Blacks are extremely rude and arrogant. They never hire non-Blacks when they become managers through affirmative action and are always rude to customers and non-Blacks. These savages are the most racists people in America. Danny, if a black person were returning sneakers and you or your brother were the cashiers who couldn't do the return they'd insult and try to humiliate you. I own several businesses and property and I will never hire Blacks or Muslims or rent my apartments to them. If all humans in America would just boycott Blacks completely by not hiring them, not doing business with them, not watch movies when they're actors or watch sports games when they're athletes the tyrannical federal government would be powerless to protect them. What can they do to 190 million Whites who segregate themselves? Then these savages would leave America on their own.
I think people like those workers should be better trained and not to judge others by color alone..but by character. It's a culture and media issue that makes many black americans feel entitled to everything.
But to be honest, those two workers were not rude to us..they were just really really dumb! They were never rude...Just really really really slow...slower than anyone should be.
As far as owning property and being a manager of a store...I would hire not based on color and the need for "diversity". I would hire the most qualified respectful person that won't ask for an arm and a leg for a salary to work for me irregardless of color, religion, or sexual what does that most likely mean? Probably that whomever I hire, I will be getting what i pay for. And if it wasn't goign to go against me, most likely a lot of my workers will be white because there are a lot more white americans who are respectful and hard working versus the number black americans. But if i did come across a black american who was excellent, of course I would hire him/her.
The same goes with owned property. If they were clean, quiet, educated, were going to raise the value of my building by living there and not be late on payments..heck, i would let them irregardless of color, religion, or sexual orientation...but chances are it will most likely be a white american than a black american. But if that black american is an excellent tenant, heck, I would gladly have him/her as a customer!