Save Western Civilization > Save America
My Time at Walmart: Why We Need Serious Welfare Reform
Daniel Michael ben Avraham:
A neighbor of ours back in south Texas told me a story of how a guy wanted to pay with dog food with food stamps. ?When the cashier refused he went back and bought bunches of ground beef for the dog! That is a true story. Stuff like that is more common than you think.
--- Quote from: Debbie Shafer on December 14, 2011, 09:03:55 AM ---Obama has ten times doubled the welfare state...He wants more people dependent on the government, eventually when you get half of the country on get to stay in office as the only party because you have the other half who work and pay taxese supporting the government's bad habits of entitlements...There aren't enough of the honest, taxpaying citizens to elect another party....This is why California is bankrupt and down the tubes....Cash for clukers, Cell phones, free healthcare, drivers licenses and now diapers? ( A Nanny State) We cannot survive this attack on Liberty from within....Ignorance, complacency, and Corrupt Politicans have destroyed our Freedoms!
--- End quote ---
Obama is the quintessential welfare recipient. He's gotten handouts his entire life.
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