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For The Record : Kim Kardashian of the GOP


Confederate Kahanist:
I was more thinking the Snooki of the GOP:

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: LocustKillingZealot on February 22, 2012, 02:09:20 PM ---Unfortunately, this guy has lost much respect recently with informed voters. Between supporting Ronnie Putz and attacking Santorum and Gingrich, he's showing he'll jump on any bandwagon that claims to oppose abortion. He's also repeating the foolishness that Gingrich had an "open marriage" which has been solidly refuted, and even though I could bash Gingrich on his political hisotry, he dosen't deserve to go down like this; a divorce is very sad, but not a tribute to his morality.

--- End quote ---

I think he still makes sense on some things though.


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