Save Western Civilization > Save America

Savage (yes I know you hate him) dedicating much of his show to attacking Paul

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I know savage is a hypocrite and a former supporter of Buchanan, but....    he has been very aggressively attacking paul as a wacko and an Israel-hater in the last few days.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
"Former"? Didn't he have Buchanus on just last year?

Savage in most cases talks about issues of the day... People listening to his show don't have to agree with every word he says... As for Buchanan like him or not even in old age would still rate some air time on most talk show hosts guest list... Shows like this are entertainment centered around issues of the day... The fact that Savage lived here in New York and grew up close to where I did makes his show interesting to me so I tune it in  now and then... He often talks about local things I remember that you don't hear about much anymore... The fact that he is speaking out about Ron Paul is actually a good thing.

Dr. Dan:
Can't stand his voice.  All whiney and sounds like Lynn samuels


--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on December 31, 2011, 03:11:56 AM ---Can't stand his voice.  All whiney and sounds like Lynn samuels

--- End quote ---

I'm not from NY, but I dont mind the NY accent so much. 


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