The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

muslim imam violently hits 6 year old female child.


Christian Zionist:
Modern Day mohammed in action :'(

Here are some other different incidents about modern day mohammeds:

It is creepy... dirty muslim morals in action.

Here is to Mohammed.. May Allah be flushed into the Korap

Mohammed the swine.. the first muslim terrorist child rapist, murdering animal and a religon is based by a man that was in his 50s and raped a 6 year old and chopping peoples heads off? This is a sick cult.  Islam is for weak minded low ignorant subhumans who came out of the crack of a camels ass.

hehe, you got me laughing on that. by the way, the kuran looks rather better after this "work" done on it. hey, here are some more pics! :

nah, not so funny.. got it from google though..


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