Even today, after more than 5 and 1/2 years since the Amona pogrom against Thousands of settlers, there has been no real punishment against the main criminals that were responsible. This indicates that the government still endorses, at least non-lethal violence against the settlers and similar groups if they think it is pragmatic and can get away with it.
In theory, I could have cited more recent examples of non-lethal violence against the settlers at outposts during the time of Bibi's phoney right wing government. But I cited Amona because it is more well known.
I am looking for more evidence in the case of the Rabbi of Otniel, if this is a further deterioration in the Anti-Settler policies of the government or an attempt to hide a mistake.
Some of the "non-lethal" violence in Amona was very lethal, it just so happens no one got killed. But they trampled people with horses and gave at least one person brain damage beating them wikth clubs.