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Texas board rejects Confederate flag for license plates


Confederate Kahanist:
That sucks they did that:http://

That is sad that texans can't be proud of their heritage. theres nothing wrong with the confederate flag. i remember reading the confederates were less antisemitic then the yankees.

Daniel Michael ben Avraham:
Yeah, what a bunch of crap!  The truth is that the flag of Texas was also a confederate battle flag and flew over a separate country called the Republic of Texas that also had a legal institution of slavery.  The U.S. flag was a country that also had a legal institution of slavery.  Texas is not about to throw out the state flag or the U.S. flag due to laws which allowed things people find unpalatable today.

Here is another truth, Texas just denied Black Texans with ancestors that fought for the confederacy the freedom of speech to express pride in their heritage.

In case you are wondering, here is a list of specialty plates that are allowed in Texas.

Hmm, Texas also doesn't have any specialty plates with Jewish themes.  :o
FRAK!  We have been a part of this state since the founding of Texas and not even we get a plate.  Ptttttttttttt!

Daniel Michael ben Avraham:
This is what I am talking about:

It is about erasing history.  It is still going on today.

the US wanted to ship the black people back to Africa but the vote didnt go through i think. not sure why they say the north was so anti racist. both sides were really racist but in different ways. i guess the winners the north got to write the history books and make the south look bad.


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