Author Topic: The useless ADL in a death spiral! Praise G-d!  (Read 571 times)

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The useless ADL in a death spiral! Praise G-d!
« on: December 13, 2011, 08:39:02 PM »
Apparently the tact the so-called Anti-Defamation League has taken has backfired on it. We all know that the ADL pretends it is a pro-Jewish organization it has shown through its actions that it does very little to help the Jew rather than to help any 'progressive-liberal' cause which it finds. This liberal-progressive insanity has cost this once respected organization in the pocket-book. Apparently the donations to this fetid little organization are drying up. I hope that ADL goes broke very soon and we replace it with a real pro-Jewish advocate group. ADL has outlived its usefulness... It should not be concerned with Homosexual 'Rights' or 'Civil Rights' and should instead concentrate on making sure Israel is strong and that Jews are making Aliyah...

Monday, December 12, 2011
Progressive-First Jewish Organization (ADL and AJC) See Big Drop In Donations

This is what happens when you take your eye off the ball.  Two Jewish Organizations that that put progressive politics before their mission, the ADL and The AJC  have seen their donations plummet  during the past five years. Apparently the money is shifting toward single-issue organizations especially Israel advocacy groups.

    The Anti-Defamation League has lost more than $20 million in annual contributions over the past five years, going from more than $73 million in 2006 down to $51 million in 2010, according to its latest tax filings. That is a 30% fall-off, before taking inflation into account.

    Similarly, the American Jewish Committee, which brought in $62 million in donations in 2005, raised only $38 million in 2010. In the last half of 2009 — the only part of that year the group reported due to a shift from fiscal to calendar year — the group raised $10.6 million in donations.

The excuse given by the the Institute for Jewish and Community research (based in San Francisco-'nuff said) is that younger donors want to have more control of their dollars so they are moving their cash to single issue-oriented organizations.

The organizations on the rise include AIPAC, The Israel Project, and Stand With Us all Israel advocacy  groups.  J-Street also saw a rise but much of the groups donations come from non-traditions sources including anti-Israel Arabs and of course George Soros.

Allow me to suggest the fact that money has shifted from these political groups to Israel advocacy groups is a factor of their support of progressive politics and politicians who tend to be anti-Israel.

The ADL, founded in 1913, started off as a small shop focused on fighting Antisemitism. It has since grown to become one of the largest Jewish organizations in the United States, with more than 400 employees and 28 regional offices. But it focus has shifted to issues not-related to bigotry or Antisemitism, such as trashing the tea party and promoting Abortion, Illegal Immigration, Obama's version of the start treaty and advocating for the most Anti-Israel President in our lifetime, Barack Obama.

Even in private, Abe Foxman is promoting Obama, in May 2010 he spoke at my synagogue and urged congregants not to give up on Obama.  That sounds like political advocacy I would imagine that if someone took the time to record all of the ADL's efforts they would be in danger of losing their tax-exempt status because of its political activity (tax exempt groups are not supposed to be involved in partisan politics).

The AJC most famous for putting its head in the sand about the Holocaust and Israel  has advocated for Obama both with the ADL and on it's own.  Abe Foxman even writes for the progressive  Huffington Post, one of the most anti-Semitic "mainstream" sites on the web today.

Now put it all together, two Jewish organizations who have ignored their mission to support an Anti-Israel political movement and politicians have seen their donations shift to Israel advocacy groups. Coincidence? I think not.
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Duet 16:13-14

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Re: The useless ADL in a death spiral! Praise G-d!
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 06:32:15 PM »
Thank G-d these vermin are losing support as Jews find out what progressive swines they really are.  Abraham Foxman condemned Glenn Beck for criticizing his fellow traveler George Soros because Beck called Soros a Nazi which he really is.  The UnJewish UnAmerican Congress also deserve going down the toilet.  The Cincinnati AJC head Barabara Glueck praised Sharon's Gush Katif atrocity and felt proud that the soldiers were "obeying the law" in removing Jews from Gaza.  Her father Nelson Glueck sat by as the Nazis also 'obeyed the law' when they massacred six million Jews in Europe while he did nothing.

Rabbi Nachum Shifren wrote a piece on the ADL showing what scum they really are and Jews for Preservation of Firearms Ownership show Foxman's support of Nazi anti gun laws in the US.