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Welcome Back El Cabong!

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Welcome back El Cabong, So where is he? What's his new username?

El Cabong, we want a post.

WELCOME BACK El Cabong!!! You are being welcomed back before you even post!

El Cabong!:
Thank you all, you're all too kind. I've been working and getting sick, then getting laid off, then getting better and now working again. I was away when I thought I wasn't getting the back up when the Christian bashers went against me. I figured I wasn't' really appreciated nor wanted  here. Jeffguy kept after me and e-mailed me many times and so here I am back again to crow my schpiel and [censored] the leftists, arabs, muslims, demorats, and anyone who hates us. Thank you Jeffguy and thank you all here for the warm welcome. I need to post more on the other topics and I will, give me some time.

G-d Bless the US and Israel --- Kahane Chai!

El Cabong!:

--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on June 17, 2007, 07:19:10 AM ---Why did you stay away and what brings you back?

--- End quote ---
Thank you Yacov. Many things altogether kept me away and didn't really have time to post anywhere.


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