Dear Chaim
I got in early, better make it a good one.
Also I finally make senior JTFer

I'm pleased about that.
I must begin by condemning the immaturity and rudeness certain members of this site have displayed and YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. We get enough abuse from external sources. Until a user is proved 100% to be a troll spy or so on can we at least pretend to respect each other.
Please give us three reasons why socialism sucks. Aside from the obvious, nazis are socialists.
In recent news Israel is
talking about making a pre-emptive strike on Iran. Is it all smoke in the wind or is something going to be done for once? Surely even braindead self hating israelites don't want to be nuked.
The anti semitic firestorm on the world wide web continues to grow. Understandably some members are upset by this. I would suggest to the members if they are frustrated that they take the usernames of these web users and carve them into some biscuit mixture. They should then roast these at a high temperature while praying against those named. After all, the oven is a little preview of where these people are going to end up.
Anyway I'm not going to make a habit of posting the yahoo news comments, there are too many and we already have the youtube spot. This weeks was particularly hateful and/or absurd or noteworthy. Please kindly respond to the following.
From MounirIf you take the money out of UNESCO the world would be grateful. You would lose the ability to manipulate the outcome of a very important world body. Two million is nothing on a global scale and most would welcome the opportunity to avoid your constant whining and disgusting double standards. Many would probably agree to donate double that amount to your government just to get you to stay home. Long live Palestine.
From OdinAsgaardsAmerica is forgetting the fact that as Israel's slave it is not free to voice displeasure with its masters in the Knesset!
From OdinAsgaards againThe Jewish Immigrant Settlers in Palestine were represented from the begining of the founding of the mythical Israel by foreign born immgrant Prime Ministers:
Ben Gurion: Born Poland
Moshe Sharett: Born Russia
Levi Eshkol: Born Ukraine
Golda Meir: Born Ukraine
Yitzak Rabin: Born Palestine from Immigrant parents, Father American Settler Mother Russian Settler!
Simon Peres: Born Poland
Menacham Begin, leader of irgun who murdered 91 people by bombing King David Hotel in 1946 Jerusalem Palestine: born Russia
Yitzhak Shamir: Born Poland
All were Jewish Settlers, in one case the child of Jewis settler parents, no connection to Palestine!
Israel was created by the Jewish Settler Terrorists who ethnically cleansed their Semitic brothers the Palestinians from Palestine so the mythical Israel could be founded!
From Fred the TedBuild baby build. The EU is no friend of Israel, it is going shariah.
Maybe the Palestinians could get jobs on the building sites and work some of the fat off them. Ho ho. They are too fat to work. See below:
The Global Humanitarian Report specifies that the Palestinia¬ns receive more aid Per Capita than anyone else on Planet Earth – but have yet to build an infrastructure and rely on Israel for basics (..) and the Palestinians have earned the title of #8 in overweight population!"
So why should Israel not build?
Finally Have you ever seen or experienced an angel?
Best wishes