped into my car, sped into the city and ran to the second floor and into her room. She was sitting on a bed and had already been given the pre-operation medication. I pleaded, 'Please don't do this!'

"She smiled and said, 'It's okay. I'm not going to have an abortion. I just prayed, God, if you don't want me to have an abortion, make Ray Comfort come and see me.' I didn't have to say a thing."

Two years later, Comfort had the privilege of seeing Fran's child at a picnic.

"Then it dawned on me that I had been used in a small way to help save a human life," he said.

On abortion, Comfort said, "We should all be horrified. I think that there are many people out there that want to do something to stop this horror, but they don't know what to do.

"If they stand outside an abortion clinic and protest, the media paints them as doctor-killing, narrow-minded, hate-mongering religious bigots," he said.

But he believes "180" has the potential to change many lives.

"It already has," he said.