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Wasserman Schultz: GOP To "Rig" Elections By Requiring A Proper I.D. To Vote
Confederate Kahanist:
Wasserman is so clueless:
Debbie Shafer:
This is such a joke...It is correct that everyone have a proper ID and current address or residence, to be checked out...It is the Democrats who rig elections with multiple votes by the same person, as well as The Dead and Buried voting in Chicago and other states, Wisconsin, and Ohio and...It has been proven many times. If these people could not get by with cheating, they would loose everytime...Republicans have to come up with a heck of alot more votes to win, just to cover the cheating that goes on in the Leftwing-Socialst Party!
Confederate Kahanist:
--- Quote from: Debbie Shafer on December 14, 2011, 09:07:54 AM ---This is such a joke...It is correct that everyone have a proper ID and current address or residence, to be checked out...It is the Democrats who rig elections with multiple votes by the same person, as well as The Dead and Buried voting in Chicago and other states, Wisconsin, and Ohio and...It has been proven many times. If these people could not get by with cheating, they would loose everytime...Republicans have to come up with a heck of alot more votes to win, just to cover the cheating that goes on in the Leftwing-Socialst Party!
--- End quote ---
Supposedly Cats and Dogs voted for Hussein so what's next? trees voting?
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